我遵循这里的代码:https://kiewic.com/validate-x-hub-signatue用于验证头部的签名,我认为除了'buf‘之外,我所有的都是正确和理解的。我从来没有听说过缓冲区,通过一些研究,我认为(?)我的结论是request.rawBody应该是争论的焦点,但我并不自信。 // Sends the post body into the db and the header is used to validate the post
exports.addEvent = functions.https.onRequest((request, resolve) =&g
We extracted RGB patches of 61x61 dimensions associated with each poselet activation, subtracted the mean and used this data to train the convnet model shown in Table 1
你能告诉我“减去平均数”是什么意思吗?告诉我这些步骤是否正确(这是我所理解的) 1)计算整个图像的红通道、绿通道和蓝通道的平均值2)对于每个像素,从红色值减去红色通道的平均值,从绿
我正在努力让JobDSL使用organizationFolder (种子作业构建得很好)和ghprb。“githubPullRequest”不存在于JobDSL的“组织框架/触发器”部分,但“ghprbTrigger”存在。
the following options are required and must be specified: adminlist, whitelist,
orgslist, cron, triggerPhrase, onlyTriggerPhrase, permitAll,
$ gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding \
--member="group:data.viewer@example.com" \
--role="roles/viewer" "my-project"
ERROR: Policy modification failed. For a binding with condition, run "gcloud alpha iam pol