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impala 启动参数1

修改2022-08-29 16:42:59
修改2022-08-29 16:42:59

impalad: Warning: SetUsageMessage() never called

Flags from /data/impala/be/src/catalog/catalog-server.cc:

-catalog_max_lock_skipped_topic_updates (Maximum number of topic updates skipped for a table due to lock contention in catalogd after which it mustbe added to the topic the update log. This limit only applies to distinct lock operations which block the topic update thread.) type: int32 default: 3

-catalog_service_port (port where the CatalogService is running) type: int32 default: 26000

-catalog_topic_mode (The type of data that the catalog service will publish into the Catalog StateStore topic. Valid values are 'full', 'mixed', or 'minimal'. In 'full' mode, complete catalog objects are published any time a new version is available. In 'minimal' mode, only a minimal object is published when a new version of a catalog object is available. In 'mixed' mode, both types of topic entries are published. When all impalad coordinators are configured with --use_local_catalog disabled (the default), 'full' mode should be used. If all impalad coordinators are configured with --use_local_catalog enabled, 'minimal' mode should be used. When some impalads are configured with --use_local_catalog disabled and others configured with it enabled, then 'mixed' mode is required.) type: string default: "full"

-max_wait_time_for_sync_ddl_s (Maximum time (in seconds) until which a sync ddl operation will wait for the updated tables to be the added to the catalog topic. A value of 0 means sync ddl operation will wait as long as necessary until the update is propogated to all the coordinators. This flag only takes effect when topic_update_tbl_max_wait_time_ms is enabled.A value greater than 0 means catalogd will wait until that number of seconds before throwing an error indicating that not all the coordinators might have applied the changes caused due to the ddl.) type: int32 default: 0

-topic_update_tbl_max_wait_time_ms (Maximum time (in milliseconds) catalog's topic update thread will wait to acquire lock on table. If the topic update thread cannot acquire a table lock it skips the table from that topic update and processes the table in the next update. However to prevent starvation it only skips the table catalog_max_lock_skipped_topic_updates many times. After that limit is hit, topic thread block until it acquires the table lock. A value of 0 disables the timeout based locking which means topic update thread will always block until table lock is acquired.) type: int64 default: 120000

Flags from /data/impala/be/src/catalog/catalog.cc:

-initial_hms_cnxn_timeout_s (Number of seconds catalogd will wait to establish an initial connection to the HMS before exiting.) type: int32 default: 120

-load_catalog_in_background (If true, loads catalog metadata in the background. If false, metadata is loaded lazily (on access).) type: bool default: false

-max_hdfs_partitions_parallel_load ((Advanced) Number of threads used to load block metadata for HDFS based partitioned tables. Due to HDFS architectural limitations, it is unlikely to get a linear speed up beyond 5 threads.) type: int32 default: 5

-max_nonhdfs_partitions_parallel_load ((Advanced) Number of threads used to load block metadata for tables that do not support the notion of blocks/storage IDs. Currently supported for S3/ADLS.) type: int32 default: 20

-num_metadata_loading_threads ((Advanced) The number of metadata loading threads (degree of parallelism) to use when loading catalog metadata.) type: int32 default: 16

Flags from /data/impala/be/src/codegen/llvm-codegen.cc:

-asm_module_dir (if set, saves disassembly for generated IR modules to the specified directory.) type: string default: ""

-disable_optimization_passes (if true, disables llvm optimization passes (used for testing)) type: bool default: false

-dump_ir (if true, output IR after optimization passes) type: bool default: false

-opt_module_dir (if set, saves optimized generated IR modules to the specified directory.) type: string default: ""

-perf_map (if true, generate /tmp/perf-<pid>.map file for linux perf symbols. This is not recommended for production use because it may affect performance.) type: bool default: false

-print_llvm_ir_instruction_count (if true, prints the instruction counts of all JIT'd functions) type: bool default: false

-unopt_module_dir (if set, saves unoptimized generated IR modules to the specified directory.) type: string default: ""

Flags from /data/impala/be/src/common/global-flags.cc:

-abort_on_config_error (Abort Impala startup if there are improper configs or running on unsupported hardware.) type: bool default: true

-anonymous_user_name (Default username used when a client connects to an unsecured impala daemon and does not specify a username.) type: string default: "anonymous"

-be_principal (Kerberos principal for backend network connections only,overriding --principal if set. Must not be set if --principal is not set.) type: string default: ""

-blacklisted_dbs (Comma separated list for blacklisted databases. Configure which databases to be skipped for loading (in startup and global INVALIDATE METADATA). Users can't access, create, or drop databases which are blacklisted.) type: string default: "sys,information_schema"

-blacklisted_tables (Comma separated full names (in format: <db>.<table>) of blacklisted tables. Configure which tables to be skipped for loading (in startup and reseting metadata of the table). Users can't access, create, or drop tables which are blacklisted) type: string default: ""

-buffer_pool_clean_pages_limit ((Advanced) Limit on bytes of clean pages that will be accumulated in the buffer pool. Specified as number of bytes ('<int>[bB]?'), megabytes ('<float>[mM]'), gigabytes ('<float>[gG]'), or percentage of the buffer pool limit ('<int>%'). Defaults to bytes if no unit is given..) type: string default: "10%"

-buffer_pool_limit ((Advanced) Limit on buffer pool size. Specified as number of bytes ('<int>[bB]?'), megabytes ('<float>[mM]'), gigabytes ('<float>[gG]'), or percentage of the process memory limit (minus the JVM heap if --mem_limit_includes_jvm is true) ('<int>%'). Defaults to bytes if no unit is given. The default value and behaviour of this flag may change between releases.) type: string default: "85%"

-compact_catalog_topic (If true, catalog updates sent via the statestore are compacted before transmission. This saves network bandwidth at the cost of a small quantity of CPU time. Enable this option in cluster with large catalogs. It must be enabled on both the catalog service, and all Impala demons.) type: bool default: true

-debug_actions (For testing only. Uses the same format as the debug action query options, but allows for injection of debug actions in code paths where query options are not available.) type: string default: ""

-disable_kudu (If true, Kudu features will be disabled.) type: bool default: false

-enable_incremental_metadata_updates (If true, Catalog Server will send incremental table updates in partition level in the statestore topic updates. Legacy coordinators will apply the partition updates incrementally, i.e. reuse unchanged partition metadata. Disable this feature by setting this to false in the Catalog Server. Then metadata of each table will be propagated as a whole object in the statestore topic updates. Note that legacy coordinators can apply incremental or full table updates so don't need this flag.) type: bool default: true

-enable_insert_events (Enables insert events in the events processor. When this configuration is set to true Impala will generate INSERT event types which when received by other Impala clusters can be used to automatically refresh the tables or partitions. Event processing must be turned on for this flag to have any effect.) type: bool default: true

-enable_legacy_avx_support (If true, Impala relaxes its x86_64 CPU feature requirement to allow running on machines with AVX but no AVX2. This allows running Impala on older machines without AVX2 support. This is a legacy mode that will be removed in a future release.) type: bool default: false

-enable_minidumps (Whether to enable minidump generation upon process crash or SIGUSR1.) type: bool default: true

-enable_process_lifetime_heap_profiling ((Advanced) Enables heap profiling for the lifetime of the process. Profile output will be stored in the directory specified by -heap_profile_dir. Enabling this option will disable the on-demand/remote server profile handlers.) type: bool default: false

-enable_stats_extrapolation (If true, uses table statistics computed with COMPUTE STATS to extrapolate the row counts of partitions.) type: bool default: false

-hdfs_table_bucket_count (The bucket count of hdfs table) type: int32 default: 128

-heap_profile_dir (Output directory to store heap profiles. If not set profiles are stored in the current working directory.) type: string default: ""

-hms_event_polling_interval_s (Configure catalogd to invalidate cached table metadata based on metastore events. These metastore events could be generated by external systems like Apache Hive or a different Impala cluster using the same Hive metastore server as this one. A non-zero value of this flag sets the polling interval of catalogd in seconds to fetch new metastore events. A value of zero disables this feature. When enabled, this flag has the same effect as "INVALIDATE METADATA" statement on the table for certain metastore event types. Additionally, in case of events which detect creation or removal of objects from metastore, catalogd adds or removes such objects from its cached metadata. This feature is independent of time and memory based automatic invalidation of tables. Note that this is still an experimental feature and not recommended to be deployed on production systems until it is made generally available.) type: int32 default: 0

-hostname (Hostname to use for this daemon, also used as part of the Kerberos principal, if enabled. If not set, the system default will be used) type: string default: "" currently: ""

-impala_slow_rpc_threshold_ms ((Advanced) Threshold for considering Impala internal RPCs to be unusually slow. Slow RPCs trigger additional logging and other diagnostics. Lowering this value may result in false positivesThis overrides KRPC's --rpc_duration_too_long_ms setting.) type: int64 default: 120000

-inc_stats_size_limit_bytes (Maximum size of incremental stats the catalog is allowed to serialize per table. This limit is set as a safety check, to prevent the JVM from hitting a maximum array limit of 1GB (or OOM) while building the thrift objects to send to impalads. By default, it's set to 200MB) type: int64 default: 209715200

-invalidate_tables_on_memory_pressure (Configure catalogd to invalidate recently unused tables when the old GC generation is almost full. This is independent from time-based invalidation configured by invalidate_table_timeout_s. To enable this feature, a true flag must be applied to both catalogd and impalad.) type: bool default: false

-invalidate_tables_timeout_s (If a table has not been referenced in a SQL statement for more than the configured amount of time, the catalog server will automatically evict its cached metadata about this table. This has the same effect as a user-initiated "INVALIDATE METADATA" statement on the table. Configuring this to 0 disables time-based automatic invalidation of tables. This is independent from memory-based invalidation configured by invalidate_tables_on_memory_pressure. To enable this feature, a non-zero flag must be applied to both catalogd and impalad.) type: int32 default: 0

-keytab_file (Absolute path to Kerberos keytab file) type: string default: ""

-krb5_ccname (Absolute path to the file based credentials cache that we pass to the KRB5CCNAME environment variable.) type: string default: "/tmp/krb5cc_impala_internal"

-krb5_conf (Absolute path to Kerberos krb5.conf if in a non-standard location. Does not normally need to be set.) type: string default: ""

-krb5_debug_file (Turn on Kerberos debugging and output to this file) type: string default: ""

-krpc_port (port on which KRPC based ImpalaInternalService is exported) type: int32 default: 27000

-kudu_client_connection_negotiation_timeout_ms ((Advanced) Timeout for connection negotiation between Kudu client and Kudu masters and tablet servers, in milliseconds) type: int32 default: 3000

-kudu_client_rpc_timeout_ms ((Advanced) Timeout (milliseconds) set for individual Kudu client rpcs. An operation may consist of several rpcs, so this is expected to be less than kudu_operation_timeout_ms. This must be a positive value or it will be ignored and Kudu's default of 10s will be used. There is no way to disable timeouts.) type: int32 default: 0

-kudu_operation_timeout_ms (Timeout (milliseconds) set for all Kudu operations. This must be a positive value, and there is no way to disable timeouts.) type: int32 default: 180000

-load_auth_to_local_rules (If true, load auth_to_local configuration from hdfs' core-site.xml. When enabled, impalad reads the rules from the property hadoop.security.auth_to_local and applies them to translate the Kerberos principal to its corresponding local user name for authorization.) type: bool default: false

-log_filename (Prefix of log filename - full path is <log_dir>/<log_filename>.[INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]) type: string default: ""

-max_log_files (Maximum number of log files to retain per severity level. The most recent log files are retained. If set to 0, all log files are retained.) type: int32 default: 10

-max_minidumps (Maximum number of minidump files to keep per daemon. Older files are removed first. Set to 0 to keep all minidump files.) type: int32 default: 9

-mem_limit (Limit on process memory consumption. Includes the JVM's memory consumption only if --mem_limit_includes_jvm is true. Specified as number of bytes ('<int>[bB]?'), megabytes ('<float>[mM]'), gigabytes ('<float>[gG]'), or percentage of the physical memory ('<int>%'). Defaults to bytes if no unit is given.) type: string default: "80%"

-mem_limit_includes_jvm (If true, --mem_limit will include the JVM's max heap size and committed memory in the process memory limit.) type: bool default: false

-min_buffer_size ((Advanced) The minimum buffer size to use in the buffer pool) type: int64 default: 8192

-min_privilege_set_for_show_stmts (Comma separated list of privileges. Any one of them is required to show a database or table. Defaults to "any" which means if the user has any privilege (CREATE, SELECT, INSERT, etc) on a database or table, the database/table is visible in the results of SHOW DATABASES/TABLES. If set to "select", only dbs/tables on which the user has SELECT privilege will be shown. If set to "select,insert", only dbs/tables on which the user has SELECT or INSERT privilege will be shown. In practice, this flag can be set to "select" or "select,insert" to improve performance of SHOW DATABASES/TABLES and GET_SCHEMAS/GET_TABLES, especially when using Sentry and having thousands of candidate dbs/tables to be checked with a user with large scale of privileges. No significant performance gain when using Ranger) type: string default: "any"

-minidump_path (Directory to write minidump files to. This can be either an absolute path or a path relative to log_dir. Each daemon will create an additional sub-directory to prevent naming conflicts and to make it easier to identify a crashing daemon. Minidump files contain crash-related information in a compressed format and will be written when a daemon exits unexpectedly, for example on an unhandled exception or signal. It is also possible to create minidumps on demand without exiting the process by sending SIGUSR1. Set to empty to disable writing minidump files.) type: string default: "minidumps"

-minidump_size_limit_hint_kb (Size limit hint for minidump files in KB. If a minidump exceeds this value, then breakpad will reduce the stack memory it collects for each thread from 8KB to 2KB. However it will always include the full stack memory for the first 20 threads, including the thread that crashed.) type: int32 default: 20480

-num_check_authorization_threads (The number of threads used to check authorization for the user when executing show tables/databases. This configuration is applicable only when authorization is enabled. A value of 1 disables multi-threaded execution for checking authorization.However, a small value of larger than 1 may limit the parallism of FE requests when checking authorization with a high concurrency. The value must be in the range of 1 to 128.) type: int32 default: 1

-principal (Kerberos principal. If set, both client and backend network connections will use Kerberos encryption and authentication and the daemon will acquire a Kerberos TGT (i.e. do the equivalent of the kinit command) and keep it refreshed for the lifetime of the daemon. If this is not set the TGT ticket will not be acquired and incoming connections will not be authenticated or encrypted using Kerberos. However, the TGT and other settings may be inherited from the environment and used by client libraries in certain cases.) type: string default: ""

-read_size ((Advanced) The preferred I/O request size in bytes to issue to HDFS or the local filesystem. Increasing the read size will increase memory requirements. Decreasing the read size may decrease I/O throughput.) type: int32 default: 8388608

-redaction_rules_file (Absolute path to sensitive data redaction rules. The rules will be applied to all log messages and query text shown in the Web UI and audit records. Query results will not be affected. Refer to the documentation for the rule file format.) type: string default: ""

-redirect_stdout_stderr (If true, redirects stdout/stderr to INFO/ERROR log.) type: bool default: true

-reserved_words_version (Reserved words compatibility version. Reserved words cannot be used as identifiers in SQL. This flag determines the impala version from which the reserved word list is taken. The value must be one of ["2.11.0", "3.0.0"].) type: string default: "3.0.0"

-skip_external_kerberos_auth ((Advanced) skip kerberos authentication for incoming external connections to this daemon, e.g. clients connecting to the HS2 interface. Only has an effect if --principal is set, i.e. Kerberos is enabled.) type: bool default: false

-skip_internal_kerberos_auth ((Advanced) skip kerberos authentication for incoming internal connections from other daemons within the Impala cluster (i.e. impalads, statestored, catalogd). Must be set to the same value across all daemons. Only has an effect if --principal is set, i.e. Kerberos is enabled.) type: bool default: false

-tcmalloc_max_total_thread_cache_bytes ((Advanced) Bound on the total amount of bytes allocated to TCMalloc thread caches. If left at 0 (default), use the default value in TCMalloc library.) type: int64 default: 0

-unlock_zorder_sort (If true, enables using ZORDER option for SORT BY.) type: bool default: true

-use_resolved_hostname (If true, --hostname is resolved before use, so that the IP address will be used everywhere instead of the hostname.) type: bool default: false

Flags from /data/impala/be/src/common/init.cc:

-local_library_dir (Scratch space for local fs operations. Currently used for copying UDF binaries locally from HDFS and also for initializing the timezone db) type: string default: "/tmp"

-memory_maintenance_sleep_time_ms (Sleep time in milliseconds between memory maintenance iterations) type: int32 default: 10000

-pause_monitor_sleep_time_ms (Sleep time in milliseconds for pause monitor thread.) type: int64 default: 500

-pause_monitor_warn_threshold_ms (If the pause monitor sleeps more than this time period, a warning is logged. If set to 0 or less, pause monitor is disabled.) type: int64 default: 10000

Flags from /data/impala/be/src/exec/data-source-scan-node.cc:

-data_source_batch_size (Batch size for calls to GetNext() on external data sources.) type: int32 default: 1024

Flags from /data/impala/be/src/exec/exchange-node.cc:

-exchg_node_buffer_size_bytes ((Advanced) Maximum size of per-query receive-side buffer) type: int64 default: 10485760

Flags from /data/impala/be/src/exec/hash-table.cc:

-enable_quadratic_probing (Enable quadratic probing hash table) type: bool default: true

Flags from /data/impala/be/src/exec/hdfs-orc-scanner.cc:

-enable_orc_scanner (If false, reading from ORC format tables is not supported) type: bool default: true

Flags from /data/impala/be/src/exec/hdfs-plugin-text-scanner.cc:

-enabled_hdfs_text_scanner_plugins ((Advanced) whitelist of HDFS text scanner plugins that Impala will try to dynamically load. Must be a comma-separated list of upper-case compression codec names. Each plugin implements support for decompression and hands off the decompressed bytes to Impala's builtin text parser for further processing (e.g. parsing delimited text).) type: string default: ""

Flags from /data/impala/be/src/exec/hdfs-scan-node-base.cc:

-always_use_data_cache ((Advanced) Always uses the IO data cache for all reads, regardless of whether the read is local or remote. By default, the IO data cache is only used if the data is expected to be remote. Used by tests.) type: bool default: false

Flags from /data/impala/be/src/exec/hdfs-scan-node.cc:

-max_row_batches (the maximum number of batches to queue in multithreaded HDFS scans) type: int32 default: 0

Flags from /data/impala/be/src/exec/hdfs-scanner.cc:

-min_filter_reject_ratio ((Advanced) If the percentage of rows rejected by a runtime filter drops below this value, the filter is disabled.) type: double default: 0.10000000000000001

Flags from /data/impala/be/src/exec/kudu-scan-node.cc:

-kudu_max_row_batches (The maximum size of the row batch queue, for Kudu scanners.) type: int32 default: 0

Flags from /data/impala/be/src/exec/kudu-scanner.cc:

-kudu_read_mode ((Advanced) Sets the Kudu scan ReadMode. Supported Kudu read modes are READ_LATEST and READ_AT_SNAPSHOT. Can be overridden with the query option of the same name.) type: string default: "READ_LATEST"

-kudu_scanner_keep_alive_period_sec (The period at which Kudu Scanners should send keep-alive requests to the tablet server to ensure that scanners do not time out.) type: int32 default: 15

-pick_only_leaders_for_tests (Whether to pick only leader replicas, for tests purposes only.) type: bool default: false

Flags from /data/impala/be/src/exec/kudu-table-sink.cc:

-kudu_error_buffer_size (The size (bytes) of the Kudu client buffer for returning errors, with a min of 1KB.If the actual errors exceed this size the query will fail.) type: int32 default: 10485760

-kudu_mutation_buffer_size (The size (bytes) of the Kudu client buffer for mutations.) type: int32 default: 10485760

Flags from /data/impala/be/src/exec/kudu-util.cc:

-kudu_client_num_reactor_threads (Number of threads the Kudu client can use to send rpcs to Kudu. Must be > 0.) type: int32 default: 4

-kudu_client_v (If >= 0, used to set the verbose logging level on the Kudu client instead of using the value of -v) type: int32 default: -1

Flags from /data/impala/be/src/exec/parquet/parquet-page-reader.cc:

-max_page_header_size (max parquet page header size in bytes) type: int32 default: 8388608

Flags from /data/impala/be/src/exec/scan-node.cc:

-max_queued_row_batch_bytes ((Advanced) the maximum bytes of queued rows per multithreaded scan node.) type: int64 default: 16777216

-runtime_filter_wait_time_ms ((Advanced) the maximum time, in ms, that a scan node will wait for expected runtime filters to arrive.) type: int32 default: 1000

Flags from /data/impala/be/src/exec/topn-node.cc:

-partitioned_topn_in_mem_partitions_limit ((Experimental) Soft limit on the number of in-memory partitions in an instance of the partitioned top-n operator.) type: int32 default: 1000

-partitioned_topn_soft_limit_bytes ((Experimental) Soft limit on the number of in-memory partitions in an instance of the partitioned top-n operator.) type: int64 default: 67108864

Flags from /data/impala/be/src/exprs/timezone_db.cc:

-hdfs_zone_alias_conf (HDFS/S3A/ADLS path to config file defining non-standard time-zone aliases.) type: string default: ""

-hdfs_zone_info_zip (HDFS/S3A/ADLS path to a zip archive of the IANA time-zone database to use.) type: string default: ""

Flags from /data/impala/be/src/kudu/rpc/acceptor_pool.cc:

-rpc_acceptor_listen_backlog (Socket backlog parameter used when listening for RPC connections. This defines the maximum length to which the queue of pending TCP connections inbound to the RPC server may grow. If a connection request arrives when the queue is full, the client may receive an error. Higher values may help the server ride over bursts of new inbound connection requests.) type: int32 default: 128

Flags from /data/impala/be/src/kudu/rpc/negotiation.cc:

-rpc_encrypt_loopback_connections (Whether to encrypt data transfer on RPC connections that stay within a single host. Encryption here is likely to offer no additional security benefit since only a local 'root' user could intercept the traffic, and wire encryption does not suitably protect against such an attacker.) type: bool default: false

-rpc_negotiation_inject_delay_ms (If enabled, injects the given number of milliseconds delay into the RPC negotiation process on the server side.) type: int32 default: 0

-rpc_trace_negotiation (If enabled, dump traces of all RPC negotiations to the log) type: bool default: false

Flags from /data/impala/be/src/kudu/rpc/outbound_call.cc:

-rpc_callback_max_cycles (The maximum number of cycles for which an RPC callback should be allowed to run without emitting a warning. (Advanced debugging option)) type: int64 default: 100000000

-rpc_inject_cancellation_state (If this flag is not -1, it is the state in which a cancellation request will be injected. Should use values in OutboundCall::State only) type: int32 default: -1

Flags from /data/impala/be/src/kudu/rpc/reactor.cc:

-rpc_reopen_outbound_connections (Open a new connection to the server for every RPC call. If not enabled, an already existing connection to a server is reused upon making another call to the same server. When this flag is enabled, an already existing _idle_ connection to the server is closed upon making another RPC call which would reuse the connection otherwise. Used by tests only.) type: bool default: false

-tcp_keepalive_probe_period_s (The duration in seconds after an outbound connection has gone idle before a TCP keepalive probe is sent to the peer. Set to 0 to disable TCP keepalive probes from being sent.) type: int32 default: 60

-tcp_keepalive_retry_count (The maximum number of keepalive probes sent before declaring the remote end as dead. Effective only if --tcp_keepalive_probe_period_s is not 0.) type: int32 default: 10

-tcp_keepalive_retry_period_s (The duration in seconds between successive keepalive probes from an outbound connection if the previous probes are not acknowledged. Effective only if --tcp_keepalive_probe_period_s is not 0.) type: int32 default: 3

Flags from /data/impala/be/src/kudu/rpc/result_tracker.cc:

-remember_clients_ttl_ms (Maximum amount of time, in milliseconds, the server "remembers" a client for the purpose of caching its responses. After this period without hearing from it, the client is no longer remembered and the memory occupied by its responses is reclaimed. Retries of requests older than 'remember_clients_ttl_ms' are treated as new ones.) type: int64 default: 3600000

-remember_responses_ttl_ms (Maximum amount of time, in milliseconds, the server "remembers" a response to a specific request for a client. After this period has elapsed, the response may have been garbage collected and the client might get a response indicating the request is STALE.) type: int64 default: 600000

-result_tracker_gc_interval_ms (Interval at which the result tracker will look for entries to GC.) type: int64 default: 1000

Flags from /data/impala/be/src/kudu/rpc/rpcz_store.cc:

-rpc_dump_all_traces (If true, dump all RPC traces at INFO level) type: bool default: false

-rpc_duration_too_long_ms (Threshold (in milliseconds) above which a RPC is considered too long and its duration and method name are logged at INFO level. The time measured is between when a RPC is accepted and when its call handler completes.) type: int32 default: 1000

Flags from /data/impala/be/src/kudu/rpc/server_negotiation.cc:

-rpc_inject_invalid_authn_token_ratio (If set higher than 0, AuthenticateByToken() randomly injects errors replying with FATAL_INVALID_AUTHENTICATION_TOKEN code. The flag's value corresponds to the probability of the fault injection event. Used for only for tests.) type: double default: 0

-rpc_inject_invalid_channel_bindings_ratio (The ratio of injection of invalid channel bindings during connection negotiation. This is a test-only flag.) type: double default: 0

-rpc_send_channel_bindings (Whether to send channel bindings in NegotiatePB response as prescribed by RFC 5929. This is a test-only flag.) type: bool default: true

-trusted_subnets (A trusted subnet whitelist. If set explicitly, all unauthenticated or unencrypted connections are prohibited except the ones from the specified address blocks. Otherwise, private network (, etc.) and local subnets of all local network interfaces will be used. Set it to '' to allow unauthenticated/unencrypted connections from all remote IP addresses. However, if network access is not otherwise restricted by a firewall, malicious users may be able to gain unauthorized access.) type: string default: ",,,,"

Flags from /data/impala/be/src/kudu/rpc/service_if.cc:

-enable_exactly_once (Whether to enable exactly once semantics.) type: bool default: true

Flags from /data/impala/be/src/kudu/rpc/transfer.cc:

-rpc_max_message_size_enable_validation (Whether to turn off validation for --rpc_max_message_size flag. This is a test-only flag.) type: bool default: true

Flags from /data/impala/be/src/kudu/security/init.cc:

-use_system_auth_to_local (When enabled, use the system krb5 library to map Kerberos principal names to local (short) usernames. If not enabled, the first component of the principal will be used as the short name. For example, 'kudu/foo.example.com@EXAMPLE' will map to 'kudu'.) type: bool default: true

Flags from /data/impala/be/src/kudu/security/tls_context.cc:

-ipki_server_key_size (the number of bits for server cert's private key. The server cert is used for TLS connections to and from clients and other servers.) type: int32 default: 2048

Flags from /data/impala/be/src/kudu/util/block_bloom_filter.cc:

-disable_blockbloomfilter_avx2 (Disable AVX2 operations in BlockBloomFilter. This flag has no effect if the target CPU doesn't support AVX2 at run-time or BlockBloomFilter was built with a compiler that doesn't support AVX2.) type: bool default: false

Flags from /data/impala/be/src/kudu/util/cache.cc:

-cache_force_single_shard (Override all cache implementations to use just one shard) type: bool default: false

-cache_memtracker_approximation_ratio (The MemTracker associated with a cache can accumulate error up to this ratio to improve performance. For tests.) type: double default: 0.01

Flags from /data/impala/be/src/kudu/util/debug/trace_event_impl.cc:

-trace_to_console (Trace pattern specifying which trace events should be dumped directly to the console) type: string default: ""

Flags from /data/impala/be/src/kudu/util/env_posix.cc:

-crash_on_eio (Kill the process if an I/O operation results in EIO. If false, I/O resulting in EIOs will return the status IOError and leave error-handling up to the caller.) type: bool default: false

-env_inject_eio (Fraction of the time that operations on certain files will fail with the posix code EIO.) type: double default: 0

-env_inject_eio_globs (Comma-separated list of glob patterns specifying files on which I/O will fail. By default, all files may cause a failure.) type: string default: "*"

-env_inject_lock_failure_globs (Comma-separated list of glob patterns specifying files on which attempts to obtain a file lock will fail. By default, no files will fail.) type: string default: ""

-env_inject_short_read_bytes (The number of bytes less than the requested bytes to read) type: int32 default: 0

-env_inject_short_write_bytes (The number of bytes less than the requested bytes to write) type: int32 default: 0

-env_use_fsync (Use fsync(2) instead of fdatasync(2) for synchronizing dirty data to disk.) type: bool default: false

-env_use_ioctl_hole_punch_on_xfs (Use the XFS_IOC_UNRESVSP64 ioctl instead of fallocate(2) to punch holes on XFS filesystems.) type: bool default: true

-never_fsync (Never fsync() anything to disk. This is used by certain test cases to speed up runtime. This is very unsafe to use in production.) type: bool default: false

Flags from /data/impala/be/src/kudu/util/env_util.cc:

-disk_reserved_bytes_free_for_testing (For testing only! Set to number of bytes free on each filesystem. Set to -1 to disable this test-specific override) type: int64 default: -1

-disk_reserved_override_prefix_1_bytes_free_for_testing (For testing only! Set number of bytes free on the path prefix specified by --disk_reserved_override_prefix_1_path_for_testing. Set to -1 to disable.) type: int64 default: -1

-disk_reserved_override_prefix_1_path_for_testing (For testing only! Specifies a prefix to override the visible 'bytes free' on. Use --disk_reserved_override_prefix_1_bytes_free_for_testing to set the number of bytes free for this path prefix. Set to empty string to disable.) type: string default: ""

-disk_reserved_override_prefix_2_bytes_free_for_testing (For testing only! Set number of bytes free on the path prefix specified by --disk_reserved_override_prefix_2_path_for_testing. Set to -1 to disable.) type: int64 default: -1

-disk_reserved_override_prefix_2_path_for_testing (For testing only! Specifies a prefix to override the visible 'bytes free' on. Use --disk_reserved_override_prefix_2_bytes_free_for_testing to set the number of bytes free for this path prefix. Set to empty string to disable.) type: string default: ""

-env_inject_full (Fraction of the time that space checks on certain paths will yield the posix code ENOSPC.) type: double default: 0

-env_inject_full_globs (Comma-separated list of glob patterns specifying which paths return with space errors.) type: string default: "*"

Flags from /data/impala/be/src/kudu/util/flags.cc:

-disable_core_dumps (Disable core dumps when this process crashes.) type: bool default: false

-dump_metrics_json (Dump a JSON document describing all of the metrics which may be emitted by this binary.) type: bool default: false

-redact (Comma-separated list that controls redaction context. Supported options are 'all','log', and 'none'. If 'all' is specified, sensitive data (sensitive configuration flags and row data) will be redacted from the web UI as well as glog and error messages. If 'log' is specified, sensitive data will only be redacted from glog and error messages. If 'none' is specified, no redaction will occur.) type: string default: "all"

-umask (The umask that will be used when creating files and directories. Permissions of top-level data directories will also be modified at start-up to conform to the given umask. Changing this value may enable unauthorized local users to read or modify data stored by Kudu.) type: string default: "077"

-unlock_experimental_flags (Unlock flags marked as 'experimental'. These flags are not guaranteed to be maintained across releases of Kudu, and may enable features or behavior known to be unstable. Use at your own risk.) type: bool default: false

-unlock_unsafe_flags (Unlock flags marked as 'unsafe'. These flags are not guaranteed to be maintained across releases of Kudu, and enable features or behavior known to be unsafe. Use at your own risk.) type: bool default: false

Flags from /data/impala/be/src/kudu/util/kernel_stack_watchdog.cc:

-hung_task_check_interval_ms (Number of milliseconds in between checks for hung threads) type: int32 default: 200

-inject_latency_on_kernel_stack_lookup_ms (Number of milliseconds of latency to inject when reading a thread's kernel stack) type: int32 default: 0

Flags from /data/impala/be/src/kudu/util/logging.cc:

-log_async (Enable asynchronous writing to log files. This improves latency and stability.) type: bool default: true

-log_async_buffer_bytes_per_level (The number of bytes of buffer space used by each log level. Only relevant when --log_async is enabled.) type: int32 default: 2097152

Flags from /data/impala/be/src/kudu/util/memory/memory.cc:

-allocator_aligned_mode (Use 16-byte alignment instead of 8-byte, unless explicitly specified otherwise - to boost SIMD) type: bool default: false

Flags from /data/impala/be/src/kudu/util/metrics.cc:

-metrics_retirement_age_ms (The minimum number of milliseconds a metric will be kept for after it is no longer active. (Advanced option)) type: int32 default: 120000

Flags from /data/impala/be/src/kudu/util/net/net_util.cc:

-fail_dns_resolution (Whether to fail all dns resolution, for tests.) type: bool default: false

Flags from /data/impala/be/src/kudu/util/net/socket.cc:

-local_ip_for_outbound_sockets (IP to bind to when making outgoing socket connections. This must be an IP address of the form A.B.C.D, not a hostname. Advanced parameter, subject to change.) type: string default: ""

-socket_inject_short_recvs (Inject short recv() responses which return less data than requested) type: bool default: false

Flags from /data/impala/be/src/kudu/util/process_memory.cc:

-memory_limit_hard_bytes (Maximum amount of memory this daemon should use, in bytes. A value of 0 autosizes based on the total system memory. A value of -1 disables all memory limiting.) type: int64 default: 0

-memory_limit_soft_percentage (Percentage of the hard memory limit that this daemon may consume before memory throttling of writes begins. The greater the excess, the higher the chance of throttling. In general, a lower soft limit leads to smoother write latencies but decreased throughput, and vice versa for a higher soft limit.) type: int32 default: 80

-memory_limit_warn_threshold_percentage (Percentage of the hard memory limit that this daemon may consume before WARNING level messages are periodically logged.) type: int32 default: 98

-memory_pressure_percentage (Percentage of the hard memory limit that this daemon may consume before flushing of in-memory data becomes prioritized.) type: int32 default: 60

Flags from /data/impala/be/src/kudu/util/thread.cc:

-thread_inject_start_latency_ms (Number of ms to sleep when starting a new thread. (For tests).) type: int32 default: 0

Flags from /data/impala/be/src/rpc/TAcceptQueueServer.cpp:

-accepted_cnxn_queue_depth ((Advanced) The size of the post-accept, pre-setup connection queue in each thrift server set up to service Impala internal and external connections.) type: int32 default: 10000

-accepted_cnxn_setup_thread_pool_size ((Advanced) The size of the thread pool that is used to process the post-accept, pre-setup connection queue in each thrift server set up to service Impala internal and external connections.) type: int32 default: 2

Flags from /data/impala/be/src/rpc/authentication-util.cc:

-cookie_require_secure ((Advanced) If true, authentication cookies will include the 'Secure' attribute, indicating to clients that they should only be returned over SSL connections. For testing only.) type: bool default: true

-max_cookie_lifetime_s (Maximum amount of time in seconds that an authentication cookie will remain valid. Setting to 0 disables use of cookies. Defaults to 1 day.) type: int64 default: 86400

Flags from /data/impala/be/src/rpc/authentication.cc:

-enable_ldap_auth (If true, use LDAP authentication for client connections) type: bool default: false

-internal_principals_whitelist ((Advanced) Comma-separated list of additional usernames authorized to access Impala's internal APIs. Defaults to 'hdfs' which is the system user that in certain deployments must access catalog server APIs.) type: string default: "hdfs"

-ldap_ca_certificate (The full path to the certificate file used to authenticate the LDAP server's certificate for SSL / TLS connections.) type: string default: ""

-ldap_group_filter (Used as filter for both simple and search bind mechanisms. For simple bind it is a comma separated list of groups. If specified, users must belong to one of these groups for authentication to succeed. For search bind it is an LDAP filter that will be used during LDAP group search, it can contain '{0}' pattern which will be replaced with the user name and/or '{1}' which will be replace with the user dn.) type: string default: ""

-ldap_user_filter (Used as filter for both simple and search bind mechanisms. For simple bind it is a comma separated list of user names. If specified, users must be on this list for authentication to succeed. For search bind it is an LDAP filter that will be used during LDAP search, it can contain '{0}' pattern which will be replaced with the user name.) type: string default: ""

-sasl_path (Colon separated list of paths to look for SASL security library plugins.) type: string default: ""

-trusted_domain (If set, Impala will skip authentication for connections originating from this domain. Currently, only connections over HTTP support this. Note: It still requires the client to specify a username via the Basic Authorization header in the format <username>:<password> where the password is not used and can be left blank.) type: string default: ""

-trusted_domain_use_xff_header (If set to true, this uses the 'X-Forwarded-For' HTML header to check for origin while attempting to verify if the connection request originated from a trusted domain. Only used if '--trusted_domain' is specified. Warning: Only use this if you trust the incoming connection to have this set correctly.) type: bool default: false

Flags from /data/impala/be/src/rpc/rpc-mgr.cc:

-num_acceptor_threads (Number of threads dedicated to accepting connection requests for RPC services) type: int32 default: 2

-num_reactor_threads (Number of threads dedicated to managing network IO for RPC services. If left at default value 0, it will be set to number of CPU cores.) type: int32 default: 0

-rpc_negotiation_thread_count (Maximum number of threads dedicated to handling RPC connection negotiations.) type: int32 default: 64

-rpc_negotiation_timeout_ms (Time in milliseconds of waiting for a negotiation to complete before timing out.) type: int32 default: 300000

-rpc_retry_interval_ms (Time in millisecond of waiting before retrying an RPC when remote is busy) type: int32 default: 5

-rpc_use_loopback (Always use loopback for local connections. This requires binding to all addresses, not just the KRPC address.) type: bool default: false

Flags from /data/impala/be/src/runtime/bufferpool/buffer-pool.cc:

-concurrent_scratch_ios_per_device (Set this to influence the number of concurrent write I/Os issues to write data to scratch files. This is multiplied by the number of active scratch directories to obtain the target number of scratch write I/Os per query.) type: int32 default: 2

Flags from /data/impala/be/src/runtime/bufferpool/system-allocator.cc:

-madvise_huge_pages ((Advanced) If true, advise operating system to back large memory buffers with huge pages) type: bool default: true

-mmap_buffers ((Experimental) If true, allocate buffers directly from the operating system instead of with TCMalloc.) type: bool default: false

Flags from /data/impala/be/src/runtime/dml-exec-state.cc:

-insert_inherit_permissions (If true, new directories created by INSERTs will inherit the permissions of their parent directories) type: bool default: false

Flags from /data/impala/be/src/runtime/exec-env.cc:

-admission_control_slots ((Advanced) The maximum degree of parallelism to run queries with on this backend. This determines the number of slots available to queries in admission control for this backend. The degree of parallelism of the query determines the number of slots that it needs. Defaults to number of cores / -num_cores for executors, and 8x that value for dedicated coordinators).) type: int32 default: 0

-backend_client_connection_num_retries (Retry backend connections.) type: int32 default: 3

-backend_client_rpc_timeout_ms ((Advanced) The underlying TSocket send/recv timeout in milliseconds for a backend client RPC. ) type: int32 default: 300000

-catalog_client_connection_num_retries (The number of times connections or RPCs to the catalog should be retried.) type: int32 default: 10

-catalog_client_rpc_retry_interval_ms ((Advanced) The time to wait before retrying when the catalog RPC client fails to connect to catalogd or when RPCs to the catalogd fail.) type: int32 default: 3000

-catalog_client_rpc_timeout_ms ((Advanced) The underlying TSocket send/recv timeout in milliseconds for a catalog client RPC.) type: int32 default: 0

-catalog_service_host (hostname where CatalogService is running) type: string default: "localhost"

-enable_webserver (If true, debug webserver is enabled) type: bool default: true

-max_concurrent_queries ((Deprecated) This has been replaced with --admission_control_slots, which better accounts for the higher parallelism of queries with mt_dop > 1. If --admission_control_slots is not set, the value of --max_concurrent_queries is used instead for backward compatibility.) type: int32 default: 0

-metrics_webserver_interface (Interface to start metrics webserver on. If blank, webserver binds to type: string default: ""

-metrics_webserver_port (If non-zero, the port to run the metrics webserver on, which exposes the /metrics, /jsonmetrics, /metrics_prometheus, and /healthz endpoints without authentication enabled.) type: int32 default: 0

-num_hdfs_worker_threads ((Advanced) The number of threads in the global HDFS operation pool) type: int32 default: 16

-ping_expose_webserver_url (If true, debug webserver url is exposed via PingImpalaService/PingImpalaHS2Service RPC calls) type: bool default: true

-state_store_host (hostname where StatestoreService is running) type: string default: "localhost"

-state_store_subscriber_port (port where StatestoreSubscriberService should be exported) type: int32 default: 23000

Flags from /data/impala/be/src/runtime/hdfs-fs-cache.cc:

-s3a_access_key_cmd (A Unix command whose output returns the access key to S3, i.e. "fs.s3a.access.key".) type: string default: ""

-s3a_secret_key_cmd (A Unix command whose output returns the secret key to S3, i.e. "fs.s3a.secret.key".) type: string default: ""


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