This winter holiday I read a book calledFive Children and It. Itis afantasticstory book. Its writer is an English author E. Nesbit.Isum it upwith atitleas“SometimesGoodWishesMayTurnBad”. Why? Let’s seewhat the story tellsabout.
This story is about five children and it. Who was IT? IT was a Sand-fairy called Psammead. It had magic. It could make wishes come true, butitonlyworkedbefore the sun set. And five children were Anthea, Robert, Jane, Cyril and Lamb(a baby). One day, five children found Psammead in a sand hole. They felt weird. Then Psammead told them they could make a wish every day and the wish would come true before the sun set. The children felt excited. Everyday they wishednew stuffslike gold, wings, etc.But none of them had a good end.For example, they wished having lots of gold. But when they wentintothe street,other people thought they had stolenmoney formthe bank. And they were evensentto the police station! What a bad end! When they had wings, they flew and flew, and felt very hungry and tired. So they stole some foodata farmer’s home. But the farmer wasalmost frightenedto deathbecause he saw four children with big wings flying. So the children had to write a letter to apologize.
So, Idon’tthink one person cangetanythingwithoutgreat effort. The meaning of happiness depends on the process of its pursuit.
Thisstoryislike a fable. It tellsus thatsometimes good things may turn bad. you should thinkabout it rationally before youact.
文/Sky, 图/Ann
Ann’s Reading Club
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