

How to Improve Your Sense of Direction


How do we find our way around? 我们如何找到路呢?

According to scientists, people tend to navigate in one of two ways — spatial or egocentric — although the two approaches can be used interchangeably. Spatial navigators see the bigger picture and always know where they are in relation to key landmarks and compass points. They're constantly building and retaining mental maps. So not only will they be able to find their way from A to B today, but they'll be ready to repeat the journey another time.


Egocentric navigators, meanwhile, tend to rely on detailed directions and local landmarks to break a journey into instalments: walk 200 metres, turn left at the post office, and so on... One problem with learning a route by heart in this way, however, is that you can come unstuck if a road is closed or a landmark is no longer there.


Helpfully, the hippocampus — the part of the brain associated with navigation — expands to accommodate our mental maps. Yes, you can improve your sense of direction. You just need to work at it.


Why Sat Nav isn't the answer ?为什么卫星导航不是答案呢?

Nowadays, of course, it's tempting to rely on GPS rather than commit a long, complicated route to memory. But if you really want to improve your sense of direction, it's a good idea to put the Sat Nav away. In a University of Nottingham study, drivers who'd followed step-by-step GPS instructions found it harder to work out where they'd been and even failed to notice they'd been past some places twice from different angles.


Studying a larger map and memorising the route before you set out, on the other hand, does have its benefits — not least because the amount of mental energy it requires means it's more likely to stick in your mind. Looking at Google Maps on a big screen — or even studying a paper map — also allows you to get a sense of that all-important bigger picture and how everywhere fits together.


Finally, try to relax when you're on unfamiliar ground. It's all too easy to panic if you suspect you may be lost — but this sudden burst of anxiety will only increase your cognitive load and prevent you from calmly working out which way to go. Besides, getting lost is one of the best ways to discover new places and add more detail to that ever-growing mental map — both of which will help you become a better navigator in the long term.


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