public class Hello1024 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// 10.24是星期天,祝程序员们1024节日快乐!!!
System.out.println("10.24 is Sunday, I wish programmers 1024 happy holidays !!!");
// 10.24是星期天,好想去珠海泡一次御温泉!!!
System.out.println("10.24 is Sunday, I wish I can go to the ZhuHai hot spa !!!");
public class Hello1024 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// 10.24是星期天,祝程序员们1024节日快乐!!!
System.out.println("10.24 is Sunday, I wish programmers 1024 happy holidays !!!");
// 10.24是星期天,好想去珠海泡一次御温泉!!!
System.out.println("10.24 is Sunday, I wish I can go to the ZhuHai hot spa !!!");