*ngx_sprintf_num(u_char *buf, u_char *last, uint64_t ui64, u_char zero, uintptr_t hexadecimal, uintptr_t...width); // 用于调用主要的ngx_vslprintf()函数 u_char *ngx_slprintf(u_char *buf, u_char *last, const char *fmt...*ngx_vslprintf(u_char *buf, u_char *last, const char *fmt, va_list args){ u_char zero; // 占位符号...* ngx_sprintf_num(u_char *buf, u_char *last, uint64_t ui64, u_char zero, uintptr_t hexadecimal, uintptr_t...width){ u_char *p, temp[NGX_INT64_LEN + 1]; size_t len; uint32_t ui32; static u_char
**environ; static char *ngx_os_argv_last; ngx_int_t ngx_init_setproctitle(ngx_log_t *log) { u_char...} ngx_os_argv_last--; return NGX_OK; } void ngx_setproctitle(char *title) { u_char...ngx_int_t i; size_t size; #endif ngx_os_argv[1]= NULL; p = ngx_cpystrn((u_char...*) ngx_os_argv[0], (u_char*) "nginx: ", ngx_os_argv_last- ngx_os_argv[0]);...p = ngx_cpystrn(p, (u_char *) title, ngx_os_argv_last - (char*) p); #if (NGX_SOLARIS) size =
ether_dhost[ETHER_ADDR_LEN]; u_char ether_shost[ETHER_ADDR_LEN]; u_short ether_type; }ETH_HEADER;...ar_hln; u_char ar_pln; u_short ar_op; }ARP_HEADER; /*********************************************/...ip_tos; u_short ip_len; u_short ip_id; u_short ip_off; u_char ip_ttl; u_char ip_p; u_short ip_sum...arp_sha[ETHER_ADDR_LEN]; u_char arp_spa[4]; u_char arp_tha[ETHER_ADDR_LEN]; u_char arp_tpa[4]; }ETH_ARP...icmp_type; //type of message(报文类型) u_char icmp_code; //type sub code(报文类型子码) u_short icmp_cksum;
ngx_http_header_filter_module.c cd nginx-1.16.1/src/http/ vi ngx_http_header_filter_module.c # 要修改的配置 static u_char...ngx_http_server_string[] = "Server: nginx" CRLF; static u_char ngx_http_server_full_string[] = "Server...: " NGINX_VER CRLF; static u_char ngx_http_server_build_string[] = "Server: " NGINX_VER_BUILD CRLF; 原文件...: 修改为: static u_char ngx_http_server_string[] = "Server: unknow" CRLF; static u_char ngx_http_server_full_string...[] = "Server: unknow" CRLF; static u_char ngx_http_server_build_string[] = "Server: unknow" CRLF; 重新编译
; i++) { for (j = t_x+t_w/3;j < t_x + (2*t_w)/3; j++) { //rgb颜色空间量化为16*16*16 bins qr_mean += ((u_char...)current->imageData[i * current->widthStep + j * 3 + 2]) / 16;//char *imageData; qg_mean += ((u_char...)current->imageData[i * current->widthStep + j * 3 + 1]) / 16; qb_mean += ((u_char)current->imageData...i - (double)t_h/2,2) + pow(j - (double)t_w/2,2);//d= x^2+y^2 //色彩距离 q_r = ((u_char...current->imageData[i * current->widthStep + j * 3 + 2]) / 16;//char *imageData; q_g = ((u_char
pragma comment(lib, "ws2_32.lib") #include using namespace std; //回调函数 void packet_handler(u_char...*param,const struct pcap_pkthdr*header,const u_char*pkt_data); int main() { pcap_if_t *alldevs;...pcap_freealldevs(alldevs); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ u_char...pcap_loop(adhandle,0,packet_handler,NULL); pcap_close(adhandle); return 0; } void packet_handler(u_char...*param,const struct pcap_pkthdr*header,const u_char*pkt_data) { struct tm ltime; char timestr[16];
//IP地址格式 struct IpAddress { u_char byte1; u_char byte2; u_char byte3; u_char byte4; }...; //帧头部结构体,共14字节 struct EthernetHeader { u_char DestMAC[6]; //目的MAC地址 6字节 u_char SourMAC[...struct IpAddress { u_char byte1; u_char byte2; u_char byte3; u_char byte4; }; //帧头部结构体...,共14字节 struct EthernetHeader { u_char DestMAC[6]; //目的MAC地址 6字节 u_char SourMAC[6]; //源MAC...*p; p = (u_char *)∈ which = (which + 1 == IPTOSBUFFERS ?
// printf("开始侦听: % \n", adapters->description); pcap_pkthdr *Packet_Header; // 数据包头 const u_char...hcons(A) (((WORD)(A)&0xFF00)>>8) | (((WORD)(A)&0x00FF)<<8) // 输出 数据链路层 void PrintEtherHeader(const u_char...* packetData) { typedef struct ether_header { u_char ether_dhost[6]; // 目标地址 u_char ether_shost...DestMAC[6]; // 目的MAC地址6字节 u_char SourMAC[6]; // 源MAC地址 6字节 u_short EthType; // 上一层协议类型,...u_char smac[6]; // 源MAC地址 u_char sip[4]; // 源IP地址 u_char dmac[6]; //
字符串 typedef struct { size_t len; //字符串的有效长度 u_char *data; //指向字符串起始地址 } ngx_str_t;...---- 空间配置器 typedef struct { u_char *last; //当前内存池分配到此处,即下一次分配从此处开始 u_char...size * a->nalloc == p->d.last) { //先销毁数组数据区 p->d.last -= a->size * a->nalloc; } if ((u_char...*/ size = a->size * a->nalloc; //这是干嘛,有点猛啊,哦,size是局部变量 p = a->pool; if ((u_char...a->elts = new; a->nalloc *= 2; //转移数据后,并未释放原来的数据区,内存池将统一释放 } } elt = (u_char
error local tonumber = tonumber local _M = { _VERSION = '0.09' } ffi.cdef[[ typedef unsigned char u_char...; u_char * ngx_hex_dump(u_char *dst, const u_char *src, size_t len); intptr_t ngx_atoi(const unsigned
alpha = ((*p & 0xFF000000) >> 24); u_char red = ((*p & 0xFF0000) >> 16); u_char green...= ((*p & 0x00FF00) >> 8); u_char blue = (*p & 0x0000FF); u_char gray = (red*38 + green...alpha = ((*p & 0xFF000000) >> 24); u_char red = ((*p & 0xFF0000) >> 16); u_char green...= ((*p & 0x00FF00) >> 8); u_char blue = (*p & 0x0000FF); u_char gray = (red*38 + green...alpha = ((*p & 0xFF000000) >> 24); u_char red = ((*p & 0xFF0000) >> 16); u_char green
//包含对IP帮助函数的定义 4 #pragma comment(lib,"Iphlpapi.lib") 5 #pragma comment(lib,"WS2_32.lib")//全局数据 6 u_char...in.S_un.S_addr = g_dwGatewayIP; 38 printf(" Default Gateway:%s\n",::inet_ntoa(in)); 39 40 u_char...包含对IP帮助函数的定义 8 #pragma comment(lib,"Iphlpapi.lib") 9 #pragma comment(lib,"WS2_32.lib")//全局数据 10 u_char...in.S_un.S_addr = g_dwGatewayIP; 42 printf(" Default Gateway:%s\n",::inet_ntoa(in)); 43 44 u_char
u_short ip_id; u_short ip_off; u_char...th_sum; u_short th_urp; }; struct tcpopt_hdr { u_char...}; struct pseudo_hdr { u_long saddr, daddr; u_char...1) { sum += *w++; nleft -= 2; } if (nleft == 1) { *(u_char...*)(&answer) = *(u_char *) w; sum += answer; } sum = (sum >> 16) + (sum & 0xffff
ngx_pool_large_s { ngx_pool_large_t *next; void *alloc; }; typedef struct { u_char...*last; u_char *end; ngx_pool_t *next; ngx_uint_t...*) p + sizeof(ngx_pool_t); p->d.end = (u_char *) p + size; p->d.next = NULL; p->d.failed...分别来看下它们的实现: void * ngx_palloc(ngx_pool_t *pool, size_t size) { u_char *m; ngx_pool_t...return ngx_palloc_large(pool, size); } void * ngx_pnalloc(ngx_pool_t *pool, size_t size) { u_char
return false; } } bool loop(int pkg_num=-1){ typedef void (*pcap_handler)(u_char...*user, const struct pcap_pkthdr *h, const u_char *bytes); pcap_loop(handle,pkg_num...,&(Sniffer::pcap_callback),(u_char*)this); } static void pcap_callback(u_char *user, const struct...pcap_pkthdr *h, const u_char *bytes){ Sniffer * p_this=(Sniffer*) user; p_this->dispatch...(h,bytes); } private: void dispatch(const struct pcap_pkthdr *h, const u_char *bytes){
修改第二个配置文件为ngx_http_header_filter_module.c,49行 grep IIS http/ngx_http_header_filter_module.c static u_char...ngx_http_server_string[] = "Server:IIS" CRLF; # OR static u_char ngx_http_server_string[] = "" CRLF...; static u_char ngx_http_server_full_string[] = "" NGINX_VER CRLF; static u_char ngx_http_server_build_string...NGINX_VER_BUILD CRLF; # 修改第三个配置文件为ngx_http_special_response.c,对外页面报错时,他会控制是否展示敏感信息,修改如下列 21 static u_char...ngx_http_error_full_tail[] = "" NGINX_VER "" CRLF "" CRLF "" CRLF ; static u_char
size * a->nalloc == p->d.last) { //先销毁数组数据区 p->d.last -= a->size * a->nalloc; } if ((u_char...*) a + sizeof(ngx_array_t) == p->d.last) { //接着销毁数组头 p->d.last = (u_char *) a; } } 有点奇怪哈...*/ size = a->size * a->nalloc; //这是干嘛,有点猛啊,哦,size是局部变量 p = a->pool; if ((u_char...a->elts = new; a->nalloc *= 2; //转移数据后,并未释放原来的数据区,内存池将统一释放 } } elt = (u_char...* a->size); a->elts = new; a->nalloc = nalloc; } } elt = (u_char
c语言定义结构: 1 struct ip { 2 #if BYTE_ORDER == LITTLE_ENDIAN 3 u_char ip_hl:4, /* header...length */ 4 ip_v:4; /* version */ 5 #endif 6 #if BYTE_ORDER == BIG_ENDIAN 7 u_char...ip_v:4, /* version */ 8 ip_hl:4; /* header length */ 9 #endif 10 u_char.../* dont fragment flag */ 15 #define IP_MF 0x2000 /* more fragments flag */ 16 u_char...ip_ttl; /* time to live */ 17 u_char ip_p; /* protocol */ 18 u_short ip_sum
Receive Window Size*/ offset += ;/*Packet Processing Delay*/ } static void dissect_set_link(u_char.../*Reserved*/ offset += ; /*Send ACCM*/ offset += ; /*Receive ACCM*/ } void dissect_pptp(u_char...*par, struct pcap_pkthdr *hdr, u_char *data) { int offset = ; char *pszInfoBuf = NULL;...int iPayloadLen = iPacketLen - pTcpHdr->doff*; printf("TCP Payload Len %d\n",iPayloadLen); u_char...*pptp_data = (u_char*)(pTcpHdr+); dissect_pptp(pptp_data); } int main(int argc, char* argv[])
这里会判断last是否等于end,其中u->buffer为Nginx和后端Upstream交互的缓冲区,Nginx通过ngx_buf结构来管理缓冲区: struct ngx_buf_s { u_char...*pos; u_char *last; off_t file_pos; off_t file_last...; u_char *start; /* start of buffer */ u_char *end; /* end
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