#include <iostream>
#include <complex>
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
using std::complex;
template <class T>
inline void swap(T& d, T& s)
T temp = d;
d = s;
s = temp;
int main()
int m=5,
I studied the union find algo and found it is very useful in following ways.
to find out if 2 node are connected or not
to compress the path. (save space)
if the problem is to find if 2 node connected or not , then we can use union
find.But if we have to find out the path between
我是FMU世界的新手,一开始就是这样。我正在尝试用python加载和模拟一个FMU,它是在GT-Suite中创建的。我很难在加载FMU时解决这些错误,但我终于可以做到了。我正在关注jmodelica tutorials from pyfmi import load_fmu
#Load the FMU
model = load_fmu('AHU.fmu')
#simulate an fmu
res = model.simulate(final_time=10) 现在,当我试图模拟模型时,我得到了一个错误。错误是: FMUException: The slave failed
我有一个图G(V,E),如果存在,我必须计算包含e (边属于E)的最小生成树。我在想,我可以使用Kruskal算法,在列表的顶部插入圆弧e,以便算法首先选择这个弧线,然后构建包含e的树。这是正确的推理方式吗?如果包含e的MST不存在,则忽略弧吗?
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.PriorityQueue;
public class KrushkalMST {
static class Edge {
int source;
(define (count xs n)
[(== xs '()) (== n 0)]
[(fresh (a b)
(== xs (cons a b))
[(== a 0) (count b n)]
[(== a 1) (count b (- n 1))]))]))
> (run* (q) (fresh (a b c) (== q (list a b
tx_id node_id user_id
1 a 1
1 d 1
2 d 1
//Get all the calls for the last 24 hours for each MSISDN in the hour
val sCallsPlaced = (grouped24HourCallsPlaS).join(distinctMSISDNs)
val oCallsPlaced = (grouped24HourCallsPlaO).join(distinctMSISDNs)
val sCallsReceived = grouped24HourCallsRecS.join(distinctMSISDNs)
using namespace std;
union swap_byte { //This code is for union
void swap();
void show_byte();
void set_byte(unsigned short x);
unsigned char c[2];
unsigned short s;
void swap_byte::swap() //swaping the declared cha
我在strophe上建立了聊天工具。当我尝试邀请我的facebook xmpp用户名时,我在我的服务器上得到了如下信息:
Trying to open s2s connection: pregmatch.org -> chat.facebook.com with TLS=true
s2s connection: pregmatch.org -> chat.facebook.com (remote server not found)
Reconnect delay expired: Will now retry to connect to chat.facebook.com whe