VB.Net - 循环
可能有一种情况,当你需要执行一段代码几次。 一般来说,语句是按顺序执行的:函数中的第一个语句首先执行,然后是第二个语句,依此类推。

VB.Net提供以下类型的循环来处理循环需求。 单击以下链接以检查其详细信息。
循环类型 | 描述 |
Do Loop | It repeats the enclosed block of statements while a Boolean condition is True or until the condition becomes True. It could be terminated at any time with the Exit Do statement.它重复包含的语句块内布尔条件为True或直到条件变为True。 它可以随时使用Exit Do语句终止。 |
For...Next | It repeats a group of statements a specified number of times and a loop index counts the number of loop iterations as the loop executes.它重复指定次数的一组语句,循环索引计算循环执行时的循环迭代数。 |
For Each...Next | It repeats a group of statements for each element in a collection. This loop is used for accessing and manipulating all elements in an array or a VB.Net collection.它为集合中的每个元素重复一组语句。 这个循环用于访问和操作数组或VB.Net集合中的所有元素。 |
While... End While | It executes a series of statements as long as a given condition is True.只要给定条件为True,它就执行一系列语句。 |
With... End With | It is not exactly a looping construct. It executes a series of statements that repeatedly refer to a single object or structure.它不是一个循环结构。 它执行一系列重复引用单个对象或结构的语句。 |
Nested loops | You can use one or more loops inside any another While, For or Do loop.您可以在任何其他While,For或Do循环中使用一个或多个循环。 |
循环控制语句从其正常序列改变执行。 当执行离开作用域时,在该作用域中创建的所有自动对象都将被销毁。
VB.Net提供以下控制语句。 单击以下链接以检查其详细信息。
控制语句 | 描述 |
Exit statement | Terminates the loop or select case statement and transfers execution to the statement immediately following the loop or select case.终止循环或选择大小写语句,并将执行转移到循环或选择大小之后的语句。 |
Continue statement | Causes the loop to skip the remainder of its body and immediately retest its condition prior to reiterating.导致循环跳过其本身的其余部分,并在重复之前立即重新测试其状态。 |
GoTo statement | Transfers control to the labeled statement. Though it is not advised to use GoTo statement in your program.将控制转移到带标签的语句。 虽然不建议在程序中使用GoTo语句。 |
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