In the spring of 1983 , when Jobs had begun to plan for the Macintosh launch , he asked for a commercial that was as revolutionary and astonishing as the product they had created . " I want something that will stop people in their tracks ," he said . " I want a thunderclap ."The task fell to the Chiat / Day advertising agency , which had acquired the Apple account when it bought the advertising side of Regis McKenna's business . The person put in charge was a lanky beach bum with a bushy beard , wild hair , goofy grin , and twinkling eyes named Lee Clow , who was the creative director of the agency's office in the Venice Beach section of Los Angeles . Clow was savvy and fun , in a laid-back yet focused way , and he forged a bond with Jobs that would last three decades .
1983年春,乔布斯开始计划麦金塔电脑的发布,他希望那部广告片能和自己所创造的产品一样富有革命性,令人惊奇。“我想要一种能让人们当场停下来观看的东西他说道,“我想要的是一声惊雷。”这个任务落在了 Chiat/Day 广告公司的肩上,该公司在收购了里吉斯·麦肯纳的广告业务后,拿下了苹果公司的合同。负责这项工作的是李·克劳,他身材瘦髙,皮肤晒成了棕色,胡须浓密,头发蓬乱,喜欢憨笑,双眼熠熠放光,他是 Chiat/Day 广告公司的创意总监,办公室就在洛杉矶威尼斯海滩。克劳经验丰富,为人风趣,看散漫却很专心;至今,他与乔布斯之间的合作已走过了30年。
thunderclap n.雷声
bushy beard浓密的胡子
goofy grin傻笑
laid-backadj. 懒散的
forged a bond with与之建立了联系
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