当我们使用substr来显示字符串的一部分,但如果我们的字符串有锚标记,那么显示的字符串内容比其他字符串要小$str1="is simply dummy text of the printing$str1Count=strlen($str1); // 357
echo substrhas survived not only five centuries, but also t
我使用的查询:Col1,substr(regexp_replace(','||(LISTAGG(( CASE WHEN T1.COl3 ISNULL ELSE T1.COl3 END), ',') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY T1.COl1 )), '(,[^,]+)(\1)+', '\1'),2) as COl3 ,
在准备一个将标准化的双精度数字转换为十进制数字的函数时,我需要如下内容: substr(01001011, 2, 5) # what is in fact:"0010" (because leading0 is ignored)substr("01001011", 2, 5) # "1001"; gives whatI want BUT the follo