说明:Simple check一般用于被监控的对象上无法安装客户端的情况,通过检测网络通讯状态及端口状态来监控对象的存活情况。
1、Simple check的几个KEY
icmpping[<target>,<packets>,<interval>,<size>,<timeout>] | Checks if server is accessible by ICMP ping. 0 - ICMP ping fails. 1 - ICMP ping successful. One of zabbix_server processes performs ICMP pings once per PingerFrequency seconds. 使用PING命令检测通讯状态,返回0表示不通,返回1表示通过 |
icmppingloss[<target>,<packets>,<interval>,<size>,<timeout>] | Returns percentage of lost ICMP ping packets. 返回丢失包占的比例 |
icmppingsec[<target>,<packets>,<interval>,<size>,<timeout>,<mode>] | Returns ICMP ping response time in seconds. Example: 0.02 返回PING影响时间 |
net.tcp.service.perf[service,<ip>,<port>] | Check performance of service. 0 - service is down, sec - number of seconds spent on connection to the service. If <ip> is missing, IP or DNS name is taken from host definition. If <port> is missing, default service port is used. 检查服务性能 |
net.tcp.service[service,<ip>,<port>] | Check if service is available. 0 - service is down, 1 - service is running. If <ip> is missing, IP or DNS name is taken from host definition. If <port> is missing, default service port is used. 检查服务是否运行 |
target: 主机名或ip地址
packets: 数据包的数量
size: 包的大小,以字节为单位
timeout: 超时时间,以毫秒为单位
2、安装 fping (可装可不装)
说明:zabbix 可以使用fping替代ping作为icmp的工具
[root@zabbix ~]# cd /home/zabbix
[root@zabbix zabbix]# wget http://repo.zabbix.com/non-supported/rhel/6/x86_64/fping-2.4b2-16.el6.x86_64.rpm
[root@zabbix zabbix]# rpm -ivh fping-2.4b2-16.el6.x86_64.rpm
[root@zabbix zabbix]# vi /usr/local/zabbix/etc/zabbix_server.conf
[root@zabbix zabbix]# service zabbix_server restart
4、查看Latest data
结论:本节讲的比较简单,Simple check本身就是一个简单检查,主要是通过ping对象的IP地址来确认对象的存活状态;常用来监控网络打印机、宽带的公网网关地址、网络监控设备、不支持SNMP的交换机和无线路由器、无法安装客户端的电脑等;将监控最大化的横向扩展。