flip(src, flipCode[, dst])
flipCode | Anno |
1 | 水平翻转 |
0 | 垂直翻转 |
-1 | 水平垂直翻转 |
Original Image 原图像:
Flipped Horizontally 水平翻转:
Flipped Vertically 垂直翻转:
Flipped Horizontally & Vertically 水平垂直翻转:
# encoding:utf-8
import cv2
image = cv2.imread("girl.jpg")
# Flipped Horizontally 水平翻转
h_flip = cv2.flip(image, 1)
cv2.imwrite("girl-h.jpg", h_flip)
# Flipped Vertically 垂直翻转
v_flip = cv2.flip(image, 0)
cv2.imwrite("girl-v.jpg", v_flip)
# Flipped Horizontally & Vertically 水平垂直翻转
hv_flip = cv2.flip(image, -1)
cv2.imwrite("girl-hv.jpg", hv_flip)
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$ python
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[GCC 7.2.0] on linux
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>>> import cv2
>>> help(cv2.flip)
Help on built-in function flip:
flip(src, flipCode[, dst]) -> dst
. @brief Flips a 2D array around vertical, horizontal, or both axes.
. The function cv::flip flips the array in one of three different ways (row
. and column indices are 0-based):
. \f[\texttt{dst} _{ij} =
. \left\{
. \begin{array}{l l}
. \texttt{src} _{\texttt{src.rows}-i-1,j} & if\; \texttt{flipCode} = 0 \\
. \texttt{src} _{i, \texttt{src.cols} -j-1} & if\; \texttt{flipCode} > 0 \\
. \texttt{src} _{ \texttt{src.rows} -i-1, \texttt{src.cols} -j-1} & if\; \texttt{flipCode} < 0 \\
. \end{array}
. \right.\f]
. The example scenarios of using the function are the following:
. * Vertical flipping of the image (flipCode == 0) to switch between
. top-left and bottom-left image origin. This is a typical operation
. in video processing on Microsoft Windows\* OS.
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