所属配置文件 | 指标名 | 指标含义 |
kubelet | kubelet_running_container_count | kubelet_running_container_count Number of containers currently running. |
kubelet | kubelet_running_pod_count | kubelet_running_pod_count Number of pods currently running. |
kube-state-metrics | kube_pod_container_info | Information about a container in a pod. |
kube-state-metrics | kube_deployment_status_replicas | The number of replicas per deployment. |
kube-state-metrics | kube_deployment_labels | Kubernetes labels converted to Prometheus labels. |
kube-state-metrics | kube_pod_start_time | Start time in unix timestamp for a pod. |
kube-state-metrics | kube_pod_status_ready | Describes whether the pod is ready to serve requests. |
kube-state-metrics | kube_node_info | Information about a cluster node. |
kube-state-metrics | kube_node_status_condition | The condition of a cluster node. |
kube-state-metrics | kube_deployment_status_replicas_updated | The number of updated replicas per deployment. |
kube-state-metrics | kube_deployment_status_replicas_available | The number of available replicas per deployment. |
kube-state-metrics | kube_node_status_capacity_pods | The total pod resources of the node. |
kube-state-metrics | kube_pod_container_status_ready | Describes whether the containers readiness check succeeded. |
kube-state-metrics | kube_deployment_spec_replicas | Number of desired pods for a deployment. |
kube-state-metrics | kube_pod_status_scheduled_time | Unix timestamp when pod moved into scheduled status. |
kube-state-metrics | kube_node_status_allocatable_pods | The pod resources of a node that are available for scheduling. |
kube-state-metrics | kube_pod_container_resource_limits | The number of requested limit resource by a container. |
kube-state-metrics | node_filefd_maximum | File descriptor statistics: maximum. |
kube-state-metrics | kube_pod_container_resource_requests | The number of requested request resource by a container. |
kube-state-metrics | kube_namespace_labels | Kubernetes labels converted to Prometheus labels. |
kube-state-metrics | kube_deployment_status_replicas_unavailable | The number of unavailable replicas per deployment. |
kube-state-metrics | kube_pod_created | Unix creation timestamp. |
kube-state-metrics | kube_pod_container_status_waiting_reason | Describes the reason the container is currently in waiting state. |
kube-state-metrics | kube_daemonset_status_desired_number_scheduled | The number of nodes that should be running the daemon pod. |
kube-state-metrics | kube_pod_restart_policy | Describes the restart policy in use by this pod. |
kube-state-metrics | kube_deployment_metadata_generation | Sequence number representing a specific generation of the desired state. |
kube-state-metrics | kube_statefulset_status_update_revision | Indicates the version of the StatefulSet used to generate Pods in the sequence [replicas-updatedReplicas]. |
kube-state-metrics | kube_node_labels | Kubernetes labels converted to Prometheus labels. |
kube-state-metrics | kube_statefulset_replicas | Number of desired pods for a StatefulSet. |
kube-state-metrics | kube_statefulset_status_observed_generation | The generation observed by the StatefulSet controller. |
kube-state-metrics | kube_pod_container_status_last_terminated_reason | Describes the last reason the container was in terminated state. |
kube-state-metrics | kube_replicaset_spec_replicas | Number of desired pods for a ReplicaSet. |
kube-state-metrics | kube_statefulset_created | Unix creation timestamp. |
kube-state-metrics | kube_statefulset_status_replicas_current | The number of current replicas per StatefulSet. |
kube-state-metrics | kube_statefulset_status_current_revision | Indicates the version of the StatefulSet used to generate Pods in the sequence [0]. |
kube-state-metrics | kube_statefulset_labels | Kubernetes labels converted to Prometheus labels. |
kube-state-metrics | kube_deployment_created | Unix creation timestamp. |
kube-state-metrics | kube_namespace_created | Unix creation timestamp. |
kube-state-metrics | kube_daemonset_status_number_ready | The number of nodes that should be running the daemon pod and have one or more of the daemon pod running and ready. |
kube-state-metrics | kube_deployment_status_observed_generation | The generation observed by the deployment controller. |
kube-state-metrics | kube_endpoint_info | Information about endpoint. |
kube-state-metrics | kube_statefulset_status_replicas_updated | The number of updated replicas per StatefulSet. |
kube-state-metrics | kube_statefulset_metadata_generation | Sequence number representing a specific generation of the desired state for the StatefulSet. |
kube-state-metrics | kube_secret_created | Unix creation timestamp. |
kube-state-metrics | kube_endpoint_address_not_ready | Number of addresses not ready in endpoint. |
kube-state-metrics | kube_secret_type | Type about secret. |
kube-state-metrics | kube_deployment_spec_paused | Whether the deployment is paused and will not be processed by the deployment controller. |
kube-state-metrics | kube_pod_container_status_terminated_reason | Describes the reason the container is currently in terminated state. |
kube-state-metrics | kube_statefulset_status_replicas_ready | The number of ready replicas per StatefulSet. |
kube-state-metrics | kube_endpoint_address_available | Number of addresses available in endpoint. |
kube-state-metrics | kube_secret_info | Information about secret. |
kube-state-metrics | kube_service_info | Information about service. |
kube-state-metrics | kube_node_status_allocatable | The allocatable for different resources of a node that are available for scheduling. |
kube-state-metrics | kube_endpoint_labels | Kubernetes labels converted to Prometheus labels. |
kube-state-metrics | kube_deployment_status_condition | The current status conditions of a deployment. |
kube-state-metrics | kube_endpoint_created | Unix creation timestamp. |
kube-state-metrics | kube_replicaset_labels | Kubernetes labels converted to Prometheus labels. |
kube-state-metrics | kube_replicaset_metadata_generation | Sequence number representing a specific generation of the desired state. |
kube-state-metrics | kube_namespace_status_phase | kubernetes namespace status phase. |
kube-state-metrics | kube_service_created | Unix creation timestamp. |
kube-state-metrics | kube_configmap_created | Unix creation timestamp. |
kube-state-metrics | kube_secret_labels | Kubernetes labels converted to Prometheus labels. |
kube-state-metrics | kube_deployment_spec_strategy_rollingupdate_max_surge | Maximum number of replicas that can be scheduled above the desired number of replicas during a rolling update of a deployment. |
kube-state-metrics | kube_configmap_metadata_resource_version | Resource version representing a specific version of the configmap. |
kube-state-metrics | kube_pod_labels | Kubernetes labels converted to Prometheus labels. |
kube-state-metrics | kube_replicaset_status_replicas | The number of replicas per ReplicaSet. |
kube-state-metrics | kube_node_created | Unix creation timestamp. |
kube-state-metrics | kube_service_spec_type | Type about service. |
kube-state-metrics | kube_secret_metadata_resource_version | Resource version representing a specific version of secret. |
kube-state-metrics | kube_configmap_info | Information about configmap. |
kube-state-metrics | kube_replicaset_status_observed_generation | The generation observed by the ReplicaSet controller. |
kube-state-metrics | kube_service_labels | Kubernetes labels converted to Prometheus labels. |
kube-state-metrics | kube_replicaset_created | Unix creation timestamp. |
kube-state-metrics | kube_deployment_spec_strategy_rollingupdate_max_unavailable | Maximum number of unavailable replicas during a rolling update of a deployment. |
kube-state-metrics | kube_replicaset_status_ready_replicas | The number of ready replicas per ReplicaSet. |
kube-state-metrics | kube_replicaset_status_fully_labeled_replicas | The number of fully labeled replicas per ReplicaSet. |
kube-state-metrics | kube_pod_status_scheduled | Describes the status of the scheduling process for the pod. |
kube-state-metrics | kube_storageclass_created | Unix creation timestamp. |
kube-state-metrics | kube_daemonset_status_number_misscheduled | The number of nodes running a daemon pod but are not supposed to. |
kube-state-metrics | kube_storageclass_labels | Kubernetes labels converted to Prometheus labels. |
kube-state-metrics | kube_node_status_capacity | The capacity for different resources of a node. |
kube-state-metrics | kube_daemonset_status_current_number_scheduled | The number of nodes running at least one daemon pod and are supposed to. |
kube-state-metrics | kube_storageclass_info | Information about storageclass. |
kube-state-metrics | kube_node_spec_unschedulable | Whether a node can schedule new pods. |
kube-state-metrics | kube_daemonset_status_number_available | The number of nodes that should be running the daemon pod and have one or more of the daemon pod running and available |
kube-state-metrics | kube_daemonset_labels | Kubernetes labels converted to Prometheus labels. |
kube-state-metrics | kube_daemonset_created | Unix creation timestamp. |
kube-state-metrics | kube_daemonset_status_number_unavailable | The number of nodes that should be running the daemon pod and have none of the daemon pod running and available. |
kube-state-metrics | kube_daemonset_metadata_generation | Sequence number representing a specific generation of the desired state. |
kube-state-metrics | kube_mutatingwebhookconfiguration_info | Information about the MutatingWebhookConfiguration. |
kube-state-metrics | kube_mutatingwebhookconfiguration_created | Unix creation timestamp. |
kube-state-metrics | kube_mutatingwebhookconfiguration_metadata_resource_version | Resource version representing a specific version of the MutatingWebhookConfiguration. |
kube-state-metrics | kube_daemonset_updated_number_scheduled | The total number of nodes that are running updated daemon pod. |
node-exporter | node_filesystem_files_free | Filesystem total free file nodes. |
node-exporter | node_filesystem_files | Filesystem total file nodes. |
node-exporter | node_sockstat_UDP_mem_bytes | Number of UDP sockets in state mem_bytes. |
node-exporter | node_nf_conntrack_entries_limit | Maximum size of connection tracking table. |
node-exporter | node_memory_Shmem_bytes | Memory information field Shmem_bytes. |
node-exporter | node_netstat_Tcp_RetransSegs | Statistic TcpRetransSegs. |
node-exporter | node_sockstat_TCP_mem_bytes | Number of TCP sockets in state mem_bytes. |
node-exporter | node_network_info | Non-numeric data from /sys/class/net/<iface> |
node-exporter | node_filesystem_readonly | Filesystem read-only status. |
node-exporter | node_exporter_build_info | A metric with a constant '1' value labeled by version. |
node-exporter | node_network_iface_link_mode | iface_link_mode value of /sys/class/net/<iface>. |
node-exporter | node_network_receive_packets_total | Network device statistic receive_packets. |
node-exporter | node_network_transmit_packets_total | Network device statistic transmit_packets. |
node-exporter | node_memory_Mlocked_bytes | Memory information field Mlocked_bytes. |
node-exporter | node_network_iface_id | iface_id value of /sys/class/net/<iface>. |
node-exporter | node_memory_WritebackTmp_bytes | Memory information field WritebackTmp_bytes. |
node-exporter | kube_service_status_load_balancer_ingress | Service load balancer ingress status. |
node-exporter | node_vmstat_pgpgout | /proc/vmstat information field pgpgout. |
node-exporter | node_nf_conntrack_entries | Number of currently allocated flow entries for connection tracking. |
node-exporter | node_memory_Inactive_file_bytes | Memory information field Inactive_file_bytes. |
node-exporter | node_memory_SwapFree_bytes | Memory information field SwapFree_bytes. |
node-exporter | node_sockstat_TCP_mem | Number of TCP sockets in state mem. |
node-exporter | node_memory_Slab_bytes | Memory information field Slab_bytes. |
node-exporter | node_network_transmit_errs_total | Network device statistic transmit_errs. |
node-exporter | node_memory_Active_bytes | Memory information field Active_bytes. |
node-exporter | node_procs_blocked | Number of processes blocked waiting for I/O to complete. |
node-exporter | node_sockstat_UDP_mem | Number of UDP sockets in state mem. |
node-exporter | node_timex_maxerror_seconds | Maximum error in seconds. |
node-exporter | node_memory_Inactive_bytes | Memory information field Inactive_bytes. |
node-exporter | node_network_receive_errs_total | Network device statistic receive_errs. |
node-exporter | node_memory_Unevictable_bytes | Memory information field Unevictable_bytes. |
node-exporter | node_memory_KernelStack_bytes | Memory information field KernelStack_bytes. |
node-exporter | node_procs_running | Number of processes in runnable state. |
node-exporter | node_memory_SwapTotal_bytes | Memory information field SwapTotal_bytes. |
node-exporter | node_netstat_IpExt_OutOctets | Statistic IpExtOutOctets. |
node-exporter | node_memory_Active_file_bytes | Memory information field Active_file_bytes. |
node-exporter | node_memory_SwapCached_bytes | Memory information field SwapCached_bytes. |
node-exporter | node_netstat_Icmp_InMsgs | Statistic IcmpInMsgs. |
node-exporter | node_forks_total | Total number of forks. |
node-exporter | node_sockstat_RAW_inuse | Number of RAW sockets in state inuse. |
node-exporter | node_time_seconds | System time in seconds since epoch (1970). |
node-exporter | node_vmstat_pgpgin | /proc/vmstat information field pgpgin. |
node-exporter | node_memory_Mapped_bytes | Memory information field Mapped_bytes. |
node-exporter | node_memory_SUnreclaim_bytes | Memory information field SUnreclaim_bytes. |
node-exporter | node_memory_HardwareCorrupted_bytes | Memory information field HardwareCorrupted_bytes. |
node-exporter | node_memory_PageTables_bytes | Memory information field PageTables_bytes. |
node-exporter | node_netstat_Udp6_InDatagrams | Statistic Udp6InDatagrams. |
node-exporter | node_netstat_Icmp_OutMsgs | Statistic IcmpOutMsgs. |
node-exporter | node_netstat_Udp6_NoPorts | Statistic Udp6NoPorts. |
node-exporter | node_memory_AnonPages_bytes | Memory information field AnonPages_bytes. |
node-exporter | node_memory_Committed_AS_bytes | Memory information field Committed_AS_bytes. |
node-exporter | node_netstat_TcpExt_ListenOverflows | Statistic TcpExtListenOverflows. |
node-exporter | node_netstat_UdpLite_InErrors | Statistic UdpLiteInErrors. |
node-exporter | node_entropy_available_bits | Bits of available entropy. |
node-exporter | node_memory_Inactive_anon_bytes | Memory information field Inactive_anon_bytes. |
node-exporter | node_vmstat_pswpin | /proc/vmstat information field pswpin. |
node-exporter | node_memory_AnonHugePages_bytes | Memory information field AnonHugePages_bytes. |
node-exporter | node_memory_SReclaimable_bytes | Memory information field SReclaimable_bytes. |
node-exporter | node_netstat_IpExt_InOctets | Statistic IpExtInOctets. |
node-exporter | node_netstat_Udp_NoPorts | Statistic UdpNoPorts. |
node-exporter | node_timex_sync_status | Is clock synchronized to a reliable server (1 = yes). |
node-exporter | node_memory_CommitLimit_bytes | Memory information field CommitLimit_bytes. |
node-exporter | node_memory_VmallocChunk_bytes | Memory information field VmallocChunk_bytes. |
node-exporter | node_netstat_Udp_InDatagrams | Statistic UdpInDatagrams. |
node-exporter | node_netstat_Icmp6_InErrors | Statistic Icmp6InErrors. |
node-exporter | node_netstat_Icmp6_OutMsgs | Statistic Icmp6OutMsgs. |
node-exporter | node_netstat_UdpLite6_InErrors | Statistic UdpLite6InErrors. |
node-exporter | node_netstat_TcpExt_SyncookiesSent | Statistic TcpExtSyncookiesSent. |
node-exporter | node_netstat_Tcp_InErrs | Statistic TcpInErrs. |
node-exporter | node_intr_total | Total number of interrupts serviced. |
node-exporter | node_timex_offset_seconds | Time offset in between local system and reference clock. |
node-exporter | node_memory_Bounce_bytes | Memory information field Bounce_bytes. |
node-exporter | node_memory_Writeback_bytes | Memory information field Writeback_bytes. |
node-exporter | node_netstat_Udp_OutDatagrams | Statistic UdpOutDatagrams. |
node-exporter | node_netstat_Icmp6_InMsgs | Statistic Icmp6InMsgs. |
node-exporter | node_netstat_Ip6_OutOctets | Statistic Ip6OutOctets. |
node-exporter | node_netstat_Ip_Forwarding | Statistic IpForwarding. |
node-exporter | node_sockstat_TCP_orphan | Number of TCP sockets in state orphan. |
node-exporter | node_netstat_Ip6_InOctets | Statistic Ip6InOctets. |
node-exporter | node_netstat_TcpExt_SyncookiesFailed | Statistic TcpExtSyncookiesFailed. |
node-exporter | node_netstat_Udp_InErrors | Statistic UdpInErrors. |
node-exporter | node_vmstat_pgmajfault | /proc/vmstat information field pgmajfault. |
node-exporter | node_network_transmit_drop_total | Network device statistic transmit_drop. |
node-exporter | node_vmstat_pswpout | /proc/vmstat information field pswpout. |
node-exporter | node_network_up | Value is 1 if operstate is 'up'. |
node-exporter | node_memory_NFS_Unstable_bytes | Memory information field NFS_Unstable_bytes. |
node-exporter | node_memory_VmallocTotal_bytes | Memory information field VmallocTotal_bytes. |
node-exporter | node_sockstat_FRAG_inuse | Number of FRAG sockets in state inuse. |
node-exporter | node_memory_Dirty_bytes | Memory information field Dirty_bytes. |
node-exporter | node_netstat_Udp6_InErrors | Statistic Udp6InErrors. |
node-exporter | node_netstat_TcpExt_SyncookiesRecv | Statistic TcpExtSyncookiesRecv. |
node-exporter | node_netstat_Udp6_OutDatagrams | Statistic Udp6OutDatagrams. |
node-exporter | node_memory_HugePages_Rsvd | Memory information field HugePages_Rsvd. |
node-exporter | node_arp_entries | ARP entries by device. |
node-exporter | node_network_carrier | carrier value of /sys/class/net/<iface>. |
node-exporter | node_timex_pps_stability_exceeded_total | Pulse per second count of stability limit exceeded events. |
node-exporter | node_network_receive_compressed_total | Network device statistic receive_compressed. |
node-exporter | node_network_transmit_carrier_total | Network device statistic transmit_carrier. |
node-exporter | node_memory_DirectMap2M_bytes | Memory information field DirectMap2M_bytes. |
node-exporter | node_memory_Hugepagesize_bytes | Memory information field Hugepagesize_bytes. |
node-exporter | node_network_address_assign_type | address_assign_type value of /sys/class/net/<iface>. |
node-exporter | node_network_receive_multicast_total | Network device statistic receive_multicast. |
node-exporter | node_network_transmit_compressed_total | Network device statistic transmit_compressed. |
node-exporter | node_memory_DirectMap4k_bytes | Memory information field DirectMap4k_bytes. |
node-exporter | node_network_transmit_queue_length | transmit_queue_length value of /sys/class/net/<iface>. |
node-exporter | node_memory_HugePages_Free | Memory information field HugePages_Free. |
node-exporter | node_network_receive_frame_total | Network device statistic receive_frame. |
node-exporter | node_memory_HugePages_Total | Memory information field HugePages_Total. |
node-exporter | node_network_flags | flags value of /sys/class/net/<iface>. |
node-exporter | node_network_receive_fifo_total | Network device statistic receive_fifo. |
node-exporter | node_scrape_collector_duration_seconds | node_exporter: Duration of a collector scrape. |
node-exporter | node_network_speed_bytes | speed_bytes value of /sys/class/net/<iface>. |
node-exporter | node_sockstat_UDPLITE_inuse | Number of UDPLITE sockets in state inuse. |
node-exporter | node_cpu_guest_seconds_total | Seconds the cpus spent in guests (VMs) for each mode. |
node-exporter | node_filesystem_device_error | Whether an error occurred while getting statistics for the given device. |
node-exporter | node_scrape_collector_success | node_exporter: Whether a collector succeeded. |
node-exporter | node_network_transmit_fifo_total | Network device statistic transmit_fifo. |
node-exporter | node_vmstat_pgfault | /proc/vmstat information field pgfault. |
node-exporter | node_network_device_id | device_id value of /sys/class/net/<iface>. |
node-exporter | node_network_protocol_type | protocol_type value of /sys/class/net/<iface>. |
node-exporter | node_network_receive_drop_total | Network device statistic receive_drop. |
node-exporter | node_timex_estimated_error_seconds | Estimated error in seconds. |
node-exporter | node_disk_writes_merged_total | The number of writes merged. |
node-exporter | node_network_transmit_colls_total | Network device statistic transmit_colls. |
node-exporter | node_timex_tick_seconds | Seconds between clock ticks. |
node-exporter | node_textfile_scrape_error | 1 if there was an error opening or reading a file |
node-exporter | node_network_iface_link | iface_link value of /sys/class/net/<iface>. |
node-exporter | node_disk_reads_merged_total | The total number of reads merged. |
node-exporter | node_timex_status | Value of the status array bits. |
node-exporter | node_netstat_Icmp_InErrors | Statistic IcmpInErrors. |
node-exporter | node_memory_Active_anon_bytes | Memory information field Active_anon_bytes. |
node-exporter | node_timex_pps_frequency_hertz | Pulse per second frequency. |
node-exporter | node_network_mtu_bytes | mtu_bytes value of /sys/class/net/<iface>. |
node-exporter | node_timex_tai_offset_seconds | International Atomic Time (TAI) offset. |
node-exporter | node_timex_pps_jitter_total | Pulse per second count of jitter limit exceeded events. |
node-exporter | node_timex_pps_jitter_seconds | Pulse per second jitter. |
node-exporter | node_network_net_dev_group | net_dev_group value of /sys/class/net/<iface>. |
node-exporter | node_network_dormant | dormant value of /sys/class/net/<iface>. |
node-exporter | node_timex_pps_calibration_total | Pulse per second count of calibration intervals. |
node-exporter | node_timex_pps_shift_seconds | Pulse per second interval duration. |
node-exporter | node_timex_pps_error_total | Pulse per second count of calibration errors. |
node-exporter | node_memory_VmallocUsed_bytes | Memory information field VmallocUsed_bytes. |
node-exporter | node_timex_frequency_adjustment_ratio | Local clock frequency adjustment. |
node-exporter | node_sockstat_FRAG_memory | Number of FRAG sockets in state memory. |
node-exporter | node_memory_HugePages_Surp | Memory information field HugePages_Surp. |
node-exporter | node_timex_loop_time_constant | Phase-locked loop time constant. |
node-exporter | node_timex_pps_stability_hertz | Pulse per second stability. |