Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain(JSONtextdid not start with array or object and option to allowfragments not set.)UserInfo=0x8dc2860
(JSONtextdid not start with array or object and option to allowfragments not set.)UserInfo=0x17057f60 {NSDebugDescription=JSONtextdid not start with array or object<
text is: %@", JSON);(JSONtextdid not start with array or object and option to allowfragments not set.)UserInfo=0xc1b4520 {NSDebugDescription=JSONtextdid not sta
(JSONtextdid not start with array or object and option to allowfragments not set.)UserInfo=0x16641de0 {NSDebugDescription=JSONtextdid not start with
array or object
PayPal-iOS-SDK-Sample-App[1555:19d03] Request has failed with error:"pp_service_error_json_parse_error(Cocoa error 3840.)\" (JSONtextdid not start with array or object and option to allowfragm
>Object231387] [Error]: Failed to run command eventually with error: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=3840 "JSONtextdid not start</e
(JSONtextdid not start with array or object and option to allowfragments not set.)UserInfo=0x165f6260 {NSDebugDescription=JSONtextdid not start with array or object<
(JSONtextdid not start with array or object and option to allowfragments not set.)UserInfo=0x1775e660 {NSDebugDescription=JSONtextdid not start with array or object<
我正在从web url请求动态json字符串。(JSONtextdid not start with array or object and option to allowfragments not set.)UserInfo=0x977a900 {NSDebugDescription=JSONtextdid not start wit