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    iomem=str mem=str Fio can use various types of memory as the io unit buffer. The allowed values are: malloc Use memory from malloc(3) as the buffers. shm Use shared memory as the buffers. Allocated through shmget(2). shmhuge Same as shm, but use huge pages as backing. mmap Use mmap to allocate buffers. May either be anonymous memory, or can be file backed if a filename is given after the option. The format is mem=mmap:/path/to/file. mmaphuge Use a memory mapped huge file as the buffer backing. Append filename after mmaphuge, ala mem=mmaphuge:/hugetlbfs/file mmapshared Same as mmap, but use a MMAP_SHARED mapping. The area allocated is a function of the maximum allowed bs size for the job, multiplied by the io depth given. Note that for shmhuge and mmaphuge to work, the system must have free huge pages allocated. This can normally be checked and set by reading/writing /proc/sys/vm/nr_hugepages on a Linux system. Fio assumes a huge page is 4MB in size. So to calculate the number of huge pages you need for a given job file, add up the io depth of all jobs (normally one unless iodepth= is used) and multiply by the maximum bs set. Then divide that number by the huge page size. You can see the size of the huge pages in /proc/meminfo. If no huge pages are allocated by having a non-zero number in nr_hugepages, using mmaphuge or shmhuge will fail. Also see hugepage-size. mmaphuge also needs to have hugetlbfs mounted and the file location should point there. So if it'smountedin/huge,youwouldusemem=mmaphuge:/huge/somefile.iomem_align=intThisindiciatesthememoryalignmentoftheIOmemorybuffers.NotethatthegivenalignmentisappliedtothefirstIOunitbuffer,ifusingiodepththealignmentofthefollowingbuffersaregivenbythebsused.Inotherwords,ifusingabsthatisamultipleofthepagesizedinthesystem,allbufferswillbealignedtothisvalue.Ifusingabsthatisnotpagealigned,thealignmentofsubsequentIOmemorybuffersisthesumoftheiomem_alignandbsused.hugepage-size=intDefinesthesiz



    randrepeat=boolForrandomIOworkloads,seedthegeneratorinapredictablewaysothatresultsarerepeatableacrossrepetitions.Defaultstotrue.randseed=intSeedtherandomnumbergeneratorsbasedonthisseedvalue,tobeabletocontrolwhatsequenceofoutputisbeinggenerated.Ifnotset,therandomsequencedependsontherandrepeatsetting.fallocate=strWhetherpre-allocationisperformedwhenlayingdownfiles.Acceptedvaluesare:noneDonotpre-allocatespaceposixPre-allocateviaposix_fallocate()keepPre-allocateviafallocate()withFALLOC_FL_KEEP_SIZEset0Backward-compatiblealiasfor'none'1Backward-compatiblealiasfor'posix'Maynotbeavailableonallsupportedplatforms.'keep'isonlyavailableonLinux.IfusingZFSonSolaristhismustbesetto'none'becauseZFSdoesn't support it. Default: 'posix'. fadvise_hint=bool By default, fio will use fadvise() to advise the kernel on what IO patterns it is likely to issue. Sometimes you want to test specific IO patterns without telling the kernel about it, in which case you can disable this option. If set, fio will use POSIX_FADV_SEQUENTIAL for sequential IO and POSIX_FADV_RANDOM for random IO. fadvise_stream=int Notify the kernel what write stream ID to place these writes under. Only supported on Linux. Note, this option may change going forward. size=int The total size of file io for this job. Fio will run until this many bytes has been transferred, unless runtime is limited by other options (such as 'runtime', for instance, or increased/decreased by 'io_size'). Unless specific nrfiles and filesize options are given, fio will divide this size between the available files specified by the job. If not set, fio will use the full size of the given files or devices. If the files do not exist, size must be given. It is also possible to give size as a percentage between 1 and 100. If size=20% is given, fio will use 20% of the full size of the given files or devices. io_size=int io_limit=int Normally fio operates within the region set by 'size', which means that the 'size' option sets both the region and size of IO to


    解决Rclone挂载Google Drive时上传失败和内存占用高等问题

    说明:之前看到有些人评论使用Rclone挂载Gdrive时,会出现部分文件上传失败和挂载崩掉等问题,后者在挂载OneDrive时也会出现,所以这里就专门花了点时间测试了下这些问题,然后就水个解决方法。一般挂载Gdrive的时候,默认是使用的官方提供的api,所以高峰期上传文件的时候,由于很多人在用,导致api的流量上限,会出现各种403,ratelimit等错误,最常见的报错提示为:Failed to get file: googleapi: Error 403: Rate Limit Exceeded, rateLimitExceeded,然后目前的解决方法就是使用自己的api。至于挂载崩掉的问题是可以通过调整部分参数来解决,这里就都一起说下。
