Robust face landmark estimation under occlusion ICCV’13不能够对 outliers 给出一个系统的解决方案,我们提出了一个 Robust Cascaded Pose Regression (RCPR) 来解决这些问题 3.2.1 Robustness to occlusion
SSDO 全称 Screen Space Directional Occlusion,可以看做一种实时 GI 算法,是 SSAO 的升级版。...Ambient Occlusion (AO) 即环境光遮蔽是一种常见的提升表面细节的技术,基本思路是在 Mesh 表面预计算周围的遮挡信息,然后在计算光照的时候把遮蔽因子作为系数叠加到环境光上。...于是 SSAO (Screen Space Ambient Occlusion) 应运而生,在屏幕空间进行计算,在开销可以接受的情况下支持动态场景。
译者注:本文翻译自Cesium官方博文《Computing the horizon occlusion point》,by KEVIN RING。 你厌倦了地平线剔除吗? 太好了,我也没有!
image_padded = np.pad(image, ( \ (occlusion_padding, occlusion_padding), (occlusion_padding, occlusion_padding...[0] + occlusion_padding, \ x - occlusion_padding:x + occlusion_center.shape[1] + occlusion_padding...] \ = occlusion tmp[y:y + occlusion_center.shape[0], x:x + occlusion_center.shape...[1]] = occlusion_center yield x - occlusion_padding, y - occlusion_padding, \ tmp...[occlusion_padding:tmp.shape[0] - occlusion_padding, occlusion_padding:tmp.shape[1] - occlusion_padding
image_padded= np.pad(image, ( \ (occlusion_padding, occlusion_padding), (occlusion_padding, occlusion_padding...+ occlusion_padding, size): for xin range(occlusion_padding, image.shape[1]+ occlusion_padding...[0]+ occlusion_padding, \ x- occlusion_padding:x+ occlusion_center.shape[1]+ occlusion_padding...[occlusion_padding:tmp.shape[0]- occlusion_padding, occlusion_padding:tmp.shape[1]- occlusion_padding..., y, y + occlusion_size)) heatmap[y:y+ occlusion_size, x:x+ occlusion_size]= out[0][correct_class
circle-emissive-strength fill: fill-emissive-strength fill-extrusion: fill-extrusion-ambient-occlusion-ground-attenuation...fill-extrusion-ambient-occlusion-ground-radius fill-extrusion-ambient-occlusion-intensity fill-extrusion-ambient-occlusion-radius...fill-extrusion-ambient-occlusion-wall-radius fill-extrusion-edge-radius fill-extrusion-flood-light-color
; $quality = $data['result']['face_list'][0]['quality']; if ($quality['occlusion']['left_eye'...; // 右眼被遮挡的阈值 if ($quality['occlusion']['nose'] > 0.7) return $err_result; // 鼻子被遮挡的阈值 if ($quality...['occlusion']['mouth'] > 0.7) return $err_result; // 嘴巴被遮挡的阈值 if ($quality['occlusion']['left_cheek...'] > 0.8) return $err_result; // 左脸颊被遮挡的阈值 if ($quality['occlusion']['right_cheek'] > 0.8) return...$err_result; // 右脸颊被遮挡的阈值 if ($quality['occlusion']['chin_contour'] > 0.6) return $err_result; /
Moreover, some important attributes including visibility of scenes, object category and occlusion, are...task1 遮挡情况 Three degrees of occlusions: no occlusion (occlusion ratio 0%), partial occlusion (occlusion...ratio 1% 50%), and heavy occlusion (occlusion ratio > 50%). 2018task1winner 选择retina net,移除后面两层,只用P3,4,5 语义分割/Segmentation - 1 篇 Delving into High-Quality Synthetic Face Occlusion...深入研究高质量的合成面部遮挡细分数据集 论文/Paper: 代码/Code:人脸相关 / Face - 1 篇 Delving into High-Quality Synthetic Face Occlusion Segmentation Datasets 标题:深入研究高质量的合成面部遮挡细分数据集...论文/Paper: 代码/Code:
因为这是 Chrome 97 在内核里的优化判断,只要有窗口满足 Windows Native Window Occlusion Detection 文档所描述的条件,将会自动停止视频的播放 此问题已算报告给...chromium 官方,细节请看 Chrome Occlusion Problem is Back, Help Please?...: incremental_games 最佳修复方法为禁用 Chrome 此功能,进入 chrome://flags 禁用 #calculate-native-win-occlusion 即可 另外一个应该是有坑的方法是更改自己的...WPF 应用,如给应用的窗口设置 Win32 的窗口样式,设置 WM_Popup 样式,也能解决此问题,因为绕过了 Windows Native Window Occlusion Detection
InputDispatcher: Untrusted touch due to occlusion by com.xx.xx/10074 (obscuring opacity = 1.00, maximum...四、检测不受信任的触摸操作是否被屏蔽 可以通过adb日志查看 Untrusted touch due to occlusion by PACKAGE_NAME 如需允许不受信任的触摸操作,请在终端窗口中运行以下...isTouchTrustedLocked(occlusionInfo)) { if (DEBUG_TOUCH_OCCLUSION) {...occlusionInfo) const { if (occlusionInfo.hasBlockingOcclusion) { ALOGW("Untrusted touch due to occlusion...occlusionInfo.obscuringOpacity > mMaximumObscuringOpacityForTouch) { ALOGW("Untrusted touch due to occlusion
interpolates the pixel color based on the motion 但是光流的计算很容易不稳定 optical flow is not reliable due to occlusion...卷积核对一些困难的情况提供了灵活性 the convolution kernel provides flexibility to account for and address difficult cases like occlusion...Qualitative evaluation with respect to occlusion ?
Minimum error bounded efficient L1 tracker with occlusion detection. In CVPR,2011....By introducing trivial templates, the tracker can handle partial occlusion....Minimum error bounded efficient L1 tracker with occlusion detection. In CVPR,2011....The coefficients of trivial templates are employed to account for noise or occlusion and avoid much occlusion... when the target undergoes heavy occlusion or long-time partial occlusion.
实验表明,我们的方法在YCB视频数据集上的表现优于最新方法,从93.9%到94.4%,在Occlusion LineMOD数据集上从64.4%到66.8%。...b)Occlusion LineMOD数据集:Occlution LineMOD数据集是对LineMOD数据集进行了重新注释,以补偿其缺少遮挡。...4.4 在数据集YCB-Video和Occlusion LineMOD上的估计表1显示了对YCB视频数据集中所有21个对象的估计,一些定性结果如图3所示。...表2显示了Occlusion LineMOD数据集中8个对象的评估结果。表中显示,我们的方法获得了最佳的整体结果,比FFB6D的性能好2.4%。...与表1相比,我们的方法在Occlusion LineMOD数据集上取得了较大的改善,表明我们的方法对遮挡环境更为稳健。
实验表明,该方法在LINEMOD、Occlusion LINEMOD和YCB-Video数据集上的性能优于现有的方法,同时能够有效地进行实时的位姿估计。...3.在基准数据集上,与最先进的方法相比,该方法显著地提高了性能(在LINEMOD和OCCLUSION上分别增加了86.3%vs79%,40.8%vs30.4%)。...(a)Occlusion LINEMOD数据集的图像。(b)PVNet的架构。(c)指向物体关键点的像素级向量。(d)语义标签。(e)投票产生的关键点假设。投票分数越高的假设越亮。...表2 本文方法和基线方法在Occlusion LINEMOD数据集上的准确性(2D Projection metric)。 ?...表3 根据ADD(-S),本文方法和基线方法在Occlusion LINEMOD数据集上的准确性,其中glue和eggbox认为是对称对象。 ?
Saturated dataBit 8: Band 9 Data Saturation 0: No saturation1: Saturated dataBit 11: Terrain occlusion...0: No terrain occlusion1: Terrain occlusion Bit 0: Band 1 Data Saturation 0: No saturation...Saturated data Bit 8: Band 9 Data Saturation 0: No saturation 1: Saturated data Bit 11: Terrain occlusion...0: No terrain occlusion 1: Terrain occlusion QA_AEROSOL Bit Index Bit 0: Fill 0: Pixel
objectbased scene representations from their on-board vision systems to reason about contact, physics and occlusion...We present a system which can estimate the accurate poses of multiple known objects in contact and occlusion
段落2——遮挡问题的处理 Occlusion is one of the most challenging problems in object tracking. ...Qualitative Comparison Heavy occlusion: Occlusion is one of the most general yet crucial problems in...Thus, the occlusion handling scheme effectively alleviates the affect of occlusions. ...The other trackers all fail before frame 134 due to heavy occlusion (Figure 3(a)). ... handling module, which enables our tracker to better handle heavy occlusion.
这个现象被称为环境遮蔽(ambient occlusion, AO), 一般用于模拟这种区域变暗的方法是: 对于每个面, 测试它被其它面”阻挡”了多少....实时AO在屏幕空间环境遮蔽(Screen Space Ambient Occlusion, SSAO)出现之前一直被认为是达不成的目标....有了这两个因素, 一个计算遮闭的简单公式就出来了: Occlusion = max( 0.0, dot( N, V) ) * ( 1.0 / ( 1.0 + d ) ) 第一项max( 0.0, dot...return o; } 这个屏幕空间的方案与 “Hardware Accelerated Ambient Occlusion Techniques on GPUs” [1]十分相似, 主要是采样模式和...另外也可以理解成“Dynamic Ambient Occlusion and Indirect Lighting” [2]的图像空间版本.
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