我正在使用MariaDB,我试图做两件事,两者都失败了。 SELECT asin, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY asin ORDER BY created_at) AS nDELETEWHERE n > 1您的SQL语法出现了错误;请检查与MariaDB对应的手册。(2)作为解决上述查询的方法,我试图将所有重复的asin插入
access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDBserver version for the right syntax to use near 'recursive `laravel_cte` as ((select *, 1 as `depth`, cast(`id` as char(65535)) a' at line 1 (SQL: with recursive
我试图在MariaDB 10.3.14中的DELETE语句中使用CTE (因为CTE比派生表更适合我使用),但我似乎无法让它工作。当我重写命令以使用派生表时,它可以工作。with ps as ()
delete p from productp left join ps on p.id = ps.id where ps.id
它利用了CTE,因为我加入了三个表。内部查询中的前两个查询,然后是外部查询。但是,当我在我的web服务器上尝试这一点时,它只安装了MySQL,并且无法运行查询。有任何方法可以使用该结构运行查询吗?以下是一个示例:ASSELECT CAST('20160401' as date) AS [date]SELECT DATE_ADD(dd, 1, [date])WHERE DATE_ADD(dd,
在我的MySQL模式中,我有一个category(id, parentid, name)表with CTE (id, pidselect id, parentid as pid,name where id = 197 select CTE.pidas id , category.parentid as pid, category.name