variable is not defined. echo The JAVA_HOME environmentvariable is not definedcorrectly. echo This environmentvariable is needed to run this program.\start.jar goto badHomeO
当我运行startup.sh脚本时,我得到了一个新的tomcat8.0安装:usage: dirname pathCannot find /catalina.shThis file is needed to run this program
java -version工作得很好:Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_181-b13)
JavaThe JAVA_HOME environmentvariable is not definedcorrectly This environmentvariable is needed to run
安装中配置Jenkins (2.121.3)以使用JDK 12 ...使用"Download URL for binary archive“的菜单在执行构建时会产生以下错误: The JAVA_HOME environmentvariable is not definedcorrectlyNB: JAVA_HOME