1. 接口描述
接口请求域名: dts.tencentcloudapi.com 。
推荐使用 API Explorer
API Explorer 提供了在线调用、签名验证、SDK 代码生成和快速检索接口等能力。您可查看每次调用的请求内容和返回结果以及自动生成 SDK 调用示例。
2. 输入参数
以下请求参数列表仅列出了接口请求参数和部分公共参数,完整公共参数列表见 公共请求参数。
参数名称 | 必选 | 类型 | 描述 |
Action | 是 | String | 公共参数,本接口取值:DescribeSyncJobs。 |
Version | 是 | String | 公共参数,本接口取值:2021-12-06。 |
Region | 是 | String | 公共参数,详见产品支持的 地域列表。 |
JobId | 否 | String | 同步任务id,如sync-werwfs23 示例值:sync-n3gh7md9 |
JobName | 否 | String | 同步任务名 示例值:test |
Order | 否 | String | 排序字段,可以取值为CreateTime 示例值:CreateTime |
OrderSeq | 否 | String | 排序方式,升序为ASC,降序为DESC,默认为CreateTime降序 示例值:DESC |
Offset | 否 | Integer | 偏移量,默认为0 示例值:0 |
Limit | 否 | Integer | 返回同步任务实例数量,默认20,有效区间[1,100] 示例值:2 |
Status.N | 否 | Array of String | 状态集合,如Initialized,CheckPass,Running,ResumableErr,Stopped 示例值:Running |
RunMode | 否 | String | 运行模式,如Immediate:立即运行,Timed:定时运行 示例值:Immediate |
JobType | 否 | String | 任务类型,如mysql2mysql:msyql同步到mysql 示例值:mysql2mysql |
PayMode | 否 | String | 付费类型,PrePay:预付费,PostPay:后付费 示例值:PostPay |
TagFilters.N | 否 | Array of TagFilter | tag |
3. 输出参数
参数名称 | 类型 | 描述 |
TotalCount | Integer | 任务数目 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 示例值:2 |
JobList | Array of SyncJobInfo | 任务详情数组 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 |
RequestId | String | 唯一请求 ID,由服务端生成,每次请求都会返回(若请求因其他原因未能抵达服务端,则该次请求不会获得 RequestId)。定位问题时需要提供该次请求的 RequestId。 |
4. 示例
示例1 查询同步任务列表
Host: dts.tencentcloudapi.com
Content-Type: application/json
X-TC-Action: DescribeSyncJobs
"JobId": "sync-bkm3mppi"
"Response": {
"JobList": [
"Actions": [
"AllActions": [
"AutoRenew": 0,
"AutoRetryTimeRangeMinutes": 0,
"CreateTime": "2023-12-18 20:55:27",
"Detail": {
"CauseOfCompareDisable": "当前任务开启了DML过滤()。",
"CurrentStepProgress": 0,
"ErrInfo": {
"Message": "",
"Reason": "",
"Solution": ""
"MasterSlaveDistance": 0,
"Message": "",
"Progress": -1,
"SecondsBehindMaster": 0,
"StepAll": 4,
"StepInfos": [
"Errors": null,
"Progress": -1,
"StartTime": "2023-12-20 17:03:39",
"Status": "finished",
"StepId": "schema-init",
"StepName": "增量库表初始化",
"StepNo": 1,
"Warnings": []
"Errors": null,
"Progress": -1,
"StartTime": "2023-12-20 17:03:49",
"Status": "finished",
"StepId": "dumper",
"StepName": "全量导出",
"StepNo": 2,
"Warnings": []
"Errors": null,
"Progress": -1,
"StartTime": "2023-12-20 17:07:50",
"Status": "finished",
"StepId": "loader",
"StepName": "全量导入",
"StepNo": 3,
"Warnings": []
"Errors": null,
"Progress": -1,
"StartTime": "2023-12-20 17:16:49",
"Status": "running",
"StepId": "sinker",
"StepName": "同步增量",
"StepNo": 4,
"Warnings": []
"StepNow": 4
"DstAccessType": "noProxy",
"DstDatabaseType": "mysql",
"DstInfo": {
"Account": "",
"AccountMode": "",
"AccountRole": "",
"CcnId": "",
"CcnOwnerUin": "",
"CvmInstanceId": "",
"DatabaseNetEnv": "",
"DbKernel": "",
"DbName": "",
"EncryptConn": "",
"EngineVersion": "",
"InstanceId": "",
"Ip": "",
"Password": "",
"Port": 3306,
"Region": "ap-guangzhou",
"Role": "",
"RoleExternalId": "",
"SubnetId": "",
"Supplier": "",
"TmpSecretId": "",
"TmpSecretKey": "",
"TmpToken": "",
"UniqDcgId": "",
"UniqVpnGwId": "",
"User": "root",
"VpcId": ""
"DstInfos": {
"AccessType": "",
"DatabaseType": "",
"Info": null,
"Region": ""
"DstNodeType": "single",
"DstRegion": "ap-qingyuan",
"DumperResumeCtrl": "yes",
"EndTime": "0000-00-00 00:00:00",
"ExpectRunTime": "0000-00-00 00:00:00",
"ExpireTime": "0000-00-00 00:00:00",
"InstanceClass": "medium",
"JobId": "sync-09vy1os1",
"JobName": "roger_test",
"Objects": {
"Databases": [
"DbMode": "All",
"DbName": "db_big",
"EventMode": "",
"FunctionMode": "",
"NewDbName": "",
"NewSchemaName": "",
"ProcedureMode": "",
"SchemaName": "",
"TableMode": "All",
"TriggerMode": "",
"ViewMode": "All"
"Mode": "Partial",
"OnlineDDL": {
"Status": ""
"OfflineTime": "0000-00-00 00:00:00",
"Options": {
"AddAdditionalColumn": false,
"AutoRetryTimeRangeMinutes": 0,
"ConflictHandleOption": {
"ConditionColumn": "",
"ConditionOperator": "",
"ConditionOrderInSrcAndDst": ""
"ConflictHandleType": "Cover",
"DdlOptions": null,
"DealOfExistSameTable": "ExecuteAfterIgnore",
"FilterBeginCommit": false,
"FilterCheckpoint": false,
"InitType": "Full",
"KafkaOption": {
"DDLTopicName": "",
"DataType": "",
"TopicRules": [],
"TopicType": ""
"OpTypes": null,
"RateLimitOption": {
"CurrentDumpRps": 0,
"CurrentDumpThread": 8,
"CurrentLoadRps": 0,
"CurrentLoadThread": 8,
"CurrentSinkerThread": 32,
"DefaultDumpRps": 0,
"DefaultDumpThread": 8,
"DefaultLoadRps": 0,
"DefaultLoadThread": 8,
"DefaultSinkerThread": 32,
"HasUserSetRateLimit": "no"
"PayMode": "PostPay",
"RunMode": "Immediate",
"Specification": "",
"SrcAccessType": "noProxy",
"SrcDatabaseType": "mysql",
"SrcInfo": {
"Account": "",
"AccountMode": "",
"AccountRole": "",
"CcnId": "",
"CcnOwnerUin": "",
"CvmInstanceId": "",
"DatabaseNetEnv": "",
"DbKernel": "",
"DbName": "",
"EncryptConn": "",
"EngineVersion": "",
"InstanceId": "",
"Ip": "",
"Password": "",
"Port": 3306,
"Region": "ap-guangzhou",
"Role": "",
"RoleExternalId": "",
"SubnetId": "",
"Supplier": "",
"TmpSecretId": "",
"TmpSecretKey": "",
"TmpToken": "",
"UniqDcgId": "",
"UniqVpnGwId": "",
"User": "root",
"VpcId": ""
"SrcInfos": {
"AccessType": "",
"DatabaseType": "",
"Info": null,
"Region": ""
"SrcNodeType": "single",
"SrcRegion": "ap-qingyuan",
"StartTime": "2023-12-19 15:54:18",
"Status": "Running",
"Tags": [],
"TradeStatus": "Normal"
"RequestId": "268b0711-a3b2-4692-8c91-88d743bc8b9f",
"TotalCount": 1
5. 开发者资源
腾讯云 API 平台
腾讯云 API 平台 是综合 API 文档、错误码、API Explorer 及 SDK 等资源的统一查询平台,方便您从同一入口查询及使用腾讯云提供的所有 API 服务。
API Inspector
用户可通过 API Inspector 查看控制台每一步操作关联的 API 调用情况,并自动生成各语言版本的 API 代码,也可前往 API Explorer 进行在线调试。
云 API 3.0 提供了配套的开发工具集(SDK),支持多种编程语言,能更方便的调用 API。
- Tencent Cloud SDK 3.0 for Python: GitHub Gitee
- Tencent Cloud SDK 3.0 for Java: GitHub Gitee
- Tencent Cloud SDK 3.0 for PHP: GitHub Gitee
- Tencent Cloud SDK 3.0 for Go: GitHub Gitee
- Tencent Cloud SDK 3.0 for Node.js: GitHub Gitee
- Tencent Cloud SDK 3.0 for .NET: GitHub Gitee
- Tencent Cloud SDK 3.0 for C++: GitHub Gitee
- Tencent Cloud SDK 3.0 for Ruby: GitHub Gitee
6. 错误码
以下仅列出了接口业务逻辑相关的错误码,其他错误码详见 公共错误码。
错误码 | 描述 |
AuthFailure.AuthFailureError | 认证失败。 |
AuthFailure.UnauthorizedOperationError | 鉴权失败,当前用户不允许执行该操作。 |
FailedOperation.NotAllowOperation | 禁止该操作。 |
InternalError.DatabaseError | 迁移平台数据库访问失败。 |
InternalError.InternalErrorError | 内部错误。 |
InternalError.ProtocolError | 通信协议错误。 |
InvalidParameter | 参数错误。 |
InvalidParameterValue.InvalidParameterValueError | 非法参数。 |