
Jenkins Artifactory插件+ Maven Flatten插件+ rtMavenDeployer。有没有办法部署扁平化的pom文件?

Jenkins Artifactory插件是Jenkins的一个插件,用于与Artifactory仓库管理系统集成,实现构建和部署的自动化。Maven Flatten插件是用于Maven项目的一个插件,用于将项目的依赖关系扁平化,即将所有依赖的传递性依赖都直接列在项目的pom文件中,而不是通过引用其他pom文件来管理。

通过结合Jenkins Artifactory插件和Maven Flatten插件,可以实现部署扁平化的pom文件。具体步骤如下:

  1. 在Jenkins中安装和配置Jenkins Artifactory插件,确保与Artifactory仓库管理系统的连接正常。
  2. 在Maven项目的pom.xml文件中添加Maven Flatten插件的配置,指定要扁平化的依赖范围和输出路径等参数。
  3. 在Jenkins的构建任务中配置构建步骤,包括构建代码、运行测试、生成扁平化的pom文件等。
  4. 在构建完成后,使用Jenkins Artifactory插件将构建产物部署到Artifactory仓库中。



  1. 腾讯云容器服务:提供容器化应用的部署、管理和扩展能力,支持与Jenkins的集成。详细信息请参考:腾讯云容器服务
  2. 腾讯云函数计算:提供事件驱动的无服务器计算服务,可以与Jenkins结合实现自动化部署和运行。详细信息请参考:腾讯云函数计算
  3. 腾讯云开发者工具套件:提供一站式的开发者工具和服务,包括代码托管、持续集成、持续部署等功能,支持与Jenkins的集成。详细信息请参考:腾讯云开发者工具套件

以上是关于Jenkins Artifactory插件、Maven Flatten插件以及相关腾讯云产品的介绍和推荐。希望对您有所帮助!



  • DevOps is Hard、DevSecOps is Even Harder. --- Enterprise Holdi

    Enterprise Holdings. 的IT团队超过2000人,在2018年的演讲中介绍了Enterprise Holdings的DevOps是如何转型的。我们通过打造一个不只包涵了pipeline的CI/CD平台,将其称之为SDLC。在最开始的200+个应用中,我们挑选出5个来作为试点。当时的情况证明这次DevOps转型计划是成功的,我们的团队有4+位工程师和两位架构师,从2年半前就开始了整个平台的开发工作,根据业务需求确保平台可以适配各种云服务、也要适配已有的中间件,我们也在不断对CI/CD平台进行改进,以适应所有业务场景。其的目标是让开发人员更专注于具体的项目开发,让工具去解决一些通用性的问题。为了达到目前的效果,我们做了很多关于平台的需求收集及问题反馈相关的运营工作,所以在过去的一年里,我们已经将此套平台服务于70%的应用中,并且这个数字还在持续的增加。


    关于 npm 和 yarn 总结一些细节

    Searches the local package tree and attempts to simplify the overall structure by moving dependencies further up the tree, where they can be more effectively shared by multiple dependent packages. For example, consider this dependency graph: a +-- b <-- depends on c@1.0.x | `-- c@1.0.3 `-- d <-- depends on c@~1.0.9 `-- c@1.0.10 In this case, npm dedupe will transform the tree to: a +-- b +-- d `-- c@1.0.10 Because of the hierarchical nature of node's module lookup, b and d will both get their dependency met by the single c package at the root level of the tree. 复制代码 // npm7 以后微调 // 在保持上述原则的基础上,升级了如下细微的规则: In some cases, you may have a dependency graph like this: a +-- b <-- depends on c@1.0.x +-- c@1.0.3 `-- d <-- depends on c@1.x `-- c@1.9.9 During the installation process, the c@1.0.3 dependency for b was placed in the root of the tree. Though d's dependency on c@1.x could have been satisfied by c@1.0.3, the newer c@1.9.0 dependency was used, because npm favors updates by default, even when doing so causes duplication. Running npm dedupe will cause npm to note the duplication and re-evaluate, deleting the nested c module, because the one in the root is sufficient. To prefer deduplication over novelty during the installation process, run npm install --prefer-dedupe or npm config set prefer-dedupe true. Arguments are ignored. Dedupe always acts on the entire tree. Note that this operation transforms the dependency tree, but will never result in new modules being installed. Using npm find-dupes will run the command in --dry-run mode. Note: npm dedupe will never update the semver values of direct dependencies in your project package.json, if you want to update values in package.json you can run: npm update --save instead.During the installation process, the c@1.0.3 dependency for b was placed in the root of the tree. Though d's dependency on c@1.x could have been satisfied by c@1.0.3
