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Gradle Plugin Publish

发布2018-09-06 17:16:24
发布2018-09-06 17:16:24

  1. 注册 https://plugins.gradle.org/user/register
  2. 登录后点击API Keys Tab 可以看到 gradle.publish.key=*** gradle.publish.secret=***
  3. 添加API Keys到你的gradle配置文件 gradle配置文件位置: $USER_HOME/.gradle/gradle.properties
  4. 使用 publishing plugin Simple Example: // First, apply the publishing plugin buildscript { repositories { maven { url "https://plugins.gradle.org/m2/" } } dependencies { classpath "com.gradle.publish:plugin-publish-plugin:0.9.6" } } apply plugin: "com.gradle.plugin-publish" // Apply other plugins here, e.g. java plugin for a plugin written in java or // the groovy plugin for a plugin written in groovy // If your plugin has any external java dependencies, Gradle will attempt to // downloaded them from JCenter for anyone using the plugins DSL // so you should probably use JCenter for dependency resolution in your own // project. repositories { jcenter() } dependencies { compile gradleApi() compile localGroovy() //not needed for Java plugins // other dependencies that your plugin requires } // Unless overridden in the pluginBundle config DSL, the project version will // be used as your plugin version when publishing version = "1.2" group = "com.foo.myplugin" // The configuration example below shows the minimum required properties // configured to publish your plugin to the plugin portal pluginBundle { website = 'http://www.gradle.org/' vcsUrl = 'https://github.com/gradle/gradle' description = 'Greetings from here!' tags = ['greetings', 'salutations'] plugins { greetingsPlugin { id = 'org.samples.greeting' displayName = 'Gradle Greeting plugin' } } } Full Example: // First, apply the publishing plugin buildscript { repositories { maven { url "https://plugins.gradle.org/m2/" } } dependencies { classpath "com.gradle.publish:plugin-publish-plugin:0.9.6" } } apply plugin: "com.gradle.plugin-publish" // Apply other plugins here, e.g. java plugin for a plugin written in java or // the groovy plugin for a plugin written in groovy // If your plugin has any external java dependencies, Gradle will attempt to // downloaded them from JCenter for anyone using the plugins DSL // so you should probably use JCenter for dependency resolution in your own // project. repositories { jcenter() } dependencies { compile gradleApi() compile localGroovy() //not needed for Java plugins // other dependencies that your plugin requires } pluginBundle { // These settings are set for the whole plugin bundle website = 'http://www.gradle.org/' vcsUrl = 'https://github.com/gradle/gradle' // tags and description can be set for the whole bundle here, but can also // be set / overridden in the config for specific plugins description = 'Greetings from here!' // The plugins block can contain multiple plugin entries. // // The name for each plugin block below (greetingsPlugin, goodbyePlugin) // does not affect the plugin configuration, but they need to be unique // for each plugin. // Plugin config blocks can set the id, displayName, version, description // and tags for each plugin. // id and displayName are mandatory. // If no version is set, the project version will be used. // If no tags or description are set, the tags or description from the // pluginBundle block will be used, but they must be set in one of the // two places. plugins { // first plugin greetingsPlugin { id = 'org.samples.greeting' displayName = 'Gradle Greeting plugin' tags = ['individual', 'tags', 'per', 'plugin'] version = '1.2' } // another plugin goodbyePlugin { id = 'org.samples.goodbye' displayName = 'Gradle Goodbye plugin' description = 'Override description for this plugin' tags = ['different', 'for', 'this', 'one'] version = '1.3' } } // Optional overrides for Maven coordinates. // If you have an existing plugin deployed to Bintray and would like to keep // your existing group ID and artifact ID for continuity, you can specify // them here. // // As publishing to a custom group requires manual approval by the Gradle // team for security reasons, we recommend not overriding the group ID unless // you have an existing group ID that you wish to keep. If not overridden, // plugins will be published automatically without a manual approval process. // // You can also override the version of the deployed artifact here, though it // defaults to the project version, which would normally be sufficient. mavenCoordinates { groupId = "org.samples.override" artifactId = "greeting-plugins" version = "1.4" } }
  5. 通过审核后,会收到邮件通知,就可以在https://plugins.gradle.org这里搜索到你的插件了^……^。
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原始发表:2016-10-10,如有侵权请联系 cloudcommunity@tencent.com 删除

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