我们知道,在对话框中,屏蔽ESC键自己主动退出能够选择重载OnCancel为哑函数的方法: void CXXXXDlg::OnCancel() { // TODO...: Add your specialized code here and/or call the base class //CDialog::OnCancel(); //disable OnCancel...::OnCancel()中什么也没有做,因此对话框就无法关闭。...(); //add OnCancel here CDialog::OnClose(); } 因为OnCancle...(),在调试中假设把这个函数凝视掉,则不会转入CXXXXDlg::OnCancel()函数中。
should be able to receive a handler for the "取消" button and execute it upon click', () => { const onCancel...= jest.fn(); const { getByRole } = render(); const okButton...(); }); 组件: import React from "react"; const Confirmation = ({ title, question, onOk, onCancel })...= jest.fn(); const { getByRole } = render(); const okButton...= jest.fn(); const { getByRole, debug } = render(); debug
= jest.fn() const { getByRole } = render() const okButton =...getByRole('button', { name: '取消' }) fireEvent.click(okButton) expect(onCancel).toHaveBeenCalled...() }) 组件: import React from 'react' const Confirmation = ({ title, question, onOk, onCancel }) => {...= jest.fn() const { getByRole } = render() const okButton...= jest.fn() const { getByRole, debug } = render() debug() }
Modal } from "antd"; import React, { useState, useEffect } from "react"; const FormButton = ({ open, onCancel...const onFinish = (values) => { getData(values); }; return ( <Modal open={open} onCancel...={onCancel} width={300} footer={null} destroyOnClose > <Form form...useState( JSON.stringify({ title: "公告", content: "明天放假一天,注意时间分配", }) ); const onCancel...={onCancel} getData={getData} /> <Table dataSource={[JSON.parse(data)]} columns={
stopPropagation() visibleRef.value = false if (getMergeProps.value.onCancel && isFunction...(getMergeProps.value.onCancel)) { getMergeProps.value.onCancel() } else { emit(...if (getMergeProps.value.onCancel && isFunction(getMergeProps.value.onCancel)) { getMergeProps.value.onCancel...() } else { emit('cancel', e) } 这里的getMergeProps.value.onCancel和emit('cancel', e
interface PDFPreviewModalProps { fileName: string | null fileUrl: string | null // 传入的 PDF 文件地址 onCancel...=> void // 关闭弹框的回调 } const PDFPreviewModal: React.FC = ({ fileName, fileUrl, onCancel...setPdfWidth(width) } return ( <Modal title={`【${fileName}】预览`} open onCancel...={onCancel} footer={null} width={pdfWidth + 100} style={{ top: 20 }} > {error...publicFileUrl} onCancel={() => setPreviewFile('')} /> )} ) } export
primary', cancelText='取消', cancelType='default', closable= true, onOk=() => {}, onCancel...} showModal = () => { this.setState({ visible: true }) } onCancel...={this.onCancel} onOk={this.onOk}> modal提示内容 ...方法传入关闭Modal方法destroy(); const onCancel_1 = () => { onCancel(); destroy...={onCancel_1} children={content} okType={okType} visible
reactor/reactor-core/v3.1.1.RELEASE/src/docs/marble/dooncancel.png" alt=""> * * @param onCancel...* * @return an observed {@link Flux} */ public final Flux doOnCancel(Runnable onCancel...) { Objects.requireNonNull(onCancel, "onCancel"); return doOnSignal(this, null, null,...null, null, null, null, onCancel); } doOnTerminate /** * Add behavior (side-effect) triggered...onComplete, onAfterTerminate, onRequest, onCancel
) onCancel(e); } return ( ...> 前端Excel转Data <LocalImportModal title="前端Excel转Data" visible={localModalVisible} onCancel...组件上传 Excel 文件: const ServerImportModal: FC = (props) => { const {onImport, onSubmit, onOk, onCancel...) onCancel(e); } return ( ...后端Excel转Data <ServerImportModal title="后端Excel转Data" visible={serverModalVisible} onCancel
primary', cancelText='取消', cancelType='default', closable= true, onOk=() => {}, onCancel...} showModal = () => { this.setState({ visible: true }) } onCancel...modal modal提示内容
hideSoftInput() super.dismiss() } 复制代码 2.用户点击空白处关闭dialog DialogFragment本身没有监听关闭之前的方法,只有两个相关方法onCancel...(dialog: DialogInterface)和onDismiss(dialog: DialogInterface) 重写onCancel(dialog: DialogInterface)...override fun onCancel(dialog: DialogInterface) { hideSoftInput() super.onCancel(dialog...e.rethrowFromSystemServer(); } } } 复制代码 可以看到关闭软键盘的代码为mService.hideSoftInput 断点发现当在onCancel...appWindowToken) { finishInputLocked(); } } } 复制代码 所以可以判断当回调到onCancel
final @Nullable StreamHandler handler 参数 , 就是 消息处理器 ; 在 StreamHandler 接口中 , 定义了两个接口方法 : onListen 和 onCancel...register itself with platform-specific event sources * {@code onListen} and deregister again {@code onCancel...* * @param arguments stream configuration arguments, possibly null. */ void onCancel...mEventSink = events; Log.i(TAG, "事件流建立成功"); } @Override public void onCancel...) { mEventSink = events; Log.i(TAG, "事件流建立成功"); } @Override public void onCancel
Action onConfirm = null, Action onCancel...Action onConfirm = null, Action onCancel...Action onConfirm = null, Action onCancel...Action onConfirm, Action onCancel...Action onConfirm, Action onCancel
, String title, Widget content, String cancelText, String confirmText, Function onCancel...= null && flag) { onConfirm(); } else if (onCancel !...= null) { onCancel(); } } flutter_tts plugin TTS 首先在 pubspec.yaml 配置插件 flutter_tts dependencies
self.transfer, ftpargs) showinfo(self.title, '%s of "%s" started' % (self.mode, filename)) def onCancel...side=RIGHT, expand=YES, fill=X) self.content[label] = entry Button(box, text='Cancel', command=self.onCancel...# user inputs in print(key, '\t=>\t', self.content[key].get()) # self.content[k] def onCancel...Form.onSubmit(self) self.onCancel()
side=RIGHT, expand=YES, fill=X) self.content[label] = entry Button(box, text='Cancel', command=self.onCancel...# user inputs in print(key, '\t=>\t', self.content[key].get()) # self.content[k] def onCancel...Form.onSubmit(self) self.onCancel() if name == 'main': import sys if len(sys.argv) == 1: Form(['Name
appid,新浪等其他的不用填 [share registerWeixinAppId:@”weixinAPPID”]; //授权取消回调函数 FrontiaShareCancelCallback onCancel...= ^(){ NSLog(@”OnCancel: share is cancelled”); }; //授权失败回调函数 FrontiaShareFailureCallback onFailure...supportedInterfaceOrientations:UIInterfaceOrientationMaskPortrait isStatusBarHidden:NO targetViewForPad:sender cancelListener:onCancel
Modal>组件并列使用的,而必须在history.block()内部去调用组件(就是注释take your action here那里),这就导致一个问题:组件里的 onOk、onCancel...说白点就是,组件先显示出来,阻塞后面的 return false/true,等 组件的 onOk、onCancel 方法执行后,再 return false/true 我试了几种方法...}; <Modal title="提示" visible={modalVisible} onCancel
exclamation-circle', onOk: () => { this.onMapClose(); console.log('点击确认') }, onCancel...}, }), onOk: () => { this.onMapClose(); console.log('点击确认') }, onCancel
要有用户自定义传入的内容(children),还有一个确定按钮文案(okText)和一个取消按钮文案(cancelText)吧,并且允许用户传入点击确定按钮的回调函数(onOk)和点击取消按钮的回调函数(onCancel...: () => void, onCancel?: () => void, okText?: string, cancelText?...: false, } public render() { const { title, visible, okText, cancelText, children, onOk, onCancel...{ return null; }; return ( <button className="modal-cancel-btn btn" onClick={onCancel
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