Struct and union initialization
= {表达式,...} | | (直到C99) |
= {指定者(可选)表达式,...} | | (自C99以来) |
union { int x; char c[4]; }
u = {1}, // makes u.x active with value 1
u2 = { .c={'\1'} }; // makes u2.c active with value {'\1','\0','\0','\0'}
struct point {double x,y,z;} p = {1.2, 1.3}; // p.x=1.2, p.y=1.3, p.z=0.0
div_t answer = {.quot = 2, .rem = -1 }; // order of elements in div_t may vary
指示符使下列初始化程序初始化由指定符描述的结构成员。然后按照声明的顺序继续初始化,从在指定符描述的声明之后声明的下一个元素开始。struct {int sec,min,hour,day,mon,year;} z = {.day = 31,12,2014,.sec = 30,15,17}; //将z初始化为{30,15,17,31,12,2014} | (自C99以来) |
struct example {
struct addr_t {
uint32_t port;
} addr;
union {
uint8_t a8[4];
uint16_t a16[2];
} in_u;
struct example ex = { // start of initializer list for struct example
{ // start of initializer list for ex.addr
80 // initialized struct's only member
}, // end of initializer list for ex.addr
{ // start of initializer-list for ex.in_u
{127,0,0,1} // initializes first element of the union
} };
如果嵌套的初始化程序不是以大括号开始,则只有足够的初始化程序才会考虑成员数组的元素或成员struct或union; 任何剩余的初始化器都将被初始化为下一个结构成员:
struct example ex = {80, 127, 0, 0, 1}; // 80 initializes ex.addr.port
// 127 initializes ex.in_u.a8[0]
// 0 initializes ex.in_u.a8[1]
// 0 initializes ex.in_u.a8[2]
// 1 initializes ex.in_u.a8[3]
When designators are nested, the designators for the members follow the designators for the enclosing structs/unions/arrays. Within any nested bracketed initializer list, the outermost designator refers to the current object and selects the subobject to be initialized within the current object only. struct example ex2 = { // current object is ex2, designators are for members of example .in_u.a80=127, 0, 0, 1, .addr=80}; struct example ex3 = {80, .in_u={ // changes current object to the union ex.in_u 127, .a82=1 // this designator refers to the member of in_u } }; If any subobject is explicitly initialized twice (which may happen when designators are used), the initializer that appears later in the list is the one used (the earlier initializer may not be evaluated): struct {int n;} s = {printf("a\n"), // this may be printed or skipped .n=printf("b\n")}; // always printed Although any non-initialized subobjects are initialized implicitly, implicit initialization of a subobject never overrides explicit initialization of the same subobject if it appeared earlier in the initializer list: #include <stdio.h> typedef struct { int k; int l; int a2; } T; typedef struct { int i; T t; } S; T x = {.l = 43, .k = 42, .a1 = 19, .a0 = 18 }; // x initialized to {42, 43, {18, 19} } int main(void) { S l = { 1, // initializes l.i to 1 .t = x, // initializes l.t to {42, 43, {18, 19} } .t.l = 41, // changes l.t to {42, 41, {18, 19} } .t.a1 = 17 // changes l.t to {42, 41, {18, 17} } }; printf("l.t.k is %d\n", l.t.k); // .t = x sets l.t.k to 42 explicitly // .t.l = 42 would zero out l.t.k implicitly } Output: l.t.k is 42 However, when an initializer begins with a left open brace, its current object is fully re-initialized and any prior explicit initializers for any of its subobjects are ignored: struct fred { char s4; int n; }; struct fred x = { { { "abc" }, 1 }, // inits x0 to { {'a','b','c','\0'}, 1 } 0.s0 = 'q' // changes x0 to { {'q','b','c','\0'}, 1 } }; struct fred y = { { { "abc" }, 1 }, // inits y0 to { {'a','b','c','\0'}, 1 } 0 = { // current object is now the entire y0 object .s0 = 'q' } // replaces y0 with { {'q','\0','\0','\0'}, 0 } }; | (自C99以来) |
int n = 1;
struct {int x,y;} p = {n++, n++}; // unspecified, but well-defined behavior:
// n is incremented twice in arbitrary order
// p equal {1,2} and {2,1} are both valid
在C中,初始化器的支撑列表不能为空(请注意,C ++允许空列表,并且还要注意C中的结构不能为空):
struct {int n;} s = {0}; // OK
struct {int n;} s = {}; // Error: initializer-list cannot be empty
struct {} s = {}; // Error: struct cannot be empty, initializer-list cannot be empty
static struct {char* p} s = {malloc(1)}; // error
struct {double x,y;} p = {1.0,
2.0, // trailing comma OK
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
int main(void)
char buff[70];
// designated initalizers simplify the use of structs whose
// order of members is unspecified
struct tm my_time = { .tm_year=112, .tm_mon=9, .tm_mday=9,
.tm_hour=8, .tm_min=10, .tm_sec=20 };
strftime(buff, sizeof buff, "%A %c", &my_time);
Sunday Sun Oct 9 08:10:20 2012
- C11标准(ISO / IEC 9899:2011):
- 6.7.9 / 12-38初始化(p:140-144)
- C99标准(ISO / IEC 9899:1999):
- 6.7.8 / 12-38初始化(p:126-130)
- C89 / C90标准(ISO / IEC 9899:1990):
- 3.5.7 / 9-初始化