
mkdbfile在简单的"read a file > Create a hashfile job“中的问题

在简单的"read a file > Create a hashfile job"中,mkdbfile是一个命令或函数,用于创建一个数据库文件。它可以将读取的文件数据转换为哈希文件,并将其存储在数据库中。

分类: mkdbfile属于数据库相关的操作命令或函数。


  1. 数据持久化:通过将文件数据存储在数据库中,可以实现数据的持久化,确保数据的安全性和可靠性。
  2. 快速访问:数据库的索引机制可以加快对文件数据的访问速度,提高数据的读取和写入效率。
  3. 数据管理:数据库提供了丰富的数据管理功能,如数据备份、恢复、事务处理等,方便对文件数据进行管理和维护。

应用场景: mkdbfile可以在以下场景中使用:

  1. 数据分析:将大量文件数据转换为数据库文件,以便进行数据分析和挖掘。
  2. 文件管理:将文件数据存储在数据库中,方便对文件进行管理和检索。
  3. 数据备份:将文件数据转换为数据库文件,实现数据的备份和恢复。

推荐的腾讯云相关产品: 腾讯云提供了多个与数据库相关的产品,以下是其中一些推荐的产品:

  1. 云数据库 TencentDB:腾讯云的云数据库服务,支持多种数据库引擎,提供高可用、高性能的数据库解决方案。链接地址:https://cloud.tencent.com/product/cdb
  2. 分布式数据库 TDSQL:腾讯云的分布式数据库服务,适用于大规模数据存储和高并发访问场景。链接地址:https://cloud.tencent.com/product/tdsql
  3. 云数据库 Redis:腾讯云的云数据库 Redis 版,提供高性能的内存数据库服务。链接地址:https://cloud.tencent.com/product/redis




  • fio基础25

    8.0 Trace file format --------------------- There are two trace file format that you can encounter. The older (v1) format is unsupported since version 1.20-rc3 (March 2008). It will still be described below in case that you get an old trace and want to understand it. In any case the trace is a simple text file with a single action per line. 8.1 Trace file format v1 ------------------------ Each line represents a single io action in the following format: rw, offset, length where rw=0/1 for read/write, and the offset and length entries being in bytes. This format is not supported in Fio versions => 1.20-rc3. 8.2 Trace file format v2 ------------------------ The second version of the trace file format was added in Fio version 1.17. It allows to access more then one file per trace and has a bigger set of possible file actions. The first line of the trace file has to be: fio version 2 iolog Following this can be lines in two different formats, which are described below. The file management format: filename action The filename is given as an absolute path. The action can be one of these: add Add the given filename to the trace open Open the file with the given filename. The filename has to have been added with the add action before. close Close the file with the given filename. The file has to have been opened before. The file io action format: filename action offset length The filename is given as an absolute path, and has to have been added and opened before it can be used with this format. The offset and length are given in bytes. The action can be one of these: wait Wait for 'offset' microseconds. Everything below 100 is discarded. The time is relative to the previous wait statement. read Read 'length' bytes beginning from 'offset' write Write 'length' bytes beginning from 'offset' sync fsync() the file datasync fdatasync() the file trim trim the given file from the given 'offset' for 'length' bytes 9.0 CPU id



    iomem=str mem=str Fio can use various types of memory as the io unit buffer. The allowed values are: malloc Use memory from malloc(3) as the buffers. shm Use shared memory as the buffers. Allocated through shmget(2). shmhuge Same as shm, but use huge pages as backing. mmap Use mmap to allocate buffers. May either be anonymous memory, or can be file backed if a filename is given after the option. The format is mem=mmap:/path/to/file. mmaphuge Use a memory mapped huge file as the buffer backing. Append filename after mmaphuge, ala mem=mmaphuge:/hugetlbfs/file mmapshared Same as mmap, but use a MMAP_SHARED mapping. The area allocated is a function of the maximum allowed bs size for the job, multiplied by the io depth given. Note that for shmhuge and mmaphuge to work, the system must have free huge pages allocated. This can normally be checked and set by reading/writing /proc/sys/vm/nr_hugepages on a Linux system. Fio assumes a huge page is 4MB in size. So to calculate the number of huge pages you need for a given job file, add up the io depth of all jobs (normally one unless iodepth= is used) and multiply by the maximum bs set. Then divide that number by the huge page size. You can see the size of the huge pages in /proc/meminfo. If no huge pages are allocated by having a non-zero number in nr_hugepages, using mmaphuge or shmhuge will fail. Also see hugepage-size. mmaphuge also needs to have hugetlbfs mounted and the file location should point there. So if it'smountedin/huge,youwouldusemem=mmaphuge:/huge/somefile.iomem_align=intThisindiciatesthememoryalignmentoftheIOmemorybuffers.NotethatthegivenalignmentisappliedtothefirstIOunitbuffer,ifusingiodepththealignmentofthefollowingbuffersaregivenbythebsused.Inotherwords,ifusingabsthatisamultipleofthepagesizedinthesystem,allbufferswillbealignedtothisvalue.Ifusingabsthatisnotpagealigned,thealignmentofsubsequentIOmemorybuffersisthesumoftheiomem_alignandbsused.hugepage-size=intDefinesthesiz


    数据仓库实战 4

    91712 Map-Reduce Framework Map input records=125 Map output records=125 Input split bytes=85 Spilled Records=0 Failed Shuffles=0 Merged Map outputs=0 GC time elapsed (ms)=71 CPU time spent (ms)=1700 Physical memory (bytes) snapshot=259682304 Virtual memory (bytes) snapshot=2850103296 Total committed heap usage (bytes)=235929600 Peak Map Physical memory (bytes)=259682304 Peak Map Virtual memory (bytes)=2850103296 File Input Format Counters Bytes Read=0 File Output Format Counters Bytes Written=2181 20/11/25 11:07:51 INFO mapreduce.ImportJobBase: Transferred 2.1299 KB in 29.0742 seconds (75.0149 bytes/sec) 20/11/25 11:07:51 INFO mapreduce.ImportJobBase: Retrieved 125 records. Warning: /opt/cloudera/parcels/CDH-7.1.3-1.cdh7.1.3.p0.4992530/bin/../lib/sqoop/../accumulo does not exist! Accumulo imports will fail. Please set $ACCUMULO_HOME to the root of your Accumulo installation. SLF4J: Class path contains multiple SLF4J bindings. SLF4J: Found binding in [jar:file:/opt/cloudera/parcels/CDH-7.1.3-1.cdh7.1.3.p0.4992530/jars/slf4j-log4j12-1.7.30.jar!/org/slf4j/impl/StaticLoggerBinder.class] SLF4J: Found binding in [jar:file:/opt/cloudera/parcels/CDH-7.1.3-1.cdh7.1.3.p0.4992530/jars/log4j-slf4j-impl-2.10.0.jar!/org/slf4j/impl/StaticLoggerBinder.class] SLF4J: See http://www.slf4j.org/codes.html#multiple_bindings for an explanation. SLF4J: Actual binding is of type [org.slf4j.impl.Log4jLoggerFactory] 20/11/25 11:07:56 INFO sqoop.Sqoop: Running Sqoop version: 20/11/25 11:07:56 WARN tool.BaseSqoopTool: Setting your password on the command-line is insecure. Consider using -P instead. 20/11/25 11:07:56 INFO manager.MySQLManager: Preparing to use a MySQL streaming resultset. 20/11/25 11:07:56 INFO tool.CodeGenTool: Beginning code generation 20/11/25 11:07:57 INFO manager.SqlManager: Executing SQL statement: select id, name, category2_id from base_category3 where 1=1 and (1 = 0)



    rdma The RDMA I/O engine supports both RDMA memory semantics (RDMA_WRITE/RDMA_READ) and channel semantics (Send/Recv) for the InfiniBand, RoCE and iWARP protocols. falloc IO engine that does regular fallocate to simulate data transfer as fio ioengine. DDIR_READ does fallocate(,mode = keep_size,) DDIR_WRITE does fallocate(,mode = 0) DDIR_TRIM does fallocate(,mode = punch_hole) e4defrag IO engine that does regular EXT4_IOC_MOVE_EXT ioctls to simulate defragment activity in request to DDIR_WRITE event rbd IO engine supporting direct access to Ceph Rados Block Devices (RBD) via librbd without the need to use the kernel rbd driver. This ioengine defines engine specific options. gfapi Using Glusterfs libgfapi sync interface to direct access to Glusterfs volumes without options. gfapi_async Using Glusterfs libgfapi async interface to direct access to Glusterfs volumes without having to go through FUSE. This ioengine defines engine specific options. libhdfs Read and write through Hadoop (HDFS). The 'filename' option is used to specify host, port of the hdfs name-node to connect. This engine interprets offsets a little differently. In HDFS, files once created cannot be modified. So random writes are not possible. To imitate this, libhdfs engine expects bunch of small files to be created over HDFS, and engine will randomly pick a file out of those files based on the offset generated by fio backend. (see the example job file to create such files, use rw=write option). Please note, you might want to set necessary environment variables to work with hdfs/libhdfs properly. mtd Read, write and erase an MTD character device (e.g., /dev/mtd0). Discards are treated as erases. Depending on the underlying device type, the I/O may have to go in a certain pattern, e.g., on NAND, writing sequentially to erase blocks and discarding before overwriting. The w
