我想把一个短语分成更多的句子,用一个给定的词作为分隔符。输入短语示例:She was walking quickly to the mall.Those girls are not trying very hard.You must go right now.My mother is fixing us some dinner.These
我正在尝试从文本文件行中生成一个表单,填充RadioButton选项。Public Function CountCharacter(ByVal value As String, ByVal ch As Char) As Integer For Each c As Char In value NextEnd Function
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal se
我需要Excel VBA中的帮助。我有这样的情况,我需要从一个字符串中拆分成几个数据。现在有了特定的分隔符,条件只是一个关键字。/*ORDER FORM*/Full Address: Unknown Street 123 ABCOrder: 1x G Action Figure2x Z Action Figure
Bank: ABC
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