从论文接收率来看,ICRA 相比起其它学术会议来说还是比较高的,平均值为 40.9%,今年的接收率也延续了往年平均数。而值得一提的是,在上海举办的 ICRA 2011 以及在中国香港举办的 ICRA 2014 都呈现了较高的接收率,ICRA 2011 达到了惊人的 52%,而 ICRA 2014 则逼近 50%。两个接收率低于 40% 的 ICRA 会议分别是 ICRA 2013(德国卡尔斯鲁厄)以及不到 35% 的 ICRA 2015(瑞典斯德哥尔摩)。
宾夕法尼亚大学教授 Vijay Kumar,共有 16 篇论文。Vijay Kumar 教授曾经连续两年作为 CCF-GAIR 大会的演讲嘉宾莅临深圳,他的精彩演讲给我们留下了深刻印象。往期演讲可参见: AIR 053 | 宾夕法尼亚Vijay Kumar:无人机的“5s”趋势与挑战 时隔一年 Vijay Kumar 再登 GAIR 讲台,讲述自动化的技术与社会挑战
瑞士苏黎世联邦理工学院 Roland Siegwart,14 篇论文;
MIT 教授 Daniela Rus,共 13 篇论文。Daniela Rus 也曾在 2016 年来到首届 CCF-GAIR 2016 做主题报告。往期演讲可参考: AIR 043| MIT机器人实验室主任:机器人的12项前沿技术趋势
意大利技术研究所 Nikos Tsagarakis,共有 11 篇论文;
弗赖堡大学教授 Wolfram Burgard,11 篇论文;
UC 伯克利教授 Sergey Levine,共 10 篇论文;
斯坦福教授 Allison M. Okamura,10 篇论文。
Best Conference Paper Award:
Task-specific Sensor Planning for Robotic Assembly Tasks;
(&Best Student Paper Award )Design of an Autonomous Racecar: Perception, State Estimation and System Integration;
(&Best Student Paper Award )A Modular Dielectric Elastomer Actuator to Drive Miniature Autonomous Underwater Vehicles;
Online Learning of a Memory for Learning Rates;
Contact Model Fusion for Event-Based Locomotion in Unstructured Terrains;
Power and control autonomy for high speed locomotion with an insect-scale legged microrobot;
Best Paper Award in Medical Robotics:
A lightweight and efficient portable soft exosuit for paretic ankle assistance in walking after stroke;
Mechanical Rubbing of Blood Clots using Helical Robots under Ultrasound Guidance;
Compact Design of a Hydraulic Driving Robot for Intra-operative MRI-guided Bilateral Stereotactic Neurosurgery;
Best Paper Award in Robot Manipulation:
Learning Modes of Within-hand Manipulation;
Learning Object Grasping for Soft Robot Hands;
(& Multi-Robot)Decentralized Adaptive Control for Collaborative Manipulation;
Best Paper Award on Multi-Robot Systems:
Pairwise Consistent Measurement Set Maximization for Robust Multi-robot Map Merging;
Voronoi-Based Coverage Control of Pan/Tilt/Zoom Camera Networks;
Talk Resource-Efficiently to Me: Optimal Communication Planning for Distributed SLAM Front-Ends;
Best Paper Award in Robot Vision:
LabelFusion: A Pipeline for Generating Ground Truth Labels for Real RGBD Data of Cluttered Scenes;
Optimization Beyond the Convolution: Generalizing Spatial Relations with End-to-End Metric Learning;
Online Photometric Calibration of Auto Exposure Video for Realtime Visual Odometry and SLAM;
Best Paper Award in Cognitive Robotics:
Negotiating with a robot: Analysis of Regulatory Focus Behavior;
Social Attention: Modeling Attention in Human Crowds;
(& Service)Temporal Spatial Inverse Semantics for Robots Communicating with Humans;
Best Paper Award in Service Robotics:
Real-time Semantic Segmentation of Crop and Weed for Precision Agriculture Robots Leveraging Background Knowledge in CNNs;
PRM-RL: Long-range Robotic Navigation Tasks by Combining Reinforcement Learning and Sampling-based Planning;
Where to Look? Predictive Perception with Applications to Planetary Exploration;
ICRA Best Paper Award in Automation:
Accurate and Adaptive In situ Fabrication of an Undulated Wall using an On-Board Visual Sensing System;
Learning Robotic Assembly from CAD;
A Novel Automated Construction Scheme for Efficiently Developing Cloud Manufacturing Services;
Best Paper Award on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) :
Scaling inertial forces to alter weight perception in virtual reality;
Interactively Picking Real-World Objects with Unconstrained Spoken Language Instructions;
Safety Map: A Unified Representation for Biomechanics Impact Data and Robot Instantaneous Dynamic Properties;
Best Paper Award on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles:
Towards a wind-powered UAV for ocean monitoring: performance, control and validation;
Control Inspired Design of a Fixed-Wing Unmanned Aerial-Aquatic Vehicle;
Onboard Vision-based Control of Agile Suspended Payload Maneuvers;
Design, Modeling and Control of Aerial Robot DRAGON: Dual-rotor-embedded-multilink Robot with the Ability of Multi-deGree-of-freedom Aerial TransformatiON.