namespace ns_name { declarations } | (1) | |
inline namespace ns_name { declarations } | (2) | (since C++11) |
namespace { declarations } | (3) | |
ns_name::name | (4) | |
using namespace ns_name; | (5) | |
using ns_name::name; | (6) | |
namespace name = qualified-namespace ; | (7) | |
namespace ns_name::name | (8) | (since C++17) |
8%29嵌套命名空间定义:namespace A::B::C {
等于namespace A { namespace B { namespace C {
inline(optional) namespace attr(optional) identifier { namespace-body } | | |
inline | - | if present, makes this an inline namespace (see below). Cannot appear on the extension-namespace-definition if the original-namespace-definition did not use inline |
attr(C++17) | - | optional sequence of any number of attributes |
identifier | - | either a previously unused identifier, in which case this is original-namespace-definition or the name of a namespace, in which case this is extension-namespace-definition or a sequence of enclosing namespace specifiers separated by ::, ending with identifier, in which case this is a nested-namespace-definition (since C++17) |
namespace-body | - | possibly empty sequence of declarations of any kind (including class and function definitions as well as nested namespaces) |
namespace Q {
namespace V { // V is a member of Q, and is fully defined within Q
// namespace Q::V { // C++17 alternative to the above two lines
class C { void m(); }; // C is a member of V and is fully defined within V
// C::m is only declared
void f(); // f is a member of V, but is only declared here
void V::f() // definition of V's member f outside of V
// f's enclosing namespaces are still the global namespace, Q, and Q::V
extern void h(); // This declares ::Q::V::h
void V::C::m() // definition of V::C::m outside of the namespace (and the class body)
// enclosing namespaces are the global namespace, Q, and Q::V
namespace Q {
namespace V { // original-namespace-definition for V
void f(); // declaration of Q::V::f
void V::f() {} // OK
void V::g() {} // Error: g() is not yet a member of V
namespace V { // extension-namespace-definition for V
void g(); // declaration of Q::V::g
namespace R { // not a enclosing namespace for Q
void Q::V::g() {} // Error: cannot define Q::V::g inside R
void Q::V::g() {} // OK: global namespace encloses Q
void h(int);
namespace A {
class X {
friend void f(X); // A::f is a friend
class Y {
friend void g(); // A::g is a friend
friend void h(int); // A::h is a friend, no conflict with ::h
// A::f, A::g and A::h are not visible at namespace scope
// even though they are members of the namespace A
X x;
void g() { // definition of A::g
f(x); // A::X::f is found through ADL
void f(X) {} // definition of A::f
void h(int) {} // definition of A::h
// A::f, A::g and A::h are now visible at namespace scope
// and they are also friends of A::X and A::X::Y
Inline namespaces An inline namespace is a namespace that uses the optional keyword inline in its original-namespace-definition. Members of an inline namespace are treated as if they are members of the enclosing namespace in many situations (listed below). This property is transitive: if a namespace N contains an inline namespace M, which in turn contains an inline namespace O, then the members of O can be used as though they were members of M or N. A using-directive that names the inline namespace is implicitly inserted in the enclosing namespace (similar to the implicit using-directive for the unnamed namespace) In argument-dependent lookup, when a namespace is added to the set of associated namespaces, its inline namespaces are added as well, and if an inline namespace is added to the list of associated namespaces, its enclosing namespace is added as well. Each member of an inline namespace can be partially specialized, explicitly instantiated or explicitly specialized as if it were a member of the enclosing namespace. Qualified name lookup that examines the enclosing namespace will include the names from the inline namespaces even if the same name is present in the enclosing namespace. { // in C++14, std::literals and its member namespaces are inline using namespace std::string_literals; // makes visible operator""s // from std::literals::string_literals auto str = "abc"s; } { using namespace std::literals; // makes visible both // std::literals::string_literals::operator""s // and std::literals::chrono_literals::operator""s auto str = "abc"s; auto min = 60s; } { using std::operator""s; // makes both std::literals::string_literals::operator""s // and std::literals::chrono_literals::operator""s visible auto str = "abc"s; auto min = 60s; } Note: the rule about specializations allows library versioning: different implementations of a library template may be defined in different inline namespaces, while still allowing the user to extend the parent namespace with an explicit specialization of the primary template. | (since C++11) |
- 阿使用指令将内联命名空间隐式插入到封闭命名空间%28中,类似于未命名命名空间%29的隐式使用指令。
- 在参数相关查找,当一个命名空间被添加到一组关联的命名空间中时,它的内联命名空间也会被添加,如果将内联名称空间添加到关联名称空间列表中,则还会添加其封闭的命名空间。
- 内联名称空间的每个成员都可以被部分专门化、显式实例化或显式专门化,就好像它是封闭命名空间的成员一样。
- 合资格名称查找这将检查封闭名称空间将包括内联名称空间中的名称,即使在包围名称空间中存在相同的名称。
{//在C++14中,std::文本及其成员命名空间使用命名空间std::string内联[医]文字;//使可见运算符“”s//from std::stanals::string[医]文字自动str=“abc”;}{使用命名空间std::stanals;//使/std::stanals::string都可见[医]文字::运算符“s/and std::文本::rono[医]文字::运算符“s autostr=”abc“s;automin=60;}{使用std::Operator”s;//使std::stanals::string同时使用[医]文字::运算符“s/and std::文本::rono[医]文字::操作符“s Visible autostr=”abc“s;automin=60;}
inline(optional) namespace attr(optional) { namespace-body } | | |
attr(C++17) | - | optional sequence of any number of attributes |
namespace {
int i; // defines ::(unique)::i
void f() {
i++; // increments ::(unique)::i
namespace A {
namespace {
int i; // A::(unique)::i
int j; // A::(unique)::j
void g() { i++; } // A::unique::i++
using namespace A; // introduces all names from A into global namespace
void h() {
i++; // error: ::(unique)::i and ::A::(unique)::i are both in scope
A::i++; // ok, increments ::A::(unique)::i
j++; // ok, increments ::A::(unique)::j
Even though names in an unnamed namespace may be declared with external linkage, they are never accessible from other translation units because their namespace name is unique. | (until C++11) |
Unnamed namespaces as well as all namespaces declared directly or indirectly within an unnamed namespace have internal linkage, which means that any name that is declared within an unnamed namespace has internal linkage. | (since C++11) |
using typename(optional) nested-name-specifier unqualified-id ; | | (until C++17) |
using declarator-list ; | | (since C++17) |
nested-name-specifier | - | a sequence of names and scope resolution operators ::, ending with a scope resolution operator. A single :: refers to the global namespace. |
unqualified-id | - | an id-expression |
typename | - | the keyword typename may be used as necessary to resolve dependent names, when the using-declaration introduces a member type from a base class into a class template |
declarator-list | - | comma-separated list of one or more declarators of the form typename(optional) nested-name-specifier unqualified-id. The last declarator may be an ellipsis, although that form is only meaningful in derived class definitions |
A using-declaration with more than one using-declarator is equivalent to a corresponding sequence of using-declarations with one using-declarator. | (since C++17) |
void f();
namespace A {
void g();
namespace X {
using ::f; // global f is now visible as ::X::f
using A::g; // A::g is now visible as ::X::g
using A::g, A::g; // (C++17) OK: double declaration allowed at namespace scope
void h()
X::f(); // calls ::f
X::g(); // calls A::g
namespace A {
void f(int);
using A::f; // ::f is now a synonym for A::f(int)
namespace A { // namespace extension
void f(char); // does not change what ::f means
void foo() {
f('a'); // calls f(int), even though f(char) exists.
void bar() {
using A::f; // this f is a synonym for both A::f(int) and A::f(char)
f('a'); // calls f(char)
namespace A {
int x;
namespace B {
int i;
struct g { };
struct x { };
void f(int);
void f(double);
void g(char); // OK: function name g hides struct g
void func() {
int i;
using B::i; // error: i declared twice
void f(char);
using B::f; // OK: f(char), f(int), f(double) are overloads
f(3.5); // calls B::f(double)
using B::g;
g('a'); // calls B::g(char)
struct g g1; // declares g1 to have type struct B::g
using B::x;
using A::x; // OK: hides struct B::x
x = 99; // assigns to A::x
struct x x1; // declares x1 to have type struct B::x
namespace B {
void f(int);
void f(double);
namespace C {
void f(int);
void f(double);
void f(char);
void h() {
using B::f; // introduces B::f(int), B::f(double)
using C::f; // introduces C::f(int), C::f(double), and C::f(char)
f('h'); // calls C::f(char)
f(1); // error: B::f(int) or C::f(int)?
void f(int); // error: f(int) conflicts with C::f(int) and B::f(int)
If an entity is declared, but not defined in some inner namespace, and then declared through using-declaration in the outer namespace, and then a definition appears in the outer namespace with the same unqualified name, that definition is a member of the outer namespace and conflicts with the using-declration: namespace X { namespace M { void g(); // declares, but doesn't define X::M::g() } using M::g; void g(); // Error: attempt to declare X::g which conflicts with X::M::g() } More generally, a declaration that appears in any namespace scope and introduces a name using an unqualified identifier always introduces a member into the namespace it's in and not to any other namespace. The exceptions are explicit instantiations and explicit specializations of a primary template that is defined in an inline namespace: because they do not introduce a new name, they may use unqualified-id in an enclosing namespace. | (since C++14) |
attr(optional) using namespace nested-name-specifier(optional) namespace-name ; | (1) | |
attr(C++11) | - | any number of attributes that apply to this using-directive |
nested-name-specifier | - | a sequence of names and scope resolution operators ::, ending with a scope resolution operator. A single :: refers to the global namespace. |
namespace-name | - | a name of a namespace. When looking up this name, lookup considers namespace declarations only |
namespace A {
int i;
namespace B {
int i;
int j;
namespace C {
namespace D {
using namespace A; // all names from A injected into global namespace
int j;
int k;
int a = i; // i is B::i, because A::i is hidden by B::i
using namespace D; // names from D are injected into C
// names from A are injected into global namespace
int k = 89; // OK to declare name identical to one introduced by a using
int l = k; // ambiguous: C::k or D::k
int m = i; // ok: B::i hides A::i
int n = j; // ok: D::j hides B::j
namespace D {
int d1;
void f(char);
using namespace D; // introduces D::d1, D::f, D::d2, D::f,
// E::e, and E::f into global namespace!
int d1; // OK: no conflict with D::d1 when declaring
namespace E {
int e;
void f(int);
namespace D { // namespace extension
int d2;
using namespace E; // transitive using-directive
void f(int);
void f() {
d1++; // error: ambiguous ::d1 or D::d1?
::d1++; // OK
D::d1++; // OK
d2++; // OK, d2 is D::d2
e++; // OK: e is E::e due to transitive using
f(1); // error: ambiguous: D::f(int) or E::f(int)?
f('a'); // OK: the only f(char) is D::f(char)
使用指令using namespace std;
#include <vector>
namespace vec {
template< typename T >
class vector {
// ...
} // of vec
int main()
std::vector<int> v1; // Standard vector.
vec::vector<int> v2; // User defined vector.
v1 = v2; // Error: v1 and v2 are different object's type.
using namespace std;
vector<int> v3; // Same as std::vector
v1 = v3; // OK
using vec::vector;
vector<int> v4; // Same as vec::vector
v2 = v4; // OK
return 0;
DR | Applied to | Behavior as published | Correct behavior |
CWG 1838 | C++14 | unqualified definition in an outer namespace could define an entry declared, but not defined in another namespace and pulled in by a using. | unqualified defns always refers to its namespace |
namespace alias | creates an alias of an existing namespace |