模式: import qualified Data.Map as Map
-- | takes input and a map, and returns a result and a modified map
myFunc :: a -> Map.Map k v -> (r, Map.Map k v)
myFunc a m = … -- put your function here
-- | run myFunc over a list of inputs, gathering the outputs
mapFuncWithMap :: [a] -> Map.Map k v -> ([r], Map.Map k v)
mapFuncWithMap as m0 = foldr step ([], m0) as
where step a (rs, m) = let (r, m') = myFunc a m in (r:rs, m')
-- this starts with an initial map, uses successive versions of the map
-- on each iteration, and returns a tuple of the results, and the final map
-- | run myFunc over a list of inputs, gathering the outputs
mapFunc :: [a] -> [r]
mapFunc as = fst $ mapFuncWithMap as Map.empty
-- same as above, but starts with an empty map, and ignores the final map ... 展开详请
导出Functor实例总是做显而易见的事情。这通常是很好的,但偶尔会错过机会。例如,假设我写 data Pair a = Pair a a deriving Functor
data Digit a = One a | Two a a deriving Functor
data Queue a =
| Single a
| Deep !(Digit a) (Queue (Pair a)) !(Digit a) deriving Functor 这将生成(在ghc 8.2中) instance Functor Queue where
fmap ...
x <$ Empty = Empty
x <$ Single y = Single x
x <$ Deep pr m sf = Deep (x <$ pr) (fmap (x <$) m) (x <$ sf) 用手写最后一个例子是可能的: x <$ Deep pr m sf = Deep (x <$ pr) (Pair x x <$ m) (x <$ sf) 可以看到实际的派生代码-ddump-deriv...... 展开详请