New words – 3 February 2025
noun [C]
UK /ˈfrɔːd.bɒt/ US /ˈfrɑːd.bɑːt/
a type of computer program that uses AI to pretend to be an online customer in order to carry out fraudulent activities
"Fraudbot"是由 "fraud"(欺诈)和 "bot"(机器人)组合而成的词,通常指用于 欺诈活动的自动化程序或机器人。它可以用于多种场景,例如:金融欺诈,广告欺诈,社交媒体欺诈,客服欺诈等
Introducing the fraudbot – a chatbot that impersonates customers and tries to open fake accounts, reopen closed accounts, or access real customer data. Not only do fraudbots pose a security risk to your customer information, but they waste valuable agent time.
[, 7 November 2022]
noun [C]
UK /ˈvjuː.bɒt/ US /ˈvjuː.bɑːt/
a type of computer program that uses AI to make a piece of online content, such as a social media post, appear to have been viewed more times than it actually has
"Viewbot"是由 "view"(观看) 和 "bot"(机器人)组合而成的词,指的是 用自动化程序或机器人来伪造观看次数,用于直播造价,视频播放量造假,社交媒体操控等。 大多数平台)都禁止使用 viewbot,并有算法检测和封禁机制。如果被发现,账号可能会被封禁,甚至面临法律责任。
Employing a viewbot allows your channel and content to gain more visibility by artificially inflating your view count. This can attract real viewers who may not have otherwise discovered your stream. Over time, the real viewers gained from increased exposure may replace the viewbot viewers.
[, 17 January 2024]
noun [C]
UK /ˈeɪd.bɒt/ US /ˈeɪd.bɑːt/
a type of computer program that uses AI to deliver aid such as food, clothes or medicine as quickly and efficiently as possible to the people who need it
"Aidbot"由 "aid"(帮助、援助) 和 "bot"(机器人) 组合而成,通常指 用于提供帮助或支持的自动化程序或机器人。常见的有,医疗援助机器人, 客服支持机器人, 人道主义救援机器人,教育/学习助手,应用于医疗、客服、救援、教育等多个领域。
Hania created the “aidbot” to narrow the gap between the demand and supply of aid. The aidbot is a chatbot – a type of AI system designed to communicate with its users online – that links to WhatsApp. It is programmed to ask simple questions about the types of aid people require along with their names and locations.
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