不用指定 shard key 建表方式
不指定 shard key 建表方法,系统默认使用第一个字段作为表的 shard key。
postgres=# create table t_first_col_share(id serial not null,nickname text);CREATE TABLEpostgres=# \\d+ t_first_col_shareTable "public.t_first_col_share"Column | Type | Modifiers | Storage | Stats target | Description----------+---------+----------------------------------------------------------------+----------+--------------+-------------id | integer | not null default nextval('t_first_col_share_id_seq'::regclass) | plain | |nickname | text | | extended | |Has OIDs: noDistribute By SHARD(id)Location Nodes: ALL DATANODES
没有主键的可以使用 UUID 来做分布键。
指定 shard key 建表方式
postgres=# create table t_appoint_col(id serial not null,nickname text) distribute by shard(nickname);CREATE TABLEpostgres=# \\d+ t_appoint_colTable "public.t_appoint_col"Column | Type | Modifiers | Storage | Stats target | Description----------+---------+------------------------------------------------------------+----------+--------------+-------------id | integer | not null default nextval('t_appoint_col_id_seq'::regclass) | plain | |nickname | text | | extended | |Has OIDs: noDistribute By SHARD(nickname)Location Nodes: ALL DATANODES
postgres=#create table t_range (f1 bigint,f2 timestamp default now(), f3 integer) partition by range (f3) begin (1) step (50) partitions (3) distribute by shard(f1);CREATE TABLEpostgres=# insert into t_range(f1,f3) values(1,1),(2,50),(3,100),(2,110);INSERT 0 4
postgres=# create table t_time_range(f1 bigint, f2 timestamp ,f3 bigint)partition by range (f2) begin (timestamp without time zone '2017-09-01 0:0:0')step (interval '1 month')partitions (12) distribute by shard(f1)CREATE TABLEpostgres=# \\d+ t_time_rangeTable "public.t_time_range"Column | Type | Modifiers | Storage | Stats target | Description--------+-----------------------------+-----------+---------+--------------+-------------f1 | bigint | | plain | |f2 | timestamp without time zone | | plain | |f3 | bigint | | plain | |Has OIDs: noDistribute By SHARD(f1)Location Nodes: ALL DATANODESPartition By: RANGE(f2)\\# Of Partitions: 12Start With: 2017-09-01Interval Of Partition: 1 MONTH
partition by range (x) 用于指定分区键,支持 timesamp,int 类型,数据分布于那个子表就是根据这个字段值来计算分区。
begin(xxx) 指定开始分区的时间点。
step(xxx) 指定分区有周期。
partions(xx) 初始化时建立分区子表个数。
增加分区子表的方法 ALTER TABLE public.t1_pt ADD PARTITIONS 2;
range 分区表
postgres=# create table t_native_range (f1 bigint,f2 timestamp default now(), f3 integer) partition by range ( f2 ) distribute by shard(f1);NOTICE: Replica identity is needed for shard table, please add to this table through "alter table" command.CREATE TABLE
postgres=# create table t_native_range_201709 partition of t_native_range (f1 ,f2 , f3 ) for values from ('2017-09-01') to ('2017-10-01');NOTICE: Replica identity is needed for shard table, please add to this table through "alter table" command.CREATE TABLEpostgres=# create table t_native_range_201710 partition of t_native_range (f1 ,f2 , f3 ) for values from ('2017-10-01') to ('2017-11-01');NOTICE: Replica identity is needed for shard table, please add to this table through "alter table" command.CREATE TABLEpostgres=#
postgres=# \\d+ t_native_rangeTable "tdsql_pg.t_native_range"Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Stats target | Description--------+-----------------------------+-----------+----------+---------+---------+--------------+-------------f1 | bigint | | | | plain | |f2 | timestamp without time zone | | | now() | plain | |f3 | integer | | | | plain | |Partition key: RANGE (f2)Partitions: t_native_range_201709 FOR VALUES FROM ('2017-09-01 00:00:00') TO ('2017-10-01 00:00:00'),t_native_range_201710 FOR VALUES FROM ('2017-10-01 00:00:00') TO ('2017-11-01 00:00:00')Distribute By: SHARD(f1)Location Nodes: ALL DATANODES
创建 default 分区
TDSQL PostgreSQL 版(Oracle 兼容版)支持。
不创建 default 分区,插入范围越界出错。
postgres=# insert into t_native_range values(1,'2016-09-01',1);ERROR: node:dn001, backend_pid:19011, nodename:dn001,backend_pid:19011,message:no partition of relation "t_native_range" found for rowDETAIL: Partition key of the failing row contains (f2) = (2016-09-01 00:00:00).
创建 default 分区后能正常插入数据。
postgres=# CREATE TABLE t_native_range_default PARTITION OF t_native_range DEFAULT;CREATE TABLEpostgres=# insert into t_native_range values(1,'2016-09-01',1);INSERT 0 1
list 分区表
postgres=# create table t_native_list(f1 bigserial not null,f2 text, f3 integer,f4 date) partition by list( f2 ) distribute by shard(f1);NOTICE: Replica identity is needed for shard table, please add to this table through "alter table" command.CREATE TABLE
postgres=# create table t_list_gd partition of t_native_list(f1 ,f2 , f3,f4) for values in ('广东');NOTICE: Replica identity is needed for shard table, please add to this table through "alter table" command.CREATE TABLEpostgres=# create table t_list_bj partition of t_native_list(f1 ,f2 , f3,f4) for values in ('北京');NOTICE: Replica identity is needed for shard table, please add to this table through "alter table" command.CREATE TABLE
postgres=# \\d+ t_native_listTable "tdsql_pg.t_native_list"Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Stats target | Description--------+---------+-----------+----------+-------------------------------------------+----------+--------------+-------------f1 | bigint | | not null | nextval('t_native_list_f1_seq'::regclass) | plain | |f2 | text | | | | extended | |f3 | integer | | | | plain | |f4 | date | | | | plain | |Partition key: LIST (f2)Partitions: t_list_bj FOR VALUES IN ('北京'),t_list_gd FOR VALUES IN ('广东')Distribute By: SHARD(f1)Location Nodes: ALL DATANODESpostgres=#
创建 default 分区
TDSQL PostgreSQL 版(Oracle 兼容版)支持。
没有 default 分区情况下会出错,插入会出错。
postgres=# insert into t_native_list values(1,'上海',1,current_date);ERROR: node:dn001, backend_pid:31664, nodename:dn001,backend_pid:31664,message:no partition of relation "t_native_list" found for rowDETAIL: Partition key of the failing row contains (f2) = (上海).postgres=# CREATE TABLE t_native_list_default PARTITION OF t_native_list DEFAULT;CREATE TABLE
postgres=# insert into t_native_list values(1,'上海',1,current_date);INSERT 0 1postgres=#
postgres=# create table t_native_mul_list(f1 bigserial not null,f2 integer,f3 text,f4 text, f5 date) partition by list ( f3 ) distribute by shard(f1);NOTICE: Replica identity is needed for shard table, please add to this table through "alter table" command.CREATE TABLE
postgres=# create table t_native_mul_list_gd partition of t_native_mul_list for values in ('广东') partition by range(f5);NOTICE: Replica identity is needed for shard table, please add to this table through "alter table" command.CREATE TABLEpostgres=# create table t_native_mul_list_bj partition of t_native_mul_list for values in ('北京') partition by range(f5);NOTICE: Replica identity is needed for shard table, please add to this table through "alter table" command.CREATE TABLEpostgres=# create table t_native_mul_list_sh partition of t_native_mul_list for values in ('上海');NOTICE: Replica identity is needed for shard table, please add to this table through "alter table" command.CREATE TABLE
postgres=# create table t_native_mul_list_gd_201701 partition of t_native_mul_list_gd(f1,f2,f3,f4,f5) for values from ('2017-01-01') to ('2017-02-01');NOTICE: Replica identity is needed for shard table, please add to this table through "alter table" command.CREATE TABLEpostgres=# create table t_native_mul_list_gd_201702 partition of t_native_mul_list_gd(f1,f2,f3,f4,f5) for values from ('2017-02-01') to ('2017-03-01');NOTICE: Replica identity is needed for shard table, please add to this table through "alter table" command.CREATE TABLEpostgres=# create table t_native_mul_list_bj_201701 partition of t_native_mul_list_bj(f1,f2,f3,f4,f5) for values from ('2017-01-01') to ('2017-02-01');NOTICE: Replica identity is needed for shard table, please add to this table through "alter table" command.CREATE TABLEpostgres=# create table t_native_mul_list_bj_201702 partition of t_native_mul_list_bj(f1,f2,f3,f4,f5) for values from ('2017-02-01') to ('2017-03-01');NOTICE: Replica identity is needed for shard table, please add to this table through "alter table" command.CREATE TABLE
TDSQL PostgreSQL 版支持存在1级和2级分区混用,大家不需要都平级。
复制表是所有 DN 节点都存储一份相同的数据。
postgres=# create table t_rep (id int,mc text) distribute by replication;CREATE TABLEpostgres=# insert into t_rep values(1,'tdsql_pg'),(2,'pgxz');INSERT 0 2
postgres=# EXECUTE DIRECT ON (dn001) 'select * from t_rep';id | mc----+-------1 | tdsql_pg2 | pgxz(2 rows)postgres=# EXECUTE DIRECT ON (dn002) 'select * from t_rep';id | mc----+-------1 | tdsql_pg2 | pgxz(2 rows)
带 IF NOT EXISTS 关键字作用表示表不存在时才创建。
postgres=# create table t(id int,mc text);CREATE TABLEpostgres=# create table t(id int,mc text);ERROR: relation "t" already existspostgres=# create table IF NOT EXISTS t(id int,mc text);NOTICE: relation "t" already exists, skippingCREATE TABLEpostgres=#
postgres=# create table public.t(id int,mc text);NOTICE: Replica identity is needed for shard table, please add to this table through "alter table" command.CREATE TABLE
创建 t 表
postgres=# create table t(id int,mc text) distribute by shard(mc);NOTICE: Replica identity is needed for shard table, please add to this table through "alter table" command.CREATE TABLEpostgres=# insert into t values(1,'tdsql_pg');INSERT 0 1postgres=# create table t_as as select * from t;NOTICE: Replica identity is needed for shard table, please add to this table through "alter table" command.INSERT 0 1postgres=# select * from t_as;id | mc----+-------1 | tdsql_pg(1 row)
查看 t 表的表结构
postgres=# \\d+ tTable "tdsql_pg.t"Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Stats target | Description--------+---------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+--------------+-------------id | integer | | | | plain | |mc | text | | | | extended | |Distribute By: SHARD(mc)Location Nodes: ALL DATANODES
查看 t_as 表的表结构
postgres=# \\d+ t_asTable "tdsql_pg.t_as"Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Stats target | Description--------+---------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+--------------+-------------id | integer | | | | plain | |mc | text | | | | extended | |Distribute By: SHARD(id)Location Nodes: ALL DATANODESpostgres=#
postgres=# drop table t;DROP TABLE
postgres=# drop table public.t;DROP TABLE
postgres=# drop table IF EXISTS t;NOTICE: table "t" does not exist, skippingDROP TABLE
使用 CASCADE 无条件删除数据表。
postgres=# create view tdsql_pg_schema.t1_view as select * from tdsql_pg_schema.t1 ;CREATE VIEWpostgres=# drop table tdsql_pg_schema.t1 ;ERROR: cannot drop table tdsql_pg_schema.t1 because other objects depend on itDETAIL: view tdsql_pg_schema.t1_view depends on table tdsql_pg_schema.t1HINT: Use DROP ... CASCADE to drop the dependent objects too.postgres=# drop table tdsql_pg_schema.t1 CASCADE;NOTICE: drop cascades to view tdsql_pg_schema.t1_viewDROP TABLEpostgres=#
postgres=# \\d+ t1_ptTable "public.t1_pt"Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Stats target | Description--------+-----------------------------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+--------------+-------------f1 | integer | | not null | | plain | |f2 | timestamp without time zone | | not null | | plain | |f3 | character varying(20) | | | | extended | |Indexes:"t1_pt_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (f1)Distribute By: SHARD(f1)Location Nodes: dn01Partition By: RANGE(f2)# Of Partitions: 3Start With: 2019-01-01Interval Of Partition: 1 MONTHpostgres=# ALTER TABLE t1_pt ADD PARTITIONS 2;ALTER TABLEpostgres=# \\d+ t1_ptTable "public.t1_pt"Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Stats target | Description--------+-----------------------------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+--------------+-------------f1 | integer | | not null | | plain | |f2 | timestamp without time zone | | not null | | plain | |f3 | character varying(20) | | | | extended | |Indexes:"t1_pt_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (f1)Distribute By: SHARD(f1)Location Nodes: dn01Partition By: RANGE(f2)# Of Partitions: 5Start With: 2019-01-01Interval Of Partition: 1 MONTH