然而,他们中的大多数都大致相似。我有20个字段名为a01 to a20,另有20个字段名为b01 to b20。另外两个是PK和一个FK。 (@col_FK IS NULL OR col_FK LIKE @col_FK) AND (@b01 IS NULL OR b01 LIKE @b01) AND ('t
在SQLserver2005中,此查询运行良好: Select * from sys.procedures where object_definition(object_id) like '%J%‘SELECT* FROM MSDB.DBO.SYSJOBS WHERE NAME LIKE '%J%’
我想在dbForge sql窗口上运行SQL语句,但得到错误:select 's';错误:
1 You have anerror in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the rightsyntax to use near