j (e.g., r_{2,4}=3 means that athlete 2 was third in marathon 4 )....Federico considers athlete x superior to athlete y if athlete x ranked better than athlete y in at least...Find any athlete who is likely to get the gold medal (that is, an athlete who is superior to all other...athletes), or determine that there is no such athlete....If there is more than such one athlete, print any of them.
start(); for (int athleteNo = 0; athleteNo < 5; athleteNo++) { new Thread(new Athlete...implements Runnable { Timer timer; String athleteName; public Athlete(Timer timer, String...start running athlete1 start running athlete2 start running athlete3 start running athlete4 start running...athlete0 has arrived There are 4 athletes did not reach the end athlete3 has arrived There are 3 athletes...did not reach the end athlete2 has arrived athlete1 has arrived There are 2 athletes did not reach the
athlete_list = soup.select('tr.resultsDetails li') for athlete in athlete_list[:5]: name = athlete.select...' + athlete.select('img')[0]['src'] print(name, position, img_url) 上面一段代码的运行结果如下图所示: ?...= soup.select('tr.resultsDetails li') item_list = [] for athlete in athlete_list: item = {}...item['name'] = athlete.select('h4 a')[0].text item['position'] = athlete.select('p.yPadding')[0]....text.strip() item['img_url'] = 'http://www.worldrowing.com' + athlete.select('img')[0]['src']
这是我之前学习爬虫时的一个课堂作业 源代码如下: import json from urllib import request import time,random import csv all_athlete...utf-8") data_obj = json.loads(data) #json转python athleteLst = data_obj["data"]["ul"] for athlete...in athleteLst: d_url = "https://gw.m.163.com/olympic/2020/athlete/{}.json".format(athlete["athleteId...= d_data["data"]["athleteInfo"] node = {} node["name"] = athlete["athleteName"]...in all_athlete: writer.writerow(athlete) print("爬虫结束") 原理是从云端发送来的json数据使用python爬虫下来再进行字符串分割保留需要的内容
/2018-world-rowing-under-23-championships/u23-mens-eight/') soup = bs(response.text, 'html.parser') athlete_list...= soup.select('tr.resultsDetails li') item_list = [] for athlete in athlete_list: item = {}...item['name'] = athlete.select('h4 a')[0].text item['position'] = athlete.select('p.yPadding')[0]....text.strip() item['img_url'] = 'http://www.worldrowing.com' + athlete.select('img')[0]['src']...detail_url = 'http://www.worldrowing.com' + athlete.select('h4 a')[0]['href'] response = requests.get
{% if %} 标签接受 and , or 或者 not 关键字来对多个变量做判断 ,或者对变量取反( not ),例如: {% if athlete_list and coach_list %}...例如,给定一个运动员列表 athlete_list 变量,我们可以使用下面的代码来显示这个列表: {% for athlete in athlete_list %} {{ athlete.name...}} {% endfor %} # 给标签增加一个 reversed 使得该列表被反向迭代: {% for athlete in athlete_list reversed %}...... {% endfor %} 可以嵌套使用 {% for %} 标签: {% for athlete in athlete_list %} {{ athlete.name }} {% for sport in athlete.sports_played %} {{ sport }} {% endfor
(发布) Gunshot(); } } 然后定义Athlete: /// /// 运动员 /// public class Athlete...athlete1 = new Athlete("Athlete1"); Athlete athlete2 = new Athlete("Athlete2"); //初始化裁判 Referee referee...= new Referee("Referee"); //运动员聆听枪声(订阅) referee.Gunshot = athlete1.Run; referee.Gunshot += athlete2....但是却解决了之前我们越到的问题: 1.赋值问题 referee.Gunshot = athlete1.Run; //编译错误 修改为: referee.Gunshot += athlete1.Run;...athlete1 = new Athlete("Athlete1"); Athlete athlete2 = new Athlete("Athlete2"); //初始化裁判 Referee
Athlete.java :每个运动员都就位后才开始。...athleteList.add(new Athlete(cyclicBarrier,"鲍威尔")); athleteList.add(new Athlete(cyclicBarrier,..."盖伊")); athleteList.add(new Athlete(cyclicBarrier,"布雷克")); athleteList.add(new Athlete...(new Athlete(cyclicBarrier,"路人甲")); athleteList.add(new Athlete(cyclicBarrier,"路人乙"));...Executor executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(8); for (Athlete athlete : athleteList) {
空字符串('' ) 零值(0 ) 特殊对象None 对象False(很明显) 9 {%%}中不能使用() 10 {% empty %}循环中,如果值为空是显示其他内容 {% for athlete...in athlete_list %} {{ athlete.name }} {% empty %} There are no athletes....in athlete_list %} {{ athlete.name }} {% empty %} There are no athletes....in athlete_list %} {{ athlete.name }} {% empty %} There are no athletes....in athlete_list %} {{ athlete.name }} {% empty %} There are no athletes.
in athlete_list %} {{ athlete.name }} {% endfor %} 可以使用{% for obj in list reversed... {% for athlete in athlete_list %} {{ athlete.name }} {% empty %} Sorry,...athlete in athlete_list %} {{ athlete.name }} {% endfor %} {% else %} <...%} Number of athletes: {{ athlete_list|length }} {% elif athlete_in_locker_room_list %} Athletes...{% else %} No athletes. {% endif %} 上述例子中,如果athlete_list不为空,就会通过使用{{ athlete_list|length }}过滤器展示出
ExecutorService pool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(3); public static void main(String[] args) { Athlete...subingtian = new Athlete("苏炳添", 1, barrier); Athlete boerte = new Athlete("博尔特", 2, barrier);...Athlete gaiyi = new Athlete("泰森盖伊", 3, barrier); pool.execute(subingtian); pool.execute(boerte...; } class Athlete implements Runnable { private String name; private Integer time; private...CyclicBarrier barrier; Athlete(String name, int time, CyclicBarrier barrier) { this.name
AC代码: #include using namespace std; struct Athlete { string ID; int x,y;...double distance; }; bool Cmp(Athlete a1,Athlete a2) { return a1.distance > a2.distance; } int main...() { int n; cin >> n; vector v(n); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
button>登录 或者 注册 {% endif %} {% if athlete_list...%} Number of athletes: {{ athlete_list|length }} {% elif athlete_in_locker_room_list %} Athletes...{% else %} No athletes. {% endif %} {% for athlete in athlete_list %} {{ athlete.name
= athletes.filter((athlete) => athlete.id === id)[0]; if (!...{athlete.cover})` }; return ( ..."> {athlete.name}, born in {athlete.birth} (Find out more on <a href={athlete.link...路径 athlete/:id 被映射为 AthletePage 。注意我们使用了命名参数 :id 。
(fe.include_header('web_app')) print(fe.start_form('http://www.baidu.com')) print(fe.para('Select a athlete...')) for athlete in athletes: print(fe.radio_button('select_athlete',athletes[athlete].name)) print...athletemodel athletes=athletemodel.get_from_store() #获取表单数据并放到一个字典中 form_data=cgi.FieldStorage() athlete_name...=form_data['name'].value # 渲染页面 print(fe.start_response()) print(fe.include_header(athlete_name)) print...(fe.u_list(athletes[athlete_name].top3())) print(fe.include_footer({'home':'/index.html','back':'gen_list.py
).start(); for (int athleteNo = 0; athleteNo < 5; athleteNo++) { new Thread(new Athlete...implements Runnable { Timer timer; String athleteName; public Athlete(Timer timer,...start running athlete1 start running athlete2 start running athlete3 start running athlete4 start running...athlete0 has arrived There are 4 athletes did not reach the end athlete3 has arrived There are 3 athletes...did not reach the end athlete2 has arrived athlete1 has arrived There are 1 athletes did not reach the
', 'Nums'] athlete = athlete.sort_values(by="Year" , ascending=...', 'Nums'] athlete = athlete.sort_values(by="Year" , ascending=...[athlete.Season=='Summer'].iterrows()]) .add_yaxis("参赛人数", [row['Nums'] for _, row in athlete...[athlete.Season=='Winter'].iterrows()]) .add_yaxis("参赛人数", [row['Nums'] for _, row in athlete...', 'Nums'] athlete = athlete.sort_values(by="Year" , ascending=
{% for athlete in athlete_list %} {{ athlete.name }} {% endfor %} ifequal/ifnotequal
BrokenBarrierException, InterruptedException { for (int i=0;i<5;i++) { service.execute( new Athlete...//所有线程执行结束后 countDownLatch.await(); System.out.println("下一个环节"); } } class Athlete...CountDownLatch countDownLatch; private final CyclicBarrier cyclicBarrier; private final int id; Athlete
=a_name self.birth=a_birth self.scores=a_birth a = Athlete('Sarah Sweeney', '2002-6-17...好了,现在要给Athlete多加一个top3方法。...class Athlete: def __init__(self,a_name,a_birth=None,a_scores=[]): self.name=a_name...as data: line = data.readline() scores = line.split(',') return Athlete...+sec print(getFast('sarah.txt').name) 需求无节制 加两个方法: add_time:给时间加多一个时间 add_times:追加一组时间 class Athlete
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