
拓扑 稠密集和无处稠密集 Dense Set


稠密集 Dense Set


In topology and other related fields of mathematics, A given topological space X and its subset A is said to be dense in X if, for any point x in X, the intersection of any neighborhood of x with A is not empty. Intuitively, A is said to bedensein X if any point x in X is well approximated by any point in A.


Equivalently, A is dense in X if and only if the only closed set in X that contains A is X itself.In other words, the closure of A is X, or the interior of the complement of A is an empty set.

1.1 定义 Definition


In the metric space (E,d), a dense set can also be defined as follows.When the topology of X is given by A metric, the closure of A in X is the union of A with the set of all sequence limits (its limit points) of the elements in A,




A is dense in X.That A is dense in X if and only if the closure of A is X.


Pay attention to. Ifis a sequence on a dense open set in a complete metric space X,is still dense on X. This fact is equivalent to a form ofBaire category theoremBaire category theorem.

1.2性质 properties

(1) A在X中稠密的充要条件是,对于任意一个x∈X,在x的任何邻域内都有A的点。这条性质有时也被作为稠密集的另一种定义。

The necessary and sufficient condition for A to be dense in X is that for any x ∈X, there are points of A in any neighborhood of X.This property is sometimes used as another definition of a dense set.


Necessity: because A is dense in X, so, so.So by the nature of closures, the intersection of any neighborhood of x with A is not empty, that is, any neighborhood of x has A point of A.The proof of adequacy can be derived in reverse.

(2) 若A在X中稠密,则对于任意一个x∈X,在A中都能找到一个点列,使得收敛于x。

If A is dense in X, then for any X ∈X, A point column can be found in A so that converges to X.


Proof:, that x is either the interior point of A or the boundary point of A. If x is the interior point, because the interior point must be the convergence point, then according to the definition of the convergence point, there exists some mutually different point column , so that converges to x, the proposition is proved.

If x is the boundary point, because the boundary point may be a cluster point, or it may be an isolated point, there are two cases. If x is a convergence of boundary points, the proposition is proved. If x is an isolated point in the boundary point, then by the definition of an isolated point, x∈A, the constant sequence can be taken, and the constant sequence always converges.

1.3 例子 Examples


Each topological space is its own dense set.


The rational number field and the irrational number field are dense sets (in the usual topological sense) of the real number field.


The metric space M is a dense set of its complete set γM


无处稠密集 Nowhere Dense Set


In topology, A subset of topological space X, A, is called A nowhere dense set if the interior of A's closure is an empty set.For example, integers form a nowhere dense set on the real number line R.

2.1 定义 Definition


The following definitions are equivalent.


Topological space (X,τ), A ⊆ X, said A isnowhere dense(also known assparse,or call Anowhere dense set,sparse set), if and only if the closure of A set of inside is empty.In other words, A is A nowhere dense set if and only if the closure of A contains no inner points, or the closure of A contains no neighborhood.


A is said to be A nowhere dense set if A is not dense in any nonempty open set of X. So for any non-open subset of X, E, A is not dense in E.For any non-open subset E of X, A is dense in E, that is, for any X ∈E and anyε>0, the neighborhood B(x,) has A.

So nowhere dense means that for any nonempty open subset E of X, there exists some x0∈E and someε0>0, so that there is no A in the neighborhood of B(x0, 0).


Note that the condition "for any non-open subset E of X" is necessary, that A must be not dense in any open set of X in order to be called nowhere dense.If you just have some open sets that are not dense, and some open sets that are dense, this is not called a nowhere dense set.


Proof :(1) deduces (2), if the closure of A does not contain inner points, then for any non-empty open subset E of X, set.That's because of the hypothesis, so. However, E is A non-empty open set, and every point in the open set is an inside point, that is, every point in the closure of A is an inside point, which contradicts the fact that the closure of A does not contain an inside point.

Since, the difference between an open set and a closed set (the closure of any set must be a closed set) is still an open set, we know thatis an open set. According to the U is the fact that open set, there is a certain x0 ∈ U ⊆ E and a epsilon zero &ε0>0, neighborhoodB(x0,ε0)⊆U.

And by the definition of the difference set, that U does not contain the points in, soB(x0,ε0)does not containthe points in.

However, the points not containsmeans the points not contains A, for any non-empty open subset E of X, yields: for any nonempty open subset E of X, there exists an x0∈E and anε0>0, so that there is no A in the neighborhood of B(x0,ε0).


(2) deduce (1), proved by contradiction, suppose the closure of A contains an inner point, or the closure of A contains some neighborhood E, then any point in E belongs to the closure of A. By the definition of A closure, the points in A's closure satisfy that any neighborhood of any point has A non-empty intersection with A.

Since any point in E is A closure of A, the intersection of any neighborhood of any point in E and A is not empty, which means that A is dense in E. However, this contradicts that A is A nowhere dense set.

2.2 性质 Properties


If E is nowhere dense in X, thenis nowhere dense in X, and vice versa.



This is because if E is a nowhere dense set,has no interior point. Becauseis a closed set, so,has no inner point. Andhas no interior points meansis nowhere dense set. And vice versa.


The necessary and sufficient condition for E to be nowhere dense in X is thatis dense in X.


Necessity: suppose that E is nowhere dense in X,, to prove that U is dense in X, one only needs to prove. According to the duality of the closure and the interior,, U is therefore dense in X, that is,is dense in X.


Sufficiency: setthe density in X,, then. Take the complement of both sides,, that is, the closure of E has no inner point, so E is nowhere dense in X.


Notice that E is nowhere dense in X andEcis dense in X, according to the necessary reasoning process, to proveEcis dense, as long as the proof, namely.

If E is assumed to contain the inner point, then there is some neighborhood B(p) of the inner point p, so that, namely,contains the neighborhood, which contradicts that E is a nowhere dense set. So, namelyEcis dense in X. That is, the complement of a dense set everywhere must be a dense set.


But the complement of a dense set is not necessarily a nowhere dense set. For example, Q of rational Numbers is dense in R, but the complement of a rational number set is not nowhere dense. In fact, the set of irrational Numbers is also a dense set.

3.3 例子 Examples


For example, integers form a nowhere dense set on the real number lineR. This is because any open interval on the number line, as long as you take some subinterval between any two integers, that subinterval does not contain any integer points, so the set of integers Z is nowhere dense inR.


It is important to note the order of operations. Just because the inner closure is empty does not mean that the inner closure is also empty.

For example, the rational number set Q, it has no interior point, because the density of the irrational number set, there is no such rational number p, so that all rational Numbers on some neighborhood of p are rational Numbers, so the interior of Q is an empty set. While an empty set is a closed set, the inner closure of Q (note that it is not the "inside of a closure") is the empty set itself.

But Q is not a dense set anywhere, in fact, it's dense on R, just the opposite.


Nowhere dense is also related to the surrounding space: it is possible to think of a set as a subspace of X that is nowhere dense, but not as a subspace of Y that is nowhere dense.Obviously, a set is always dense in itself.

开集和闭集 Open set and closed set


A nowhere dense set is not necessarily a closed set (for example, a setis nowhere dense on a set of real Numbers), but it must be contained in a nowhere dense closed set (that is, its closure).Indeed, a set is a nowhere dense set if and only if its closure is a nowhere dense set.


The complement of a closed set with nowhere dense is a dense open set, so the complement of a nowhere dense set is an internally dense set.

测度为正数 Positive Measure


A nowhere dense set is not necessarily negligible. For example, if X is in the unit interval [0,1], it is possible not only to have a dense set with a lebesgue measure of zero (such as a set of rational Numbers), but also to have a nowhere dense set with a positive measure.


For example (a variant of the cantor set), remove from [0,1] the simplest binary fraction visible as[a/2n−1/22n+1,a/2n+1/22n+1]; Since for each n this removes, at most, an interval whose sum is 1/22n+1, the measure of the remaining nowhere dense set is at least 1/2 (actually just over 0.535..., because of the overlap), so it represents most of the space [0,1] in a sense.


By extension of this method, we can construct a nowhere dense set with any measure less than 1 in the unit interval.

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