mysql> GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO 'test'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';
Query OK, 0 rows affected, 1 warning (0.01 sec)
mysql> SELECT user,host,password FROM mysql.user WHERE user='test';
Public Function encodeStrings(ByVal MyPass As String, ByVal MyUName As String) As String
Dim ENPass As String = Nothing
Dim password As String = (MyPass + MyUName)
Dim mhash As HashAlgorithm = New SHA1CryptoServiceProvider
Dim bytValue() As Byte = System.Text.Encoding.U
我正在开发一个需要一些基本身份验证的soap that服务。
public String[][] someWebserviceMethod(String username, String password) throws FailedLoginException {
// Verify that user with username and password exists
//do database stuff and return data
Ga tan Leurent和Thomas的预印版从碰撞到选择前缀冲突.应用到完整的SHA-1 (在即将出版的欧洲地窖2019年年的法律程序第1卷 of C2中)展示了SHA-1上可行的选择前缀碰撞攻击。给定相同长度的前缀P_A和P_B,攻击会产生带有\operatorname{SHA-1}(P_A\mathbin\|S_A)=\operatorname{SHA-1}(P_B\mathbin\|S_B)的后缀S_A和S_B。这种攻击的代价是可行的:是碎裂的几倍,因为给定前缀P会产生不同的后缀S_A和带有\operatorname{SHA-1}(P\mathbin\|S_A)=\operator