TDSQL PostgreSQL版 不只是一个分布式关系型数据库系统,同时它还支持非关系数据类型 json。json 数据类型用来存储 JSON(JavaScript Object Notation)数据。这种数据也可以被存储为 text,但是 json 数据类型的优势在于能强制要求每个被存储的值符合 json 规则。 也有很多 json 相关的函数和操作符可以用于存储在这些数据类型中的数据。
json 数据类型有 json 和 jsonb,它们接受完全相同的值集合作为输入,主要的区别是效率。json 数据类型存储输入文本的精准拷贝,处理函数必须在每次执行时必须重新解析该数据。而 jsonb 数据被存储在一种分解好的二进制格式中,它在输入时要稍慢一些,因为需要做附加的转换。但是 jsonb 在处理时要快很多,因为不需要解析。jsonb 也支持索引,这也是其优势。
json 应用
创建 json 类型字段表
postgres=# create table t_json(id int,f_json json);NOTICE: Replica identity is needed for shard table, please add to this table through "alter table" command.CREATE TABLE
postgres=# insert into t_json values(1,'{"col1":1,"col2":"tdsql_pg"}');INSERT 0 1postgres=# insert into t_json values(2,'{"col1":1,"col2":"tdsql_pg","col3":"pgxz"}');INSERT 0 1postgres=# select * from t_json;id | f_json----+-----------------------------------------1 | {"col1":1,"col2":"tdsql_pg"}2 | {"col1":1,"col2":"tdsql_pg","col3":"pgxz"}(2 rows)
通过键获得 json 对象域
postgres=# select f_json ->'col2' as col2 ,f_json -> 'col3' as col3 from t_json;col2 | col3---------+--------"tdsql_pg" |"tdsql_pg" | "pgxz"(2 rows)
postgres=# select f_json ->>'col2' as col2 ,f_json ->> 'col3' as col3 from t_json;col2 | col3-------+------tdsql_pg |tdsql_pg | pgxz(2 rows)postgres=# select f_json ->>'col2' as col2 ,f_json ->> 'col3' as col3 from t_json where f_json ->> 'col3' is not null;col2 | col3-------+------tdsql_pg | pgxz(1 row)
jsonb 应用
创建 jsonb 类型字段表
postgres=# create table t_jsonb(id int,f_jsonb jsonb);NOTICE: Replica identity is needed for shard table, please add to this table through "alter table" command.CREATE TABLEpostgres=#
postgres=# insert into t_jsonb values(1,'{"col1":1,"col2":"tdsql_pg"}');INSERT 0 1postgres=# insert into t_jsonb values(2,'{"col1":1,"col2":"tdsql_pg","col3":"pgxz"}');INSERT 0 1postgres=# select * from t_jsonb;id | f_jsonb----+----------------------------------------------1 | {"col1": 1, "col2": "tdsql_pg"}2 | {"col1": 1, "col2": "tdsql_pg", "col3": "pgxz"}(2 rows)
jsonb 插入时会移除重复的键,如下所示。
postgres=# insert into t_jsonb values(3,'{"col1":1,"col2":"tdsql_pg","col2":"pgxz"}');INSERT 0 1postgres=# select * from t_jsonb;id | f_jsonb----+----------------------------------------------1 | {"col1": 1, "col2": "tdsql_pg"}3 | {"col1": 1, "col2": "pgxz"}2 | {"col1": 1, "col2": "tdsql_pg", "col3": "pgxz"}(3 rows)
postgres=# update t_jsonb set f_jsonb = f_jsonb || '{"col3":"pgxz"}'::jsonb where id=1;UPDATE 1
postgres=# update t_jsonb set f_jsonb = f_jsonb || '{"col2":"tdsql_pg"}'::jsonb where id=3;UPDATE 1postgres=# select * from t_jsonb;id | f_jsonb----+----------------------------------------------2 | {"col1": 1, "col2": "tdsql_pg", "col3": "pgxz"}1 | {"col1": 1, "col2": "tdsql_pg", "col3": "pgxz"}3 | {"col1": 1, "col2": "tdsql_pg"}(3 rows)
postgres=# update t_jsonb set f_jsonb = f_jsonb - 'col3';UPDATE 3postgres=# select * from t_jsonb;id | f_jsonb----+------------------------------2 | {"col1": 1, "col2": "tdsql_pg"}1 | {"col1": 1, "col2": "tdsql_pg"}3 | {"col1": 1, "col2": "tdsql_pg"}(3 rows)
jsonb_set() 函数更新数据
jsonb_set(target jsonb, path text[], new_value jsonb, [create_missing boolean])
target 指要更新的数据源,path 指路径,new_value 指更新后的键值,create_missing 值为 true 表示如果键不存在则添加,create_missing 值为 false 表示如果键不存在则不添加。
postgres=# update t_jsonb set f_jsonb = jsonb_set( f_jsonb , '{col}' , '"pgxz"' , true ) where id=1;UPDATE 1postgres=# update t_jsonb set f_jsonb = jsonb_set( f_jsonb , '{col}' , '"pgxz"' , false ) where id=2;UPDATE 1postgres=# update t_jsonb set f_jsonb = jsonb_set( f_jsonb , '{col2}' , '"pgxz"' , false ) where id=3;UPDATE 1postgres=# select * from t_jsonb;id | f_jsonb----+---------------------------------------------1 | {"col": "pgxz", "col1": 1, "col2": "tdsql_pg"}2 | {"col1": 1, "col2": "tdsql_pg"}3 | {"col1": 1, "col2": "pgxz"}(3 rows)
jsonb 函数应用
jsonb_each() 将 json 对象转变键和值
postgres=# select f_jsonb from t_jsonb where id=1;f_jsonb---------------------------------------------{"col": "pgxz", "col1": 1, "col2": "tdsql_pg"}(1 row)postgres=# select * from jsonb_each((select f_jsonb from t_jsonb where id=1));key | value------+---------col | "pgxz"col1 | 1col2 | "tdsql_pg"(3 rows)
jsonb_each_text() 将 json 对象转变文本类型的键和值
postgres=# select * from jsonb_each_text((select f_jsonb from t_jsonb where id=1));key | value------+-------col | pgxzcol1 | 1col2 | tdsql_pg(3 rows)
row_to_json() 将一行记录变成一个 json 对象
postgres=# \\d+ tdsql_pgTable "public.tdsql_pg"Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Stats target | Description----------+---------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+--------------+-------------id | integer | | not null | | plain | |nickname | text | | | | extended | |Indexes:"tdsql_pg_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)Distribute By: SHARD(id)Location Nodes: ALL DATANODESpostgres=# select * from tdsql_pg;id | nickname----+----------1 | tdsql_pg2 | pgxz(2 rows)postgres=# select row_to_json(tdsql_pg) from tdsql_pg;row_to_json-----------------------------{"id":1,"nickname":"tdsql_pg"}{"id":2,"nickname":"pgxz"}(2 rows)
json_object_keys() 返回一个对象中所有的键
postgres=# select * from json_object_keys((select f_jsonb from t_jsonb where id=1)::json);json_object_keys------------------colcol1col2(3 rows)
jsonb 索引使用
tdsql_pg 为文档 jsonb 提供了 GIN 索引,GIN 索引可以被用来有效地搜索在大量 jsonb 文档(数据)中出现的键或者键值对。
创建 jsonb 索引
postgres=# create index t_jsonb_f_jsonb_idx on t_jsonb using gin(f_jsonb);CREATE INDEXpostgres=# \\d+ t_jsonbTable "public.t_jsonb"Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Stats target | Description---------+---------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+--------------+-------------id | integer | | | | plain | |f_jsonb | jsonb | | | | extended | |Indexes:"t_jsonb_f_jsonb_idx" gin (f_jsonb)Distribute By: SHARD(id)Location Nodes: ALL DATANODES
postgres=# select count(1) from t_jsonb;count----------10000000(1 row)postgres=# analyze t_jsonb;ANALYZE
postgres=# select * from t_jsonb where f_jsonb @> '{"col1":9999}';id | f_jsonb------+--------------------------------9999 | {"col1": 9999, "col2": "9999"}9999 | {"col1": 9999, "col2": "9999"}9999 | {"col1": 9999, "col2": "9999"}9999 | {"col1": 9999, "col2": "9999"}9999 | {"col1": 9999, "col2": "9999"}(5 rows)Time: 2473.488 ms (00:02.473)
postgres=# select * from t_jsonb where f_jsonb @> '{"col1":9999}';id | f_jsonb------+--------------------------------9999 | {"col1": 9999, "col2": "9999"}9999 | {"col1": 9999, "col2": "9999"}9999 | {"col1": 9999, "col2": "9999"}9999 | {"col1": 9999, "col2": "9999"}9999 | {"col1": 9999, "col2": "9999"}(5 rows)Time: 217.968 ms