The MySQL 8.0.3 Release Candidate is available
MySQL8.03 RC 已发布。
The MySQL Development team is very happy to announce that MySQL 8.0.3, the first 8.0 Release Candidate (RC1), is now available for download at (8.0.3 adds features to 8.0.2, 8.0.1 and 8.0.0). The source code is available at GitHub. You can find the full list of changes and bug fixes in the 8.0.3 Release Notes. Here are the highlights. Enjoy!
MySQL开发团队非常高兴地宣布,第一个8.0 RC版本8.0.3现已可在dev.mysql.com下载(相对于8.0.2,8.0.1和8.0.0,8.0.3添加了一些新特性)。源代码可在GitHub获得。您可以在8.0.3发行说明中看到新版本的改变和bug修复的完整列表。下面是新版本的一些亮点。大家赶快体验吧!
Using histogram statistics in the optimizer (WL#9223) – This work by Erik Froseth makes use of histogram statistics in the optimizer.The primary use case for histogram statistics is for calculating the selectivity (filter effect) of predicates of the form “COLUMN operator CONSTANT”. Optimizer statistics are available to the user through the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMN_STATISTICS table.
FORCE INDEX to avoid index dives when possible (WL#6526) – This work by Sreeharsha Ramanavarapu allows the optimizer to skip index dives in queries containing FORCE INDEX. An index dive estimates the number of rows. These estimates are used to decide the choice of index. When FORCE INDEX has been specified, this estimation is irrelevant and can be skipped. This applies to a single-table query during execution if FORCE INDEX applies to a single index, without sub-queries, without fulltext index, without GROUP-BY or DISTINCT clauses, and without ORDER-BY clauses.
This optimization applies to range queries and ref. queries, for example a range query like: SELECT a1 FROM t1 FORCE INDEX(idx) WHERE a1 > 'b';. In these cases, an EXPLAIN FOR CONNECTION FORMAT=JSON will output "skip_records_in_range_due_to_force": true and an optimizer trace will output "skipped_due_to_force_index".
强制索引是为了避免可能发生的index dives(WL#6526),这个功能可以让优化器在包含FORCE INDEX
的查询中跳过index dives,优化器根据index dive预估出来的结果集行数来决定选择走哪个索引。当指定FORCE INDEX
时,这个预估就变得无关紧要,可以跳过。这个功能适用于单表查询时FORCE INDEX作用于单个索引,不含子查询、全文索引,GROUP BY
此优化应用于范围查询和普通索引查询。例如范围查询,如:SELECT a1 FROM t1 FORCE INDEX(idx)WHERE a1>'b'
,并且optimizer trace
Hint to temporarily set session variable for current statement (WL#681) – This work by Sergey Glukhov implements a new optimizer hint called SET_VAR. The SET_VAR hint will set the value for a given system variable for the next statement only. Thus the value will be reset to the previous value after the statement is over. SET_VAR covers a subset of sessions variables, since some session variables either do not apply to statements or must be set at an earlier stage of statement execution. Some variable settings have much more meaning being set for a query rather than for a connection, for example you might want to increase sort_buffer_size before doing a large sort query but it is very likely other queries in a session are simple and you are quite OK with default settings for those. E.g.SELECT /*+ SET_VAR(sort_buffer = 16M) */ name FROM people ORDER BY name;
只为下一个语句的给定系统变量设置值。因此,在语句结束后,该变量将被重置为先前的值。 SET_VAR
,但很可能会话中的其他查询却很简单,这就可以使用默认设置。用法例如:SELECT / * + SET_VAR(sort_buffer = 16M)* / name FROM people ORDER BY name;
Optimizer switch to see invisible indexes(WL#10891) – This work by Martin Hansson implements an optimizer switch named use invisible indexes which can be turned ON or OFF (default). Optimizer switches can be activated on a per session basis by SET @@optimizer_switch='use_invisible_indexes=on'; This feature supports the use case where a user wants to roll out an index. For example, the user may want to create the index as invisible and then activate the index in a specific session to measure the effect.
不可见索引可以被设置为ON或者OFF(默认),优化器可以根据其状态切换模式选择是否走不可见索引。优化器的模式可以通过SET @@optimizer_switch='use_invisible_indexes=on';
Limit recursion in CTE (WL#10972) – This work by Guilhem Bichot implements a global and session variable called cte_max_recursion_depth to limit recursion in CTEs (default 1000, min 0, max 4G).This is done to protect the users from runaway queries, for example if the user forgets to add a WHERE clause to the recursive query block. When a recursive CTE does more than cte_max_recursion_depth iterations, the execution will stop and return an error message. iterations, the execution will stop and return an error message.
Add Russian collations for utf8mb4 (WL#10753) – This work by Xing Zhang adds Russian collations utf8mb4_ru_0900_ai_ci and utf8mb4_ru_0900_as_cs for character set utf8mb4. The new collations sort characters of Russian language according to language specific rules defined by Unicode CLDR.
,新的归类根据Unicode CLDR定义的语言特定规则对俄语的字符进行排序。
Add JSON_MERGE_PATCH, rename JSON_MERGE to JSON_MERGE_PRESERVE (WL#9692) –This work by Knut Anders Hatlen implements two alternative JSON merge functions,JSON_MERGE_PATCH() and JSON_MERGE_PRESERVE().
The JSON_MERGE_PATCH() function implements the semantics of JavaScript (and other scripting languages) specified by RFC7396, i.e. it removes duplicates by precedence of the second document. For example, JSON_MERGE('{"a":1,"b":2 }','{"a":3,"c":4 }');#returns{"a":3,"b":2,"c":4}.
JSON_MERGE_PRESERVE()函数和MySQL 5.7中的JSON_MERGE()是一样的,它会保留所有的值,例如JSON_MERGE('{"a":1,"b":2}','{"a":3,"c":4}');# returns {"a":[1,3],"b":2,"c":4}.
The JSON_MERGE_PRESERVE() function has the semantics of JSON_MERGE() implemented in MySQL 5.7 which preserves all values, for example JSON_MERGE('{"a":1,"b":2}','{"a":3,"c":4}'); #returns{"a":[1,3],"b":2,"c":4}.
The existing JSON_MERGE() function is deprecated in MySQL 8.0 to remove ambiguity for the merge operation. See also proposal in Bug#81283.
函数通过RFC7396实现了JavaScript(和其他脚本语言)的语法,换句话说,它将按照第二个文档为高优先级删除重复项。例如:JSON_MERGE('{"a":1,"b":2 }','{"a":3,"c":4 }'); # returns{"a":3,"b":2,"c":4}
函数和MySQL 5.7中的JSON_MERGE()
是一样的,它会保留所有的值,例如JSON_MERGE('{"a":1,"b":2}','{"a":3,"c":4}');# returns {"a":[1,3],"b":2,"c":4}.
函数在MySQL 8.0中已被弃用。参见Bug#81283中的提案。Support SRID in InnoDB Spatial Index(WL#10439) – This work by Elzbieta Babij makes InnoDB Spatial Indexes aware of the Spacial Reference System (SRS) of the indexed column.The geography support in 8.0 needs to compare geometries using different formulas depending upon the SRS. Therefore, the index must know which SRS it is in in order to work correctly. When a spatial index is created InnoDB will do a sanity check that SRID for all rows are of the same type as specified by column.See Argument Handling by Spatial Functions.
Ellipsoidal R-tree support functions (WL#10827) – This work by Norvald Ryeng reimplements the R-trees support functions for Minimum Bounding Rectangles (MBR) operations in a way that supports both Cartesian and geographical computations. R-tree indexes on columns with Cartesian geometries use Cartesian computations, and R-tree indexes on columns with geographic geometries use geographic computations. If an R-tree contains a mix of Cartesian and geographic geometries, or if any geometries are invalid, the result of any operation on that index is undefined.
SRID type modifier for geometric types (WL#8592) – This work by Erik Froseth adds a new column property for geometric types to specify the SRID. For example SRID 4326 in CREATE TABLE t1 (g GEOMETRY SRID 4326, p POINT SRID 0 NOT NULL);. Values inserted into a column with an SRID property must be in that SRID. Attempts to insert values with other SRIDs results in an exception condition being raised. Unmodified types, i.e., types with no SRID specification, will continue to accept all SRIDs as before. The optimizer is changed so that only indexes on columns with the SRID specified will be considered in query planning/execution.The specified SRID is exposed in both INFORMATION_SCHEMA.GEOMETRY_COLUMNS and INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS.
)中的SRID 4326;插入具有SRID属性的列中的值必须在该SRID中。尝试使用其他SRID插入值会导致引发异常情况。未修改的类型也就是不具有SRID规范的类型,还像以前一样继续接受所有的SRID。这个优化的改变方便了在查询计划/执行中仅考虑指定SRID的索引列的情况。指定的SRID显示在INFORMATION_SCHEMA.GEOMETRY_COLUMNSINFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS
中。Resource Groups (WL#9467) – This work by Thayumanavar Sachithanantha introduces global Resource Groups to MySQL. The purpose of Resource Groups is to decide on the mapping between user/system threads and CPUs. This can be used to split workloads across CPUs to obtain better efficiency and/or performance in some use cases. There are two default groups, one for user threads and one for system threads. Both default groups have 0 priority and no CPU affinity. DevOps/DBAs can create and manage additional Resource Groups with priority and CPU affinity using SQL CREATE/ALTER/DROP RESOURCE GROUP. Information about existing resource groups are found in INFORMATION_SCHEMA.RESOURCE_GROUPS. The user can execute a SQL query on a given resource group by adding the hint /*+ RESOURCE_GROUP(resource_group_name) */ after the initial SELECT, UPDATE, INSERT, REPLACE or DELETE keyword.
资源组(WL#9467)决定了用户/系统线程和CPU之间的映射用于在CPU之间拆分工作负载,以便在某些用例中获得更好的效率、性能。默认有两个资源组,一个用于用户线程,一个用于系统线程。两个默认的资源组优先级都为0,没有CPU亲缘性。DevOps / DBA
关键字之后添加hint “/ * + RESOURCE_GROUP(resource_group_name)* / ”
Digest Query Sample (WL#9830) – This work by Christopher Powers makes some changes to the EVENTS_STATEMENTS_SUMMARY_BY_DIGEST performance schema table to capture a full example query and some key information about this query example. The column QUERY_SAMPLE_TEXT is added to capture a query sample so that users can run EXPLAIN on a real query and to get a query plan. The column QUERY_SAMPLE_SEEN is added to capture the query sample timestamp. The column QUERY_SAMPLE_TIMER_WAIT is added to capture the query sample execution time. The columns FIRST_SEEN and LAST_SEEN have been modified to use fractional seconds.
Instrumentation meta-data (WL#7801) – This work by Marc Alff adds meta-data for instruments in performance schema table SETUP_INSTRUMENT. Meta-data act as online documentation, to be looked at by users or tools. It adds columns for “properties”, “volatility”, and “documentation”.
Service for componets (WL#9764) – This work by Marc Alff exposes the existing performance schema interface as a service which can be consumed by components in the new service infrastructure. With this work, code compiled as a component (not as a “plugin”) can invoke the performance schema instrumentation.
中的instruments添加元数据。元数据作为在线文档,由用户或工具查看。添加了三个列分别是“properties”, “volatility”, and和“documentation”。Caching sha2 authentication plugin (WL#9591) – This work by Harin Vadodaria introduces a new authentication plugin, caching_sha2_password, which uses a caching mechanism to speed up authentication.
A password is created (CREATE/ALTER USER) over a TLS protected connection. The server does multiple rounds of SHA256(password) with SALT and stores the “expensive” HASH in mysql.user.authentication_string. Note that only the expensive HASH is stored on server side, not the password. Then the “new user” initiates a authentication and gets a random number back from the server. The client sends a HASH based on this random number and the user provided password back to the server. The server then tries to verify the received HASH against the cached entry. If it is in the cache the authentication is ok, but the first time the user connects it will not be in the cache.
When the entry is not in the cache a full “expensive authentication” takes place: The client sends password on a TLS connection or encrypts the password using RSA keypair (password never sent without encryption). The server decrypts the password and creates the expensive HASH and compares it with mysql.user.authentication_string. If there is no match the server returns an error to the client, otherwise it creates a fast HASH and stores it in cache entry : ‘user’@’host’ -> SHA256(SHA256(password)) and returns ok back to the client. The next time the user is authenticated it will be fast since it will find the entry in the cache.
Password rotation policy (WL#6595) – This work by Georgi Kodinov introduces restrictions on password reuse. Restrictions can be configured at global level as well as individual user level. Password history is kept secure because it may give clues about habits or patterns used by individual users when they change their password. As previously, MySQL offers a password expiration policy which enforces password change based on time. MySQL also has the ability to control what can and can not be used as password. This work restrict password reuse and thus forces users to supply new strong passwords with each password change.
Retire skip-grant-tables (WL#4321) – This work by Kristofer Älvring disallows remote connections when the server is started with –skip-grant-tables. See also Bug#79027 reported by Omar Bourja.
进行比较。如果没有匹配,服务端会向客户端返回错误,否则创建一个快速的HASH并将其存储在缓存条目:'user'@'host' - > SHA256(SHA256(password))
中,并返回到客户端。下次用户认证时,它会很快,因为它会在缓存中找到该验证信息。Make metadata information transfer optional (WL#8134) – This work by Ramil Kalimullin adds an option to turn off metadata generation and transfer for resultsets. Constructing/parsing and sending/receiving resultset metadata consumes server, client and network resources. In some cases the metadata size can be much bigger than actual result data size and the metadata is just not needed. We can significantly speed up the query result transfer by completely disabling the generation and storage of these data. This work introduces a new session variable called resultset_metadata which can either be FULL (default) or NONE. Clients can set the CLIENT_OPTIONAL_RESULTSET_METADATA flag if they do not want meta data back with the resultset. There are no protocol changes for clients that don’t set the CLIENT_OPTIONAL_RESULTSET_METADATA, such clients will operate as before.
,可以设置 FULL
Component status variables as a service for mysql_server component (WL#10806) – This work by Venkata Sidagam provides a status variable service to components by the mysql_server component. The components can register, unregister, and get_variable to handle their own status variables. The component status variables will be added as status variables to the global names space of status variables.
Configuration system variables as a service for mysql_server component (WL#9424) – This work by Venkata Sidagam provides a system variable service to components by the mysql_server component. The components can register, unregister, and get_variable to handle their own system variables. The component system variables will be added as status variables to the global names space of system variables.
mysqlx.Crud.Update with MERGE_PATCH (WL#10797) – This work by Lukasz Kotula adds an operation type called MERGE_PATCH to the X Protocol Mysqlx.Crud.Update message. When the X Plugin handles the Mysqlx.Crud.Update message it uses the JSON_MERGE_PATCH() function in the server to modify documents. A document patch expression contains instructions about how the source document is to be modified producing a derived document. Document patches are represented as Mysqlx.Expr.Expr objects, as already defined in the X protocol. SQL mapping takes advantage of the JSON_MERGE_PATCH() function, which has the desired semantics for merging a “patch” document against another JSON document. In short, the mapping takes the form of: @result = JSON_MERGE_PATCH(source, @patch_expr) where @patch_expr is the expression generated for the patch object.
Mysqlx.Crud.Update on top level document (WL#10682) – This work by Grzegorz Szwarc modifies the existing Mysqlx.Crud.Update operation in the X Protocol / X Plugin. With this change the update operations (ITEM_REMOVE, ITEM_SET, ITEM_REPLACE, ARRAY_INSERT, ARRAY_APPEND) allow an empty document path to be specified. An empty document-path means that the update operates on the whole document. In other words, all operations that are executed through Mysqlx.Crud.Update can now operate on whole/root document. Any operation done on an existing document will preserve the existing Document ID.
Mysqlx.Crud.Find with row locking (WL#10645) – This work by Tomasz Stepniak adds a “locking” field to the Mysqlx.Crud.Find message. The X Plugin interprets the value under “locking” to activate the innodb locking functionality. There are three cases possible: 1) “locking” field was not specified, the interpretation of the message is the same as in old plugin (no locking activated). 2) “locking” was set to “SHARED_LOCK”, the interpretation of the message adds “LOCK IN SHARE MODE” to the generated SQL (triggering the innodb locking functionality), and 3) “locking” was set to “EXCLUSIVE_LOCK”, the interpretation of the message adds “FOR UPDATE” to the generated SQL (triggering the innodb locking functionality).
Spatial index type (WL#10734) – This work by Grzegorz Szwarc adds support for spatial indexes on GeoJSON data stored in JSON documents. Geographical coordinates in a document collection are represented in the GeoJSON format. GeoJSON data is converted to the GEOMETRY datatype by the X Plugin. GEOMETRY datatypes can be indexed by spatial indexes.
Full-Text index type (WL#10744) – This work by Grzegorz Szwarc makes adds support for Full-Text indexes on Documents. Full-Text indexes allows searching the entire document (or a sub-document) for any text value.
X Protocol expectations for supported protobuf fields (WL#10237) – This work by Lukasz Kotula introduces a new “condition key” to the X Protocol expectation mechanism. The client is going to send an “Expect Open” message containing message/fields tag chain and the server is going to validate if the field specified this way is present inside the definition of servers X Protocol message. This is done to ensure pipelining, message processing should be stopped when any message does not meet the expectation. This functionality helps to detect compatibility problems between the client application and the MySQL Server, when the server receives an X Protocol message containing a field that it doesn’t know.
X Protocol connector code extraction from mysqlxtest to libmysqlxclient (WL#9509) – This work by Lukasz Kotula implements a low level client/connector library that is going to be used by both internal and external components to connect to MySQL Server using the X Protocol. Hence the libmysqlxclient plays a similar role for X Protocol as libmysqlclient has done for the classic protocol.
对象,表示已在X 协议中定义过(这句有点问题)。SQL映射利用JSON_MERGE_PATCH()
函数,它具有将“补丁”文档与另一个JSON文档合并所需的语义。简而言之,映射的形式为:@result = JSON_MERGE_PATCH(source,@patch_expr)
操作。通过此更改,更新操作(ITEM_REMOVE,ITEM_SET,ITEM_REPLACE,ARRAY_INSERT,ARRAY_APPEND)允许指定一个空文档路径。空文档路径意味着更新对整个文档进行操作。换句话说,通过Mysqlx.Crud.Update执行的所有操作现在可以在整个/ root文档上运行。对现有文档进行的任何操作都将保留现有的文档ID。LOCK IN SHARE MODE
”,对消息的解析为生成的SQL添加“FOR UPDATE
”(触发innodb锁定功能)。Use CATS for scheduling lock release under high load (WL#10793) – This work by Sunny Bains implements Contention-Aware Transaction Scheduling (CATS) in InnoDB. The original patch was contributed by Jiamin Huang (Bug#84266). CATS helps in reducing the lock sys wait mutex contention by granting locks to transactions that have a higher wait in the dependency graph. The implementation keeps track of how many transactions are waiting for locks that are already acquired by a transaction and, recursively, how many transaction are waiting for those waiting transactions in the wait for graph. The waits-for-edge is “weighted” and this weight is used to order the transactions when scheduling the lock release. The weight is a cumulative weight of the dependencies.
在InnoDB中实现了竞争意识事务调度(CATS)。原来的补丁是Jiamin Huang(Bug#84266)提供的。CATS有助于通过向依赖关系图中具有较高等待的事务授予锁来减少锁等待互斥竞争。实现了记录跟踪事务已经获取的锁的数量有多少,进一步说,就是获取在等待图中等待其他事务的事务数量是多少。waits-for-edge是“加权”的,这个权重用于在调度锁版本时对事务进行排序。权重是依赖关系的累积权重。
InnoDB: Stop using rollback segments in the system tablespace (WL#10583) – This work by Kevin Lewis changes the minimum value for innodb_undo_tablespaces to 2 and modifies the code that deals with rollback segments in the system tablespace so that it can read, but not create or update rollback segements in an existing system tablespace. In 8.0, rollback segements are moved out of the system tablespace and into UNDO tablespaces.
Rename a general tablespace (WL#8972) – This work by Dyre Tjeldvoll implements ALTER TABLESPACE s1 RENAME TO s2; A general tablespace is a user-visible entity which users can CREATE, ALTER, and DROP. See also Bug#26949, Bug#32497, and Bug#58006.
的最小值更改为2,并修改处理系统表空间中的回滚段的代码,以便它可以读取在现有系统表空间中创建或更新回滚段。在8.0中,回滚段从系统表空间挪到了UNDO 表空间中了。ALTER TABLESPACE s1 RENAME TO s2
;重命名通用表空间,通用表空间是用户可见的实体,用户可以使用CREATE,ALTER和DROP操作它。另请参见Bug#26949,Bug#32497和Bug#58006。ALTER TABLE RENAME COLUMN (WL#10761) – This work by Abhishek Ranjan implements ALTER TABLE ... RENAME COLUMN old_name TO new_name;. This is an improvement over existing syntax ALTER TABLE <table_name> CHANGE ... which requires re-specification of all the attributes of the column. The old/existing syntax has the disadvantage that all the column information might not be available to the application trying to do the rename. There is also a risk of accidental data type change in the old/existing syntax which might result in data loss.
实现了ALTER TABLE ... RENAME COLUMN old_name TO new_name;
更改列名。老的语法ALTER TABLE <table_name> CHANGE ...
Replication of partial JSON updates (WL#2955) – This work by Maria Couceiro implements an option to enable/disable partial JSON updates. If the user disables the option, the server must only write full JSON documents to the binary log, and never partial JSON updates. If the user enables the option, the server may write partial JSON updates to the after-image of Row Based Replication updates in the binary log when possible. It may also write full JSON documents, e.g. in case the server cannot generate a partial JSON update, or if the partial JSON update would be bigger than the full document.
Instrument threads in GCS/XCom (WL#10622) – This work by Filipe Campos instruments the GCS and XCom threads and exposes them automatically in performance schema table metrics. It is also a requirement that we do further instrumentation in XCom and GCS, such as mutexes and condition variables, as well as memory usage.
Change GCS/XCOM to have dynamic debugging and tracing (WL#10200) – This work by Alfranio Correia implements dynamical filtering for debugging and tracing messages per sub-system (i.e. GCS, XCOM, etc). Debugging can be turned on by SET GLOBAL group_replication_communication_debug_options='GCS_DEBUG_ALL';. Error, warning and information messages will be output as defined by the server’s error logging component. Debug and trace messages will sent to a file when group replication is in use. By default the file used as debug sink will be named GCS_DEBUG_TRACE and will be placed in the data directory.
SET GLOBAL group_replication_communication_debug_options ='GCS_DEBUG_ALL';
打开调试 。错误,警告信息将按服务的错误记录组件定义输出。使用组复制时,调试和跟踪消息将发送到文件。默认情况下,用作调试接收信息的文件将被命名为GCS_DEBUG_TRACE,并将被放置在数据目录中。Support crash-safe DDL (WL#9536) – This work by Bin Su and Jimmy Yang ensures crash-safe DDL for MySQL. This work materializes one of the main benefits of having one common transactional data dictionary for server and storage engine layers, i.e. it is no longer possible for Server and InnoDB to have different metadata for database objects.
Improve crash-safety of non-table DDL (WL#9173) – This work by Praveenkumar Hulakund ensures crash-safety of non-table DDLs. For example CREATE/ALTER/DROP FUNCTION/PROCEDURE/EVENT/VIEW.
Implicit tablespace name should be same as table name (WL#10436) – This work by Thirunarayanan Balathandayuth ensures that a CREATE TABLE creates an implicit tablespace with the same name. This is only for implicitly created tablespaces, the user can also create explicitly named tablespaces and create tables within explicitly named tablespaces.
Remove InnoDB system tables and modify the views of their information schema counterparts (WL#9535) – This work by Zheng Lai removes the InnoDB internal data dictionary (SYS_* tables). Some of the INFORMATION_SCHEMA information are based on SYS_* tables, for example information_schema.innodb_sys_tables and information_schema.innodb_sys_tablespaces. These information_schema tables are replaced with views over data dictionary tables.
Integrating InnoDB SDI with new data dictionary (WL#9538) – This work by Satya Bodapati ensures that the JSON formatted Serialized Dictionary Information (SDI) is stored in the InnoDB tablespaces. This work also assures that the SDI gets updated when meta-data are changed, e.g. because of an ALTER TABLE. There is also a tool ibd2sdi, which is able extract SDI from an InnoDB tablespace when the server is offline.
Implement INFORMATION_SCHEMA system views for FILES/PARTITIONS (WL#9814) – This work by Gopal Shankar implements new system views definition for INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PARTITIONS and INFORMATION_SCHEMA.FILES. These views read metadata directly from data dictionary tables.
Meta-data locking for FOREIGN KEY tables (WL#6049) – This work by Dmitry Lenev implements meta-data locking for foreign keys. This involves acquiring metadata locks on tables across foreign key relationships so that conflicting operations are blocked as well as updating FK metadata if a parent table changes. This work is enabled by the common data dictionary which makes foreign keys visible to the server layer, thus to meta-data locking.
Implement INFORMATION_SCHEMA.REFERENTIAL_CONSTRAINTS as a system views over dictionary tables (WL#11059) – This work by Gopal Shankar implements new system views definition for INFORMATION_SCHEMA.REFERENTIAL_CONSTRAINTS. This view reads metadata directly from data dictionary tables.
实现了新的系统视图定义。此视图从数据字典表中直接读取元数据。Change Server General tests to run with new default charset (WL#10299) – This work by Deepa Dixit fixes MTR tests so they now run with the new default character set.
Add/Extend mtr tests for Replication/GR for roles (WL#10886) – This work by Deepthi E.S. adds MTR tests to ensure that Roles are replicated as expected. For example tests must verify that ROLES on replication users used in ‘CHANGE MASTER TO’work as expected for RPL/GR.
Add/Extend mtr tests for replication with generated columns and X plugin (WL#9776) – This work by Parveez Baig adds MTR tests to ensure that stored/virtual columns are replicated as expected. For example that replication shall not be affected when transactions involve stored or virtual columns.
Upgrade zlib libraries to 1.2.11 in trunk (WL#10551) – This work by Aditya A. upgrades the zlib library versions from zlib 1.2.3 to zlib 1.2.11 for MySQL 8.0.
MySQL 8.0中,zlib库从1.2.3版本升级到1.2.11版本。
Autoscale InnoDB resources based on system resources by default (WL#9193) – This work by Mayank Prasad introduces a new option innodb_dedicated_server which can be set OFF/ON (OFF by default). If ON, settings for following InnoDB variables (if not specified explicitly) would be scaled accordingly innodb_buffer_pool_size, innodb_log_file_size,and innodb_flush_method. See also blog post Plan to improve the out of the Box Experience in MySQL 8.0 by Morgan Tocker.
Change innodb_autoinc_lock_mode default to 2 (WL#9699) – This work by Mayank Prasad changes the default of innodb_autoinc_lock_mode from sequential (1) to interleaved (2). This can be done because the default replication format is row-based replication. This change is known to be incompatible with statement based replication, and may break some applications or user-generated test suites that depend on sequential auto increment. The previous default can be restored by setting innodb_autoinc_lock_mode=1;
Change innodb_flush_neighbors default to 0 (WL#9631) – This work by Mayank Prasad changes the default of innodb_flush_neighbors from 1 (enable) to 0 (disable). This is done because fast IO (SSDs) is now the default for deployment. We expect that for the majority of users, this will result in a small performance gain. Users who are using slower hard drives may see a performance loss, and are encouraged to revert to the previous defaults by setting innodb_flush_neighbors=1.
Change innodb_max_dirty_pages_pct_lwm default to 10 (WL#9630) – This work by Mayank Prasad changes the default of innodb_max_dirty_pages_pct_lwm from 0 (%) to 10 (%). With innodb_max_dirty_pages_pct_lwm=10, InnoDB will increase its flushing activity when >10% of the buffer pool contains modified (‘dirty’) pages. The motivation for this default change is to trade off peak throughput slightly, in exchange for more consistent performance. We do not expect the majority of users to see impact from this change, but symptomatically query throughput may be reduced after a number of sustained modifications. Users who wish to revert to the previous behavior can set innodb_max_dirty_pages_pct_lwm=0. The value of zero disables the increased flushing heuristic.
Change innodb_max_dirty_pages_pct default to 90 (WL#9707) – This work by Mayank Prasad changes the default of innodb_max_dirty_pages_pct from 75 (%) to 90 (%). With this change, InnoDB will allow a slightly greater number of modified (‘dirty’) pages in the buffer pool, at the risk of a lower amount of free-able space for other operations that require loading pages into the buffer pool. However in practice, InnoDB does not have the same reliance on innodb_max_dirty_pages_pct as it did in earlier versions of MySQL because of the introduction of a new low-watermark heuristic. With innodb_max_dirty_pages_pct_lwm, flushing activity increases at a much earlier point (default: 10%). Users wishing to revert to the previous behavior can set innodb_max_dirty_pages_pct=75 and innodb_max_dirty_pages_pct_lwm=0.
Change default algorithm for calculating back_log (WL#9704) – This work by Abhishek Ranjan changes the algorithm used for the back_log default which is autosize (-1). The new algorithm is simply to set back_log equal to max_connections. Default value will be capped to maximum limit permitted by range of ‘back_log’ (65535). The old algorithm was to set back_log = 50 + (max_connections / 5).
Change max-allowed-packet compiled default to 64M (WL#8393) – This work by Abhishek Ranjan changes the default of max_allowed_packet from 4194304 (4M) to 67108864 (64M). The main advantage with this larger default is that fewer users receive errors about insert or query being larger than max_allowed_packet. Users wishing to revert to the previous behavior can set max_allowed_packet=4194304.
Change max_error_count default to 1024 (WL#9686) – This work by Abhishek Ranjan changes the default of max_error_count from 64 to 1024. The effect is that MySQL will handle a larger number of warnings, e.g. for an UPDATE statement that touches 1000s of rows and many of them give conversion warnings (batched updates). There are no static allocations, so this change will only affect memory consumption for statements that generate lots of warnings.
Enable event_scheduler by default (WL#9644) – This work by Abhishek Ranjan changes the default of event_scheduler from OFF to ON. This is seen as an enabler for new features in SYS, for example “kill idle transactions”.
Enable binary log by default (WL#10470) – This work by Narendra Chauhan changes the default of –log-bin from OFF to ON. Nearly all production installations have the binary log enabled as it is used for replication and point-in-time recovery. Thus, by enabling binary log by default we eliminate one configuration step for users (enabling it later requires a mysqld restart). By enabling it by default we also get better test coverage and it becomes easier to spot performance regressions.
Enable replication chains by default (WL#10479) – This work by Ganapati Sabhahit changes the default of log-slave-updates from OFF to ON. This causes a slave to log replicated events into its own binary log. This option ensures correct behavior in various replication chain setups, which have become the norm today. This is also required for Group Replication.
默认情况下,根据系统资源自动调整InnoDB资源。引入了一个新的选项 innodb_dedicated_server
,可以设置为OFF / ON(默认为OFF)。如果为ON,则下列InnoDB变量(如果未明确指定)的设置将相应缩为innodb_buffer_pool_size
。另请参阅Morgan Tocker的针对MySQL8.0创造性改善计划的博客文章。
。0值禁止the increased flushing heuristic(这句不知道怎么翻译)innodb_max_dirty_pages_pct
。默认值将被限制到“back_log”(65535)范围允许的最大限制。旧的算法是设置的back_log = 50 +
(max_connections / 5)。max_allowed_packet
的默认值从64 更改为1024.这样MySQL可以处理更多的警告,例如,一个UPDATE语句触发 1000行的记录变更,这个过程会生成一些警告(批量更新)。没有静态分配,所以这个变更只会影响生成大量警告的语句的内存消耗。event_scheduler
的默认值从OFF 更改为ON。这被视为对SYS中新功能的启用,例如“kill idle transaction”。log-slave-updates
的默认值从OFF改为ON。这样从机会把复制的事件记录到其自己的二进制日志中以确保在各种复制链中的参数设置正确,而这也已成为现在的一个标准,这还是组复制所必需的。Remove query cache (WL#10824) – This work by Steinar Gunderson removes the query cache for 8.0. See also blog post Retiring Support for the Query Cache by Morgan Tocker. All related startup options and configuration variables are removed as well. HAVE_QUERY_CACHE will now return NO, so that well-behaved clients can check for this and behave accordingly. The SQL_NO_CACHE keyword will continue to exist, but will be ignored (no effect in the grammar). This is so that e.g. mysqldump can continue working.
Rename tx_{read_only,isolation} variables to transaction_{read_only,isolation} (WL#9636) – This work by Nisha Gopalakrishnan removes the system variables called tx_read_only and tx_isolation. Use transaction_read_only and transaction_isolation instead. This is done to harmonize wording with command-line format –transaction_read_only and –transaction_isolation as well as with other transaction related system varaibles like transaction_alloc_block_size, transaction_allow_batching, and transaction_prealloc_size. See also Bug#70008 reported by Simon Mudd.
Remove log_warnings option (WL#9676) – This work by Tatjana Nurnberg removes the old log-warnings option deprecated in 5.7. Use log_error_verbosity instead.
Remove ignore_builtin_innodb option (WL#9675) – This work by Georgi Kodinov removes the old ignore_builtin_innodb options deprecated in 5.6. Even when used, these options have had no effect since MySQL 5.6.
Remove ENCODE()/DECODE() functions (WL#10788) – This work by Georgi Kodinov removes the ENCODE() and DECODE() functions deprecated in 5.7.Use AES_ENCRYPT() and AES_DECRYPT() instead.
Remove ENCRYPT(), DES_ENCRYPT(), and DES_DECRYPT() functions (WL#10789) –This work by Georgi Kodinov removes the ENCRYPT(), DES_ENCRYPT(),and DES_DECRYPT() functions deprecated in 5.7. Use AES_ENCRYPT() and AES_DECRYPT() instead.
Remove parameter secure_auth (WL#9674) – This work by Georgi Kodinov removes the secure_auth deprecated in 5.7. The option appears in server and clients. Even when used, these options have had no effect since MySQL 5.7. The secure-auth was used to control whether the mysql_old_password methods are allowed on the client and the server but this authentication method is now gone from both the client and the server.
Remove EXPLAIN PARTITIONS and EXTENDED options (WL#9678) – This work by Sreeharsha Ramanavarapu removes the EXTENDED and PARTITIONS keywords from EXPLAINdeprecated in 5.7. Both EXTENDED and PARTITIONS output are enabled by default since 5.7, so these keywords are superfluous and thus removed.
Remove unused date_format, datetime_format, time_format, max_tmp_tables (WL#9680) – This work by Sreeharsha Ramanavarapu removes system variables date_format, datetime_format, time_format,and max_tmp_tables. These variables have never been in use (or at least not been used in MySQL 4.1 or newer releases).
Remove multi_range_count system variable (WL#10908) – This work by Sreeharsha Ramanavarapu removes the system variable multi_range_count deprecated in 5.1. Even when used, this option has had no effect since MySQL 5.5. From MySQL 5.5 and onwards, arbitrarily long lists of ranges can be processed.
Remove the global scope of the sql_log_bin system variable (WL#10922) – This work by Luis Soares removes the global scope of the sql_log_bin system variable in MySQL 8.0. The sql_log_bin was set read only in MySQL 5.5, 5.6 and 5.7. In addition, reading this variable was deprecated in MySQL 5.7. See also Bug#67433 reported by Jeremy Cole.
Deprecate and files (WL#6959) – This work by Luis Soares implements a deprecation warning in the server when either relay-log-info-repository or master-info-repository are set to FILE instead of TABLE. The default setting is TABLE for both options and this is also the most crash-safe setup.
Deprecate mysqlbinlog –stop-never-slave-server-id (WL#9633) – This work by Luis Soares implements a deprecation warning in the mysqlbinlog utility for the –stop-never-slave-server-id option. Use the –connection-server-id option instead.
Deprecate mysqlbinlog- -short-form (WL#9632) – This work by Luis Soares implements a deprecation warning in the mysqlbinlog utility for the –short-form option. This option is not to be used in production (as stated in the docs) and is now too overloaded to be used even when testing.
Deprecate IGNORE_SERVER_IDS when GTID_MODE=ON (WL#10963) – This work by Luis Soares implements a deprecation warning when users try to use CHANGE MASTER TOIGNORE_SERVER_IDS together with GTID_MODE=ON. When GTID_MODE=ON, any transaction that has been applied is automatically filtered out, so there is no need for IGNORE_SERVER_IDS.
Deprecate expire_logs_days (WL#10924) – This work by Neha Kumari adds a deprecation warning when users try to set expire_logs_days. Use the new variable binlog_expire_log_seconds instead. The new variable allows users to set expire time which need not be a multiple of days. This is the better way to set the expiration time and also more flexible, it makes the system variable expire_logs_days superfluous.
选项。从MySQL 5.6起,即使使用,些选项也没有任何效果。ENCODE()
。这些变量从来没有被使用过(或至少没有在MySQL 4.1或更新的版本中使用)。multi_range_count
在MySQL 5.5,5.6和5.7被设置为只读。另外,在MySQL5.7中这个变量已经不可读。另见Jeremy Cole报道的Bug#67433。relay-log-info-repository
参数的mysqlbinlog应用中实现了一个废弃警告。此选项不会在生产中使用(如文档中所述),并且现在过载甚至在测试时也不会被使用。GTID_MODE = ON
变得有些多余。本文分享自 MySQLBeginner 微信公众号,前往查看
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