onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.activity_subtitle...项目源码,点击下载…… 以上这篇Android 实现视频字幕Subtitle和横竖屏切换示例就是小编分享给大家的全部内容了,希望能给大家一个参考。
目前为止,全网也就只有一个博主写到过这样动态显示 subtitle 的文章。传送门(关键词:js, 后加载) 但是嘞,该博写的不怎么详细,17 年底写的。...稍作调整后如下: 修改站点配置文件,主要修改 subtitle subtitle: 不怕万人阻挡,只怕自己投降。W 你如何回忆,决定你是一个怎样的人!W 这是一个句子。W 这是另一个句子。...= "{{config.subtitle}}"; var mytitle = subtitle.split("W"); var max = mytitle.length-1;...{% if subtitle %} {% if theme.seo %} <p class="site-<em>subtitle</em>" id="helloTitle" itemprop="description...<em>subtitle</em> 了,开心 今日诗词 今日诗词 正在加载今日诗词 ....
上面这些不符合 B 站运营 KPI 的功能,显然不是 B 站官方会推出的产品,好在开源项目 IndieKKY/bilibili-subtitle 替我们做了偷懒的工作,上面的功能它都有。...首先是将视频分章节,生成带有时间轴的要点:You are a helpful assistant that summarize key points of video subtitle.Summarize...You are a helpful assistant that summarize video subtitle.Summarize in language '中文简体'.Answer in markdown...【时间分片内的所有内容】'以及,输出视频的主要观点:You are a helpful assistant that summarize key points of video subtitle.Summarize...日统计字数: 5242字阅读时间: 11分钟阅读本文链接: https://soulteary.com/2024/01/10/bilibili-browser-ai-assistant-bilibili-subtitle.html
: "Subtitle", buttonColor: null, disabled: true }; function createOption(someObject) { someObject.title...= someObject.title || "Default Title"; someObject.subTitle = someObject.subTitle || "Default Subtitle...someObject } console.log(createOption(someObject)); // Output be like // {title: 'Default Title', subTitle...: 'Subtitle', buttonColor: 'blue', disabled: true} 这种方法看起来更好: const someObject = { title: null, subTitle...= Object.assign({ title: "Default Title", subTitle: "Default Subtitle", buttonColor: "blue"
newInstance 并定义几个参数名 companion object { private const val KEY_TITLE = "title" private const val KEY_SUBTITLE...= "subtitle" private const val KEY_CAR_ID = "car_id" fun newInstance(context: Activity, title: String..., id: Int,subtitle: String) { context.startActivity<CarListDetailActivity (KEY_TITLE to title, KEY_CAR_ID...to id,KEY_SUBTITLE to subtitle) } } 2 在使用跳转的界面 传相关数据进去即可 CarListDetailActivity.newInstance(this,...: String by lazy { intent.getStringExtra(KEY_SUBTITLE) } private val title: String by lazy { intent.getStringExtra
如将下面的: 0) {...%> subtitle ... 改为 0) { %> subtitle
'] data=self.format_subtitle(subtitle_from,subtitle_to,content,i)...def format_subtitle(self,subtitle_from,subtitle_to,content,i): """ 格式化成srt文件,...=round(subtitle_from,3) #四舍五入为三位小数 subtitle_to=round...(subtitle_to,3) begin=time.strftime("%H:%M:%S",time.gmtime(subtitle_from))+','+self.rectify(subtitle_from...) end=time.strftime("%H:%M:%S",time.gmtime(subtitle_to))+','+self.rectify(subtitle_to
"), S("light_editor_subtitle_addsubtitlebutton"), T("light_editor_subtitle_editbutton"),...U("light_editor_subtitle_replace"), V("light_editor_subtitle_edit"), W("light_editor_subtitle_font..."), X("light_editor_subtitle_copy"), Y("light_editor_subtitle_delete"), Z("light_editor_subtitle_drag..."), ab("light_editor_subtitle_preview_edit"), ac("light_editor_subtitle_preview_delete"),..."), ag("light_editor_subtitle_effect_all"), ah("light_editor_subtitle_effect_yes"), ai
"Example of bayestestR::Highest Density Interval function", subtitle...color = "black", size = 20, margin = margin(t = 1, b = 12)), plot.subtitle...title = "Example of bayestestR::Support Interval function", subtitle...title = "Example of effectsize::equivalence_test function", subtitle...title = "Example of modelbased::estimate_means function", subtitle
+ labs( title = "Example of add P values in ggpubr", subtitle...color = "black", size = 20, margin = margin(t = 1, b = 12)), plot.subtitle...labs( title = "Example of add P.adj values in ggpubr", subtitle...labs( title = "Example of add P.custom values in ggpubr", subtitle...labs( title = "Example of add P.signif values in ggpubr", subtitle
JSON 将dict转为JSON,这里利用包json import json aItem = {} aItem["id"] = "2203" aItem["title"] = "title" aItem["subTitle..."] = "sub title" bItem = {} bItem["id"] = "2842" bItem["title"] = "b标题" bItem["subTitle"] = "b副标题" bItem...) print(aJson) print(bJson) 涉及到中文字符的时候,需要指定ensure_ascii=False 输出: {'id': '2203', 'title': 'title', 'subTitle...': 'sub title'} {"id": "2203", "title": "title", "subTitle": "sub title"} {"id": "2842", "title": "b标题...", "subTitle": "b副标题", "content": "内容", "list": ["a", "a 2", "b", "bb"]} 二、list 转为JSON 接上面的代码 jsonList
, size = 20, margin = margin(t = 1, b = 12)), plot.subtitle..., size = 20, margin = margin(t = 1, b = 12)), plot.subtitle..., size = 20, margin = margin(t = 1, b = 12)), plot.subtitle..., size = 20, margin = margin(t = 1, b = 12)), plot.subtitle..., size = 20, margin = margin(t = 1, b = 12)), plot.subtitle
, en_subtitle_path, index) 增加了 _guess_eng_subtitle_index 方法来确定英文字幕的 index,这是因为虽然大多数视频都的字幕 tags 还是比较规范的...=3000): subtitle_base = os.path.splitext(fixed_subtitle)[0] video_base = os.path.splitext(subtitle_base...)[0] if zh_subtitle is None: zh_subtitle = video_base + ".zh-fixed.vtt" if os.path.exists...(zh_subtitle): print(f"zh subtitle {zh_subtitle} already translated, skip to translate.")...= chunk_size) srtp.save(zh_subtitle) return zh_subtitle 这个逻辑比较简单,读取英文字幕,使用 get_subtitle_text_with_index
整个结构是父组件调用红框子组件,子组件有一个title 是父组件传过来的属性,另一个subtitle 是一个state 按钮是刷新这个state 。..., setSubTitle] = useState('subTitle'); useEffect(() => { console.log('初始化加载'); return ()...`); return () => { console.log(`清除上次${subTitle}渲染`); }; }, [subTitle]); useEffect...刷新subtitle ); }; export default IndexPage; 组件的调用顺序 在子组件加了一些打印来观察调用顺序,我们知道...(`清除上次${subTitle}渲染`); }; }, [subTitle]); 一如既往,useEffect 初始化的时候会这么调用。
theme即可以看到theme函数的大量参数,可以实现更改图形外观的大多数要求,有四种主要类型: element_text():使用element_text()函数设置基于文本的组件,如title,subtitle...设置subtitle和caption p + theme(plot.subtitle=element_text(size=15,...p + theme_bw() + labs(subtitle="Change theme_bw") ?...ggplot2 扩展包主题 library(ggthemes) p + theme_economist() + labs(subtitle="Change theme_economist")...自定义主题 可根据常见需要自定义常用主题 p + theme_MJ() + labs(subtitle = "Change theme_MJ") ?
/image/icon_mine_balance.png')}, {title: '抵用券', subtitle: '63', image: require('..../image/icon_mine_voucher.png')}, {title: '会员卡', subtitle: '2', image: require('..../image/icon_mine_service.png')}, {title: '关于美团', subtitle: '我要合作', image: require.../image/icon_mine_balance.png')}, {title: '抵用券', subtitle: '63', image: require('..../image/icon_mine_voucher.png')}, {title: '会员卡', subtitle: '2', image: require('.
title = "Example of bayestestR::point_estimate function", subtitle...+ labs( title = "Example of bayestestR::hdi function", subtitle...+ labs( title = "Example of bayestestR::eti function", subtitle...( title = "Example of bayestestR::p_direction function", subtitle...labs( title = "Example of bayestestR::rope function", subtitle
: "Subtitle", buttonColor: null, disabled: true }; function createOption(someObject) { someObject.title...= someObject.title || "Default Title"; someObject.subTitle = someObject.subTitle || "Default Subtitle...: 'Subtitle', buttonColor: 'blue', disabled: true} 这种方法看起来更好: const someObject = { title: null,...subTitle: "Subtitle", buttonColor: null, disabled: true }; function creteOption(someObject) {...const newObject = Object.assign({ title: "Default Title", subTitle: "Default Subtitle", buttonColor
", ylab = "Y-axis Subtitle") 现在需要为现有的柱状图添加一组对比数据,并且灰色有些单调,还需要为柱状图添加一些鲜艳的颜色: > data2 <- c(0.7921935,...", ylab = "Y-axis <em>Subtitle</em>", beside = TRUE, col = colors) 现在的柱状图变得稍微美观了一些,但两组数据的对比似乎还缺少图例: > legends...", ylab = "Y-axis Subtitle", beside = TRUE, col = colors) > legend("bottom", legend = legends, fill =...", ylab = "Y-axis Subtitle", col = colors[1], lty = ltys[1], pch = pchs[1], cex = 1.2, lwd = 2, type...", ylab = "Y1-axis Subtitle", type = "o", col = "blue", pch = 15, axes = FALSE) # 绘制第一条线 > axis(side
将dict转为JSON,这里利用包json import json aItem = {} aItem["id"] = "2203" aItem["title"] = "title" aItem["subTitle..."] = "sub title" bItem = {} bItem["id"] = "2842" bItem["title"] = "b标题" bItem["subTitle"] = "b副标题" bItem...print(aJson) print(bJson) 涉及到中文字符的时候,需要指定ensure_ascii=False 输出: {'id': '2203', 'title': 'title', 'subTitle...': 'sub title'} {"id": "2203", "title": "title", "subTitle": "sub title"} {"id": "2842", "title": "b标题...", "subTitle": "b副标题", "content": "内容", "list": ["a", "a 2", "b", "bb"]} list 转为JSON 接上面的代码 jsonList
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