GitHub 上有来自伊朗的项目维护者拒绝合并以色列开发者的代码。
来自以色列的 Yiddishe-Kop 提交了某一个特性的 PR,随后项目维护者,来自伊朗的 armancodes 回复道:
……I'm SO SORRY to tell you that I cannot merge this PR. There is a law in my country that we MUST NOT have any relationship with people from Israel or the Israel government.……
我很抱歉地跟你说我不能合并这一 PR,我们国家有法律规定决不能与以色列人或以色列政府有任何联系。
事件的具体情况可以查看这个 PR:
该事件目前已经在 Reddit 上引起热议,评论者从人权、语言、冷战聊到政策对技术/进出口等的影响,其中有人提到了谷歌与华为:
Maintainer has his rights to not merge due to legal issues in his country. That's the hardship of people living under sanctions. Both sides of them can't legally do business with each other. If you get charged with treason, chance is you can spend your whole life in prison.
You know it's the same way when Google had to severe all ties with Huawei employees who used to go to work at Google campus on Android. Google couldn't legally accept any collab work, merge from Huawei.
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