结果应该是大于或等于40%的列和行的串联。最终结果是: store_id items max percent store_name3 7 2 350.0white 并且连接应为: from store 2 - yellow, 4 items were selected out of 10 possible, with 40.0% achieveditems were selected out of 2 possible, with 350.0%
它返回一个JSON文件,因此我创建了一个函数,使用' Foursquare‘包(github.com/mLewisLogic/ DataFrame )从foursquare结果返回一个Pandas DataFramefoursquare_api_tools/foursquare_api_tools.py in venues_explore(client, lat, lng, limit)
3 This returns a pandasusing client https:/
我正在尝试用pandas做一些相当于以下SQL命令的事情: select *left join tableB as B
on A.key = B.key and substr(A.value,1,2) not in ('something', 'something else') 正如您在上面的sql查询中看到的,A.value在连接过程中应用了一个过滤条件,但由于它是左连接,on条件not in条件不会持久保存到结果数据集,它只在连接</e