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Jason:英语思维解密,为什么like a bat out f hell表示移动得非常快,轻松学英语
like a bat out f hell
bat 蝙蝠,一直以来都是与女巫联系在一起的,起源自地狱深处,like a bat out of hell 这种表达方式指的是蝙蝠在恐慌中快速窜动,躲避地狱之火,快速逃离。
If you go somewhere like a bat out of hell, you go there very quickly.很快到达那里。
Mary tore across the highway like a bat out of hell. I nearly ploughed right into her. Mary飞快穿过公路,我差点装上她。
The car took off like a bat out of hell.那只猫飞快地跑了。
John slammed on the gas, his tires squealing as he took off like a bat out of hell.John猛踩油门,轮胎发出刺耳的声音,就像一只从地狱飞出来的蝙蝠。
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