版权: https://github.com/humiaozuzu/awesome-flask Awesome Flask ============= 介绍 Awesome-Flask 是由 h
Flask-AppBuilder - Simple and rapid Application builder, includes detailed security, auto form generation, google charts and much more. FlaskEx - UNKNOWN gourd - easy server framework. add flask's style route to tcp/udp server. kit - Flask, Celery, SQLAlchemy integration framework. Flask-WTF - Simple integration of Flask and WTForms alchemist - A server architecture built on top of a solid foundation provided by flask, sqlalchemy, and various extensions. Flask-Mail - Flask extension for sending email sga - make it easier to use pyga for web develop. and make pyga compatible with flask and django. flask-peewee - Peewee integration for flask flask_util_js - flask's util in javascript. such as url_for etc. Flask-Security - Simple security for Flask apps Flask-RESTful - Simple framework for creating REST APIs Flask-SeaSurf - An updated CSRF extension for Flask. Flask-Cache - Adds cache support to your Flask application Flask-Admin - Simple and extensible admin interface framework for Flask Flask-Slither - A small library between MongoDB and JSON API endpoints Flask-Bootstrap - An extension that includes Bootstrap in your project, without any boilerplate code. Flask-Script - Scripting support for Flask Flask-GoogleLogin - Extends Flask-Login to use Google's OAuth2 authorization Flask-Exceptional - Adds Exceptional support to Flask applications Flask - A microframework based on Werkzeug, Jinja2 and good intentions INSTALLED: 0.10.1 (latest) clay-flask - Clay is a framework for building RESTful backend services using best practices. Flask-Classy - Class based views for Flask ShelfCMS - Enhancing flask microframework with beautiful admin and cms-like features
这几个月我开发了公司里的一个restful webservice,起初技术选型的时候是采用了flask框架。虽然flask是一个同步的框架,但是可以配合gevent或者其它方式运行在异步的容器中(测试链接),效果看上去也还可以,因此就采用了这种方式。
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