在1.9,它只是说Branch git_1.9_test_branch set up to track remote branch master from origin by rebasing.git checkout -b new_branchBranch new_branch set up to track remote branch ne
由于某些原因,有些任务使回购处于REBASING_MERGE状态。现在,当我下次处理一个任务时,我需要尝试“修复”存储库。我已经删除了潜在的冲突/修改/添加,但是回购仍然处于REBASING_MERGE状态。org.eclipse.jgit.api.errors.WrongRepositoryStateException: Cannot pull into a repository with state: REBASING_MERGE
我在试着改变一个同事的工作基数。过了一段时间后,我得到了以下错误:cannot lock ref 'refs/heads/dev_504': ref refs/heads/dev_504 is at but expected XXXXXXXX
Could not move back to refs/heads/dev_5
当我跑步时:我看到这个:You are currently rebasing branch 'master'git branch* (no branch, rebasing master) master
我卡住了。该怎么办呢?重新定位真的花了这么长时间吗?To check out the original branch and stop rebasing, run "git rebase
sh -c 'echo rebasing branch \"$0\" on top of \"$1\" && git checkout \"$0\" && git pull origin \"$0\"git output ...fatal: While expanding alias 'rebm': 'sh -c 'echo reba