此外,我需要在子查询中为WHERE to_date(fgmulti.in_date) = to_date(sysdate)提供一个条件。MERGE INTO fgmulti FGM (SELECT * FROM arinvt
WHERE class LIKE 'CP%' OR 'FG%' OR 'IN%'
我必须从Oracle数据库中获取数据,这些数据比Oracle数据库早了2周。我试着在两者之间使用。但都是徒劳的。to_date(to_char(sysdate,'yyyy') || to_char(sgs.status_Date,'mmdd'),'yyyymmdd' )
between (trunc(sysdate)) and trunc(sysdate</
尝试在Oracle中运行以下查询时出现ORA-00905: missing keyword错误:from DSS_MAIN.DIM_TIME a1where Case When TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'MM') < 3
我正在寻找一个SQL解决方案,以在Oracle Developer SQL的工作,将计算当前季度的开始和结束日期基于sysdate和财政日历开始于2020年2月1日。End解决方案将用于where子句以确定报告日期范围,例如( Where Report_Date between Modified_Quarter_Start and sysdate )
passing in the parameter than the code should generate the aggregate from the starting of the year to the sysdatein the parameter than the code should generate the aggregate from the starting of the quarter to the sysdatein the parameter than the code should generate the aggregate