处理/home/USER/.vimrc时检测到错误: 第31行: E492:不是编辑器命令: bundle‘vim-ruby/vim-ruby’ 我需要帮助。我切换到vim,现在已经是地狱了。/bundle/Vundle.vim 9 " alternatively, pass a path where Vundle should installbeg
刚刚安装了LAMP服务器,需要使用vim编辑器编辑php.iniPackage 'vim' is not available butThis means the package is missing or is obsolete, or is only avaiable from another source.E: Package 'vim' has no i
我有这样的短信Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) ) are cryptographic presentation protocols used in the telecommunications fi我试过命令fmt -w 77par