/adb devices,我得到了* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 * ADB server didn't ACK * failed/adb kill-server,在该./adb start-server之后,我得到ADB server didn't ACK
[2014-04-16 14:01:05 - Abc] The connection to `ADB` is down, and a severe error has occurred.[2014-04-16 14:01:05 - Abc] Please ensure thatadb is correctly located at 'D:\adt-bundle-windows-x86-20131030\
请指导我有关此错误的信息[2011-05-02 18:37:20 - SimpleOptionMenu] You must restart adb and Eclipse.
[2011-05-0218:37:20 - SimpleOptionMenu] Please ensure that adb is correctly located