must be logged in to the server (the serverhasasked for the client to provide credentials)
error:Youmust be logged in to the server (the serverhasasked for the clien
eks list-clusters -- "clusters": [ ]在和kubectl试过之后:ClientVersion: v1.23.6
error: Youmust be logged in to the server (the serverhasasked for the client</
我只能从主节点kubeclt logs <pod-name>获取日志 这是我的错误消息: error: Youmust be logged in to the server (the serverhasasked for the client to provide credentials ( pods/log nginx)) 它仅出现在工作节点计划pod中。
我已经将user、client-id、client-secret、id_token和refresh id添加到/.kube/config文件。除此之外,我还在kube-apiserver.yaml文件中添加了oidc-issuer-url、oidc-username-claim和oidc-client-id。我假设我遗漏了一些东西,因为当我尝试命令kubectl get nodes时,我得到了error: Youmust be lo
: [certs] certificate apiserver-kubelet-client not signed by CA certificate ca: crypto/rsa: verification/minikube/issues/new/choose error: Youmust be logged in to t
must be logged in to the server (the serverhasasked for the client to provide credentials (post selfsubjectrulesreviews.authorization.k8s.ioClient Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"24", GitVersion:&qu
aws eks update-kubeconfig --name wr-eks-cluster工作得很好,但是:error: the server doesn't havea resource type "svc"kubectl apply -f aws-auth-cm.yaml
error: Youmustbe logged in to the server (the <e
.复制ca.crt 2.复制令牌- kubectl config set-cluster default-cluster --server最后,我尝试使用--insecure-skip-tls-verify=true,但随后它报告error: Youmust be logged in to the server (the serverhasasked