SQL> alter package bo_syn_data_pkg compile; alter package bo_syn_data_pkg compile * ERROR at line 1: ORA...compile body; -->编译Body时也被hang住 >alter package bo_syn_data_pkg compile body * ERROR at line 1: ORA...SQL> alter package bo_syn_data_pkg compile; alter package bo_syn_data_pkg compile * ERROR at line 1: ORA
方式关闭数据库,在数据库未关闭时CTRL+Z停止执行,退出用SQLPLUS重登陆,出现报错:ORA-01012: not logged on 实验如下: 首先执行 SYS@bys1>shutdown ORA
select owner from b) * ERROR at line 1: ORA
1) from AGREEMENT_PARAM partition(AMAXVALUE) where rownum=0 * ERROR at line 1: ORA
1/dbs/spfiledgtest.ora SQL> create pfile from spfile; ^Ccreate pfile from spfile * ERROR at line 1: ORA
oracle@linux3.orasrv.com (TNS V1-V3) SQL> shutdown immediate; ---->关闭数据库时,hang住,不得不使用ctrl -c 终止 ORA
sex varchar2(1); 会一直处于hang 直到人为中止 c^Calter table tbl_lock add sex varchar2(1) * ERROR at line 1: ORA
ERROR: ORA-02002: error while writing to audit trail ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1 ORA
delete scott.emp where deptno=20; delete scott.emp where deptno=20 * ERROR at line 1: ORA
关闭数据库,是有超时时间的,如果用户未中断连接,或者交易未完成,超过一小时,则shutdown命令会取消,提示错误:ORA-01013: user requested cancel of current
ORA-01013: 用户请求取消当前的操作 说明:一个可能是用户取消了操作;一个可能是超时。
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