类似于:LEFT JOIN challengesRead ON challenges.userID = challengesRead.userIDCASE WHEN challenges.opponentID = $var
LEFT JOIN challengesRead ON challenges.opponentID = challengesRead.userID
pages_controller.rb @challenges = current_user.challenges.order("deadline ASC")
#How to onlyshow one of the :categorization challenges if URL is root_path/:categorization?
3 CHALLENGES = framework.= DAY 4 CHALLENGES = Did ;-)= DAY 5 CHALLENGES = Paste ...= DAY 6 CHALLENGES= Name
= DAY 1 CHALLENGES = very high.= DAY 2 CHALLENGES = Rank understand.= DAY 3 CHALLENGES = buy....= DAY 4 CHALLENGES = re
我尝试在1个视图中使用两个模型,这两个模型返回不同的数据,第一个包含winners list,第二个包含challenges。我已经创建了自定义视图模型: public class CustomViewModel public IEnumerable<Challenges> challenges { get;ChallengesController public async Task<IActionResult> Index()
var model = new CustomViewModel