from threading import Thread from flask import url_for,current_app from flask_mail import Message from extensions import mail
def _send_async_mail(app,message): with app.app_context(): mail.send(message)
def send_mail(subject,to,html): app=current_app._get_current_object() message = Message(subject, recipients=[to], html=html) thr = Thread(target=_send_async_mail, args=[app, message]) thr.start() return thr
def send_new_comment_email(post): post_url = url_for('blog.show_post',, _external=True) + '#comments' send_mail(subject='New comment', to=current_app.config['FLASKBLOG_EMAIL'], html='<p>New comment in post <i>%s</i>, click the link below to check:</p>' '<p><a href="%s">%s</a></P>' '<p><small style="color: #868e96">Do not reply this email.</small></p>' % (post.title, post_url, post_url))
def send_new_reply_email(comment): if post_url = url_for('blog.show_post', post_id=comment.post_id, _external=True) + '#comments' send_mail(subject='New reply',, html='<p>New reply for the comment you left in post <i>%s</i>, click the link below to check: </p>' '<p><a href="%s">%s</a></p>' '<p><small style="color: #868e96">Do not reply this email.</small></p>' % (, post_url, post_url))