/adb devices,我得到了* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 * ADB server didn't ACK * failed/adb kill-server,在该./adb start-server之后,我得到ADB server didn't ACK
一切看起来都很好,但似乎有些时候Android无法通过端口5555连接,因此它将其更改为5037。这会导致连接被拒绝,所以当我尝试使用adb connect连接时,我得到:unable to connect to Connection refused
[2014-04-16 14:01:05 - Abc] The connection to `ADB` is down, and a severe error has occurred.[2014-04-16 14:01:05 - Abc] Please ensure thatadb is correctly located at 'D:\adt-bundle-windows-x86-20131030\
我的问题似乎有点奇怪--每当我用adb start-server启动ADB时,我都会得到以下信息:* deamon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *什么?所以我打开任务管理器并杀死了adb.exe。然后我运行adb shell (不先运行adb start-server )。shellExecutin